
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

What happened to Personal Rank Adjustment?

Feels like everyone on masters is getting catapulted to GM with 30+ points every game. Is this intended? Is this happening throughout the ladder?

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    It's a little complicated, but intended.

    The highest you can place in terms of rank points is at Master 1000, but extremely good players can have MMRs that would correspond with higher rank points in Master.

    Similar to how PRA helps move players to the rank they should be in other ranks, it also helps the high MMR Master players move higher into Master to differentiate them from lower MMR Master players.

    In the past, this effect was fairly dulled, but we made a tweak with this season to allow very high MMR players to have positive PRA adjustment for longer in Master, which should help to ensure the highest MMR players are also the higher-ranked GM players.

    The higher your MMR, the longer you'll get positive PRA in Master, with the PRA for the highest MMR players leveling out around 15k rank points into Master.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Can you update us on PBMMR please?

    With the issues that cropped up last season, our focus was just making sure this season roll was clean and everything went smoothly. While PBMM wasn't the cause of the problems last season, it did add more moving parts. So, we tabled it for a bit and let our engineers focus.

    There are also a couple tweaks we want to make to it based on what we saw while it was live.

    Things seem to be going well so far with this season roll, so we're looking at when we can get those changes done and bring it back online.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    This is great insight and all, I appreciate you letting us know.

    However, shouldn't stuff like this be more front and center? (Website, In game Rank page, Launcher)

    We shouldn't need to stumble across a random reply from a blue name on reddit in order to be made clear of it.

    Yes, it should have been in the patch notes. That was an oversight.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    thanks for the info, can you also please elaborate on why the bar got increased to 15k instead of narrowing the matchmaker selection.

    it just seems that it heavily favours people who just grind a lot of games, and actual performance has less value.

    now people get 8k points and have 50% winrate, which seems ridiculous by previous season metrics, and the end result will most likely be the same, or, im afraid thatquality of the games might even drop, with pros being too lazy to grind same amount as HL nolifers

    It's two different things. The matchmaker goes off MMR, not your rank points in Master.

    Pushing the leveling point to 15k means there's more room for GMs to differentiate themselves, but it doesn't affect matchmaking as it's not changing MMR.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Does that mean in the past mmr changes were far more drastic then it appeared on PRA ? Because currently it seems to me that as long as maintain a winrate above %50(currently 55), my PRA goes up with every game even if I lose sometimes. I'm not sure how it works in the leagues below Master, but I hope this generous PRA system doesn't make half the playerbase flood Master league, as that would take away its purpose.

    This didn't change anything below Master.

    PRA isn't an easy-to-understand number, unfortunately. As a base concept, its attempting to pull players to the rank that corresponds with their MMR. That's not a linear translation, though, since different rank tiers have different percentages of the population. So, as you run through the tiers, there are points where PRA will tend to be positive and other points where it will tend to be negative. Your win rate affects that in that your rank moves faster than your MMR, but it's not the only factor involved.

    Long term, I'd like to get rid of PRA entirely. It's unwieldy and not a great experience to see negative adjustments as a "reward" for going on a win streak.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Is Favored Adjustment removed from HL? I haven't seen a single instance of it since last season.

    Nope. It's still there, but only kicks in when the system has had to make an uneven match and one team is favored to win over another. If you haven't seen it, it means you've been playing matches the system believes were even.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Hmm, so the plan is to eventually swap PRA with PBMMR?

    Yeah, PBMM should be able to fulfill the same goal in a more positive way.
