
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Ranked Player Distribution

Hello Blizz,

I would like to ask you, if there is a chance on updating the ranked player distribution. The latest confirmed information that I found was for Season 1:

Then you posted info, that you will lower the diamond players by half and balance the player base a bit in each division, so the graph definitely changed a lot since season 1.

Many people are interested in this and other games similiar to HotS have this information avalaible, so is there a chance that you will share this info with us in the near future?

Thanks for feedback and your time.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    We updated it after season 1. I don't have a pretty graph handy, but the breakdown by percentage of players is...

    Bronze: 8% Silver: 35% Gold: 35% Platinum: 15% Diamond: 8% Master: 1%

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    That's greater than 100%.

    Yeah, I typo'd it the first time but fixed it when I added the edit a few minutes later. You read fast. ;)

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    I wonder why there aren't more bronze players? Plat Diamond and Master seems fine, but Bronze Silver Gold distro is weird.

    Feels, basically.

    We aren't aiming for a normal distribution, but rather one that makes sense and feels good for the majority of players. High ranks should feel exclusive, but not impossible to reach, while lower ranks should allow for movement while still containing the majority of players.

    For bronze specifically, no one wants to be in the bottom tier, but someone has to be on the bottom. So, bronze exists, but is a relatively small number of players.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    The problem with 70% of the player population beeing in 2 grps (silver and gold) is that there is a large disparity between players in skill and knowledge, which can lead to really bad games.

    I know i'm not a very good player (silver/gold) but I follow this subreddit, I watch HGC so my general knowledge is better than most silver/gold players I would say. Some games are really really frustrating when people at lvl 22 with keep and fort down in the same lane start doiung merc camps or bosses after wiping the other team. So while you want it to feel good, it doesn't really feel good when the player skill level is so different in your games.

    This is the rank distribution, not the MMR one. MMR distribution follows a normal curve.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Does the matchmaker take rank into account at all? Or is it solely based on MMR?

    It uses both. MMR is the primary match, but because players can't see MMR, it also tries to put players of similar rank together since rank is the only visible indication of skill currently.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    But why take "rank" into account at all? If rank is a purely cosmetic indicator of skill, and MMR is the "real" skill, why not just match on that? I might be confused, but I'm reading your response to mean that you will actually give worse matches than MMR would, solely for it to appear to be closer than it actual is (by showing rank).

    It's a perception consideration. Players get upset when they see people of different rank in their games, even if they're the same MMR.

    It's the primary argument for getting visible MMR in-game.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    What's the reason for MMR not being public then? Trying to blackbox MMR so people won't game the system as much?

    (honest uneducated question)

    There are downsides to showing MMR.

    MMR is just a measurement. Its simply a representation of skill that the system can use to put people of similar skill together in a game. In a perfect world, MMR only moves as a player's skill changes, which is to say, it doesn't change much for most players and when it does change, it does so pretty slowly. Getting better at the game takes practice and time.

    When MMR is visible, though, it gets viewed as a reward system rather than a measurement. It becomes a focus for players to "increase their MMR" instead of working to increase their skill, despite the fact that increasing skill is how you increase MMR. That can then lead to frustration when MMR doesn't increase quickly and, worst case, it can lead to players trying to find ways to artificially increase MMR. Most of the time, that doesn't pan out, but even if they were to find a reliable way to boost their MMR, all they're doing is creating worse matches for themselves and people matched with them.

    So, we show rank instead of MMR. Rank IS meant as a reward mechanism. It's linked to your MMR, but allows more movement than MMR so you can go on a win streak and spike your rank up a bit, which feels good without hurting matchmaking quality since your MMR isn't spiking in the same way.

    This whole thing has led to many long, and often heated, discussions about whether showing MMR is a net positive or net negative, but overall we'd like to make it visible in a way that doesn't put a lot of focus on it. Then we can stop taking rank into account for matchmaking at all and do it purely on MMR. Doing so comes with potentially significant downsides, though, so it hasn't been a high priority item.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for answering! Honestly didn’t expect a response

    Happy to answer. I enjoy these conversations, just don't get an opportunity very often. :)

    I should make clear that the rank consideration is secondary. MMR is the primary matching mechanism. The system first tries to find players of similar MMR and rank to make matches. If it can't, it first expands the range of ranks it will consider while still trying to make tight MMR matches.

    So, if your rank and MMR differ significantly (which doesn't happen a lot due to the effect of PRA), the impact is primarily on increased queue times for that player instead of match quality.
