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AMA with Heroes Developers – April 13, 2018

Greetings, Heroes!

As mentioned yesterday, we’re hosting an AMA here on r/heroesofthestorm today, April 13! The Heroes devs will begin answering questions from 10:00 a.m. PDT (19:00 CEST) until 12:00 p.m. PDT (21:00 CEST). We posted this thread a couple of hours early to give you more time to post your questions and upvote others.

We recently released a blog to share our thoughts on several hot topics in the Heroes community. We also wanted to do this AMA to give you more opportunity to ask members of the dev team about any additional questions you might have. A few specific areas we’d like to focus on today include: matchmaking, ranked play, Hero balance, and player behavior.

Attending will be:

Please note: We’ll also be asking players from non-English speaking communities to partake in the AMA by submitting their questions to the Community Managers representing their regions. As such, you might see a few Blizzard Community Managers posting questions (in English) on behalf of their communities during the Q&A. Feel free to upvote any questions you’d like to see answered.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Hello and thank you to the HotS devs for being willing to have this AMA.  I have so many questions I'd like to ask (especially in regards to mobility, as I'm doing a piece on that soon) but I'm going to avoid being selfish and stick to the big one, the one that I feel many of us are the most concerned about: The third ban.

    I'll start with the question before I go too far into my little diatribe here: What made you conclude that the third ban is best served being added to the middle of the draft and not the start?  And given the very large number of pros who feel differently (i.e. that we should have two early bans and remove the 3/2 split from drafts in favor of letting both teams draft 3 before the mid-phase ban), are you open to the idea of changing this to better fit what the professional scene feels is more appropriate?

    In case you are still on the fence about another early ban, I'd like to offer my thoughts on the subject.  And, as I often do when I'm passionate about a topic, I have crafted a spreadsheet to help supplement this discussion with HGC data that I feel will help shed light on why the ban belongs in front.  That is located here.  I apologize as it is not the prettiest or most easily read thing in the world, but I had to whip it up over night to be ready for this AMA, so hopefully you'll forgive my tidiness failure. :)

    This sheet helps showcase how HGC picks and bans have been distributed thus far in NA, EU, and KR in the regular season (up to Week 8).  I've divided the figures by patch and by map to account for various competitive differences that could lead to more heavy prioritization on "meta" picks.  What I found is that the first ban typically only includes about 2-4 "must-bans" on any given patch or map (i.e. heroes that are banned in more than 25% of matches) out of a much larger range (usually 12-24) of total early phase bans.

    This suggests, at least to me, that the first ban is already being used very strategically by teams in the HGC to target enemy team hero pools as they should be, and not just to ban out "meta" heroes, as many people are afraid that a second early ban might create.  Pro teams are currently using the first ban to target their opponent's strengths more often than they use it to target "meta" heroes, and "generalist" picks will still be viable as early draft selections.  As such, adding a second ban to the start of the draft could provide greater diversity in the overall draft process by allowing teams to influence the draft more at the early stages.  If I'm playing HHE and I'm afraid of Khroen's Hanzo, but also don't want to give up Dehaka to Mcintyre on a rotation-heavy map, being able to ban both of these is a much more valuable use of two bans than to just ban generic top-tier choices like Malf and Stukov (i.e. the common counterargument to two early bans, a "role choke").  I can force them out of comfort picks and make them adapt to what I want, giving me more strategic value for my bans, not less.

    The only heroes that tend to buck this trend of being picked by map or team are heroes like Maiev, i.e. the ones that crop up as "OP" for a time and then fade away as they become less of a balance issue.  So most typically, the only heroes which show up frequently in the first ban phase are those which exceeded balance boundaries.  And while obviously the goal is to avoid having any of these, it's always possible that strong heroes manage to slip through.  A second early ban provides a "buffer" against this by allowing teams to ban out the "OPs" and still giving them a chance to target their bans based on their opponents or based on the map.

    To summarize this before I run too long (though it may be too late for that), I believe that a third ban belongs in front, not at the mid-phase, and that both teams should get to pick 3 heroes before the mid-phase ban.  My reasons are thus:

    1) Greater diversity in draft by allowing teams to prioritize more potential strengths on a given map or vs a given team

    2) Provides an additional "buffer" against balance issues that could spoil draft

    3) Greater strategic decision making and influence on the draft

    Thank you for your consideration and I hope to hear your feelings on this topic!

    We’ve been discussing adding third bans since around the middle of last year. The idea to place the third ban in the mid-ban phase came from feedback from both the community and the pros. The initial requests for the third ban started coming up because there were now enough heroes in the pool that could fill similar roles that a counter-ban in the mid-ban phase was losing effectiveness. Adding an additional ban at that point would bring teeth back to mid-draft bans.

    Taking a step back, the core idea is that the mid-ban is a strategic ban based on how the draft is unfolding, while the first ban is primarily a meta ban. At the highest levels of play, some strategy comes into play during the first ban phase, as HGC teams have done significant research into their opponents, but for most players, the first ban gets used to remove whatever hero tends to be on top of the meta at that moment. In higher ranks, it gets a bit more variety as it will sometimes be the hero that is on top of the meta for that battleground, but that’s not the typical situation.

    That being said, sentiment shifts over time, and we’re open to revisiting this and adding the third ban as a first-ban instead. The feeling is that doing so would be mainly addressing a more short-term concern, the release of overpowered heroes, where an additional mid-ban is more interesting long-term. We’ve been watching the community response and are interested to see if folks still feel strongly about adding it as a first-ban after seeing the reasoning behind the mid-ban.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)
    • Quick Match has been a hot topic in the community lately. Whats your take on it?

    There have been suggestions from outright removing QM from the game, over massively reworking it into a mode that works differently, to simply prioritizing it way less in the mode screen, "hiding" it behind a "brawl" tab that includes the current brawl mode as well as the current QM mode.
    From what limited information we have, QM is still the most popular gamemmode (though feel free to quantify or correct that). However, many people in the community voice their concerns about it working so very differently from draft modes, teaching people a completely different game than they play when they draft in either Unranked, HL or TL.
    Are there any plans on your side to change how QM works or do you have any other thoughts towards the topic and the huge difference between QM and draft modes? Would you be open to promote Unranked Draft as the "standard" gamemode of HotS instead of QM?

    • "Teaching the community" is another big topic lately. Do you have thoughts towards that that you can share?

    This somewhat ties into the QM question before but has more facettes to it. Overall, a large part ofthe HotS playerbase often seems un- or misinformed in many ways about the right way to draft to a map, build a composition, counter opponents or even just basic concepts of playing - the importance of soak, when to take mercenary camps, overall macro play, when to fight for an objective and when to give it and many more aspects of the game. I understand that you implemented certain helpful things in the past months in that regard. The ability to ping talent tier advantages and the auto-notification of 10 and 20 talent advantages, for instance. However, especially the jump from QM to Draft seems to be very large for many people. Do you have thoughts or plans towards bridging this gap or on the overall teaching of the average player?

    • Another topic that comes up over and over again: A redesign of hero classes

    This directly ties into the teaching question above: Warrior, Assassin, Specialist and Support are regarded in the community as completely meaningless and are completely disregarded for a more complex matching system in Quick Match. Sonya is not a Tank, neither is D.Va. Muradin is a terrible offlaner. Malthael and Valla have completely different roles. Tassadar and Tyrande aren't supports in the same Vein as Stukov and Malfurion. Specialist is a relatively meaningless word considering the Heroes in the category.
    Are there any plans to rework this system? If so: Do you have a roadmap for this? Would you consider more hero categories ("Maintank", "Bruiser", "Ranged Assassin", ...) or a point-system in multiple skill categories akin to DotAs system (For instance, 0-3 points in healing, cc, durability, burst, waveclear, ...) as viable? Do you have other ideas?

    • An API for individual and global statistics has been another topic since forever

    Global and individual statistics on drafting, talent picks, number stats for heroes and similar things can help inform the playerbase in many ways, from self-evaluation to informed discussions about the meta and development of heroes on different skilllevels.
    For the most part, the playerbase has the very limited datasets of Hotslogs and HotsAPI available, but it's not like these are even near to complete. However, the continued usage of these sites alongside the popularity of comparable sites for other Mobas show that there's a high demand for data. I understand that in a recent interview, you talked about making some internal progress on the topic but it being a question of priority and how much support people want. Can you specify more about the priority of opening an API or why it's not very high at the moment? Do you wish to get feedback towards what people want in that regard? Do you have a roadmap for this?

    • Hero Swaps and it's alternatives

    In the recent blog post, you mentioned issues with implementing hero swaps. Other Mobas have implemented systems around this, do you have an opinion on these?
    Also, you wrote about alternatives (position swaps, TL-like drafting in HL) and about possibly testing these in Unranked Draft. Do you have a roadmap on these? How high on your list of priorities is this?

    • As of now, Team League seems to have a lot of issues to the point where barely anyone plays the mode. Do you have thoughts towards that?

    Not only are queue times extremely long especially for 2 stacks and in the less populated regions, people playing in parties combining bronze and GM players are rampart and overall, Team League is considered to be more of a joke by the majority of the vocal population. This is in a game where the best experience to play it should be in a Team of friends or people you know.
    Do you have plans of limiting the amount of divisions people can queue with in a party? Do you have interest in making TL more attractive or ideas on how to do that?

    • As a followup to Team League, do you have plans about social features like a Clan System, a Party Finder or similar?

    I remember these topics have been raised at least a year ago but not much happened since then. Are there any systems you're working towards? How high on your list of priorities is this?

    • Considering the third ban: Are you open to feedback in regards to the position of the ban and the overall drafting phase?

    Multiple Pro players and other major community figures have spoken out since your blogpost about the third ban being added to the start of the draft instead of in the middle and about making a more symmetrical pick phase (i.e.: get rid of the 3/2 drafting as it is right now). Do you have thoughts about this?

    • Heroes of the Storm seems to suffer from several technical issues on the base of it's Engine. Are major reworks in that direction realistic in any way?

    The complaints about the reconnect system and the replay system are endless and will basically never stop. From my very limited understanding, these issues are more or less directly tied into the engine of HotS, which is, for all I know, still the StarCraft 2 Engine only majorly customized.
    I would expect the amount of technical dept accumulated about the years in regards to the engine to be immense. Yet, naturally, switching an engine, building a new one from ground up or similar is basically creating a new game from scratch. I very much understand that this is not a small issue or investment.
    However, these problems exist for a long time and are believed to severely harm the game. Can you comment in any way, shape or form on this?

    • Just for completeness sake: Did you ever consider a full MMR reset with all the issues and effects coming with that?

    I'm personally not advocating for it, it's just something that's brought up a lot in regards to the feeling of "too many people are ranked far too high".

    I hope these questions aren't perceived as too loaded or negative way - they aren't intended as such. Thank you for doing this and opening more channels of communication between the HotS team and the community.

    After all, we all still love your work and game and only want it to prosper.

    Breaking this question up a bit.

    Just for completeness sake: Did you ever consider a full MMR reset with all the issues and effects coming with that?

    We tend to consider everything when looking at solutions and, yes, we’ve considered what an MMR reset would mean. Man…it’s UGLY. The utopian view is that a reset would be a short period of utter chaos where everyone starts out equal and is essentially tossed into a giant thunderdome where the weak are slaughtered by the strong until everyone is sorted properly.

    More realistically, it would be an extended period of utter chaos long after placements as those placement games would be almost completely arbitrary. With no starting MMR to use to match players up, it would be entirely luck-of-the-draw for team comps and where you end up after placements would come down to chance more than anything.

    From there, the ranks would have to slowly sort themselves out as the GMs who ended up in silver/gold due to being matched repeatedly with teams full of bronze/silver players dominate those games where the bronze players who found themselves in platinum due to being in games filled with masters end up throwing most of their games as they slowly work their way back down the ranks. In the process, the GMs are inflating the win rate of the low rank players they’re playing with and the bronze players are tanking the win rate of the ones they’re playing with making it more difficult for everyone to end up at their deserved rank.

    In short, it would be expected to be an awful experience for everyone.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)
    • Quick Match has been a hot topic in the community lately. Whats your take on it?

    There have been suggestions from outright removing QM from the game, over massively reworking it into a mode that works differently, to simply prioritizing it way less in the mode screen, "hiding" it behind a "brawl" tab that includes the current brawl mode as well as the current QM mode.
    From what limited information we have, QM is still the most popular gamemmode (though feel free to quantify or correct that). However, many people in the community voice their concerns about it working so very differently from draft modes, teaching people a completely different game than they play when they draft in either Unranked, HL or TL.
    Are there any plans on your side to change how QM works or do you have any other thoughts towards the topic and the huge difference between QM and draft modes? Would you be open to promote Unranked Draft as the "standard" gamemode of HotS instead of QM?

    This has been answered here

    • "Teaching the community" is another big topic lately. Do you have thoughts towards that that you can share?

    This somewhat ties into the QM question before but has more facettes to it. Overall, a large part ofthe HotS playerbase often seems un- or misinformed in many ways about the right way to draft to a map, build a composition, counter opponents or even just basic concepts of playing - the importance of soak, when to take mercenary camps, overall macro play, when to fight for an objective and when to give it and many more aspects of the game. I understand that you implemented certain helpful things in the past months in that regard. The ability to ping talent tier advantages and the auto-notification of 10 and 20 talent advantages, for instance. However, especially the jump from QM to Draft seems to be very large for many people. Do you have thoughts or plans towards bridging this gap or on the overall teaching of the average player?

    This has been answered here

    • Another topic that comes up over and over again: A redesign of hero classes

    This directly ties into the teaching question above: Warrior, Assassin, Specialist and Support are regarded in the community as completely meaningless and are completely disregarded for a more complex matching system in Quick Match. Sonya is not a Tank, neither is D.Va. Muradin is a terrible offlaner. Malthael and Valla have completely different roles. Tassadar and Tyrande aren't supports in the same Vein as Stukov and Malfurion. Specialist is a relatively meaningless word considering the Heroes in the category.
    Are there any plans to rework this system? If so: Do you have a roadmap for this? Would you consider more hero categories ("Maintank", "Bruiser", "Ranged Assassin", ...) or a point-system in multiple skill categories akin to DotAs system (For instance, 0-3 points in healing, cc, durability, burst, waveclear, ...) as viable? Do you have other ideas?

    This has been answered to a large degree as a reply to another post here

    • An API for individual and global statistics has been another topic since forever

    Global and individual statistics on drafting, talent picks, number stats for heroes and similar things can help inform the playerbase in many ways, from self-evaluation to informed discussions about the meta and development of heroes on different skilllevels.
    For the most part, the playerbase has the very limited datasets of Hotslogs and HotsAPI available, but it's not like these are even near to complete. However, the continued usage of these sites alongside the popularity of comparable sites for other Mobas show that there's a high demand for data. I understand that in a recent interview, you talked about making some internal progress on the topic but it being a question of priority and how much support people want. Can you specify more about the priority of opening an API or why it's not very high at the moment? Do you wish to get feedback towards what people want in that regard? Do you have a roadmap for this?

    This has been answered here

    • Hero Swaps and it's alternatives

    In the recent blog post, you mentioned issues with implementing hero swaps. Other Mobas have implemented systems around this, do you have an opinion on these?
    Also, you wrote about alternatives (position swaps, TL-like drafting in HL) and about possibly testing these in Unranked Draft. Do you have a roadmap on these? How high on your list of priorities is this?

    • As of now, Team League seems to have a lot of issues to the point where barely anyone plays the mode. Do you have thoughts towards that?

    Not only are queue times extremely long especially for 2 stacks and in the less populated regions, people playing in parties combining bronze and GM players are rampart and overall, Team League is considered to be more of a joke by the majority of the vocal population. This is in a game where the best experience to play it should be in a Team of friends or people you know.
    Do you have plans of limiting the amount of divisions people can queue with in a party? Do you have interest in making TL more attractive or ideas on how to do that?

    • As a followup to Team League, do you have plans about social features like a Clan System, a Party Finder or similar?

    I remember these topics have been raised at least a year ago but not much happened since then. Are there any systems you're working towards? How high on your list of priorities is this?

    • Considering the third ban: Are you open to feedback in regards to the position of the ban and the overall drafting phase?

    Multiple Pro players and other major community figures have spoken out since your blogpost about the third ban being added to the start of the draft instead of in the middle and about making a more symmetrical pick phase (i.e.: get rid of the 3/2 drafting as it is right now). Do you have thoughts about this?

    • Heroes of the Storm seems to suffer from several technical issues on the base of it's Engine. Are major reworks in that direction realistic in any way?

    The complaints about the reconnect system and the replay system are endless and will basically never stop. From my very limited understanding, these issues are more or less directly tied into the engine of HotS, which is, for all I know, still the StarCraft 2 Engine only majorly customized.
    I would expect the amount of technical dept accumulated about the years in regards to the engine to be immense. Yet, naturally, switching an engine, building a new one from ground up or similar is basically creating a new game from scratch. I very much understand that this is not a small issue or investment.
    However, these problems exist for a long time and are believed to severely harm the game. Can you comment in any way, shape or form on this?

    This has been in large part answered in a reply to another question

    • Just for completeness sake: Did you ever consider a full MMR reset with all the issues and effects coming with that?

    I'm personally not advocating for it, it's just something that's brought up a lot in regards to the feeling of "too many people are ranked far too high".

    This has been answered here

    I hope these questions aren't perceived as too loaded or negative way - they aren't intended as such. Thank you for doing this and opening more channels of communication between the HotS team and the community.

    After all, we all still love your work and game and only want it to prosper.

    Hero Swaps and it's alternatives

    Unlike a lot of the things we’re discussing here today, hero swaps aren’t a clear win for the majority of the community so while it is something we’re investigating, it’s a lower priority item.

    To be effective, swaps would need their own phase, extending the time it takes for drafts to complete. They also open the door to additional toxicity and, although the core of the feature is available in custom games, it’s reliant on the teams trusting each other. For it to come to other draft modes, there’s a significant development effort involved to add a lot of validation between players. You wouldn’t want someone grabbing your first-pick treasure without your permission, for example, which you can do with the implementation in custom games.

    On top of that, for swaps to be effective, they require significant upfront communication by the players. That’s certainly something we want to encourage, but that also means the feature wouldn’t be used by a lot of players beyond the top end of ranked play.

    So, right now, we’d rather focus our development efforts on features that will more clearly be beneficial to all players.

    For the alternatives, such as trying out first-come first-served (FCFS) drafting which provides a similar benefit, we can do that relatively quickly. There’s some skepticism about whether FCFS can work outside of a team environment, though. We had the same concerns when we allowed 2s and 3s in team league and were pleasantly surprised by the results. It’s an area where we want to gauge community interest and if the feeling is that players would prefer FCFS over nothing, we’d try it out in Unranked Draft first.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)
    • Quick Match has been a hot topic in the community lately. Whats your take on it?

    There have been suggestions from outright removing QM from the game, over massively reworking it into a mode that works differently, to simply prioritizing it way less in the mode screen, "hiding" it behind a "brawl" tab that includes the current brawl mode as well as the current QM mode.
    From what limited information we have, QM is still the most popular gamemmode (though feel free to quantify or correct that). However, many people in the community voice their concerns about it working so very differently from draft modes, teaching people a completely different game than they play when they draft in either Unranked, HL or TL.
    Are there any plans on your side to change how QM works or do you have any other thoughts towards the topic and the huge difference between QM and draft modes? Would you be open to promote Unranked Draft as the "standard" gamemode of HotS instead of QM?

    This has been answered here

    • "Teaching the community" is another big topic lately. Do you have thoughts towards that that you can share?

    This somewhat ties into the QM question before but has more facettes to it. Overall, a large part ofthe HotS playerbase often seems un- or misinformed in many ways about the right way to draft to a map, build a composition, counter opponents or even just basic concepts of playing - the importance of soak, when to take mercenary camps, overall macro play, when to fight for an objective and when to give it and many more aspects of the game. I understand that you implemented certain helpful things in the past months in that regard. The ability to ping talent tier advantages and the auto-notification of 10 and 20 talent advantages, for instance. However, especially the jump from QM to Draft seems to be very large for many people. Do you have thoughts or plans towards bridging this gap or on the overall teaching of the average player?

    This has been answered here

    • Another topic that comes up over and over again: A redesign of hero classes

    This directly ties into the teaching question above: Warrior, Assassin, Specialist and Support are regarded in the community as completely meaningless and are completely disregarded for a more complex matching system in Quick Match. Sonya is not a Tank, neither is D.Va. Muradin is a terrible offlaner. Malthael and Valla have completely different roles. Tassadar and Tyrande aren't supports in the same Vein as Stukov and Malfurion. Specialist is a relatively meaningless word considering the Heroes in the category.
    Are there any plans to rework this system? If so: Do you have a roadmap for this? Would you consider more hero categories ("Maintank", "Bruiser", "Ranged Assassin", ...) or a point-system in multiple skill categories akin to DotAs system (For instance, 0-3 points in healing, cc, durability, burst, waveclear, ...) as viable? Do you have other ideas?

    This has been answered to a large degree as a reply to another post here

    • An API for individual and global statistics has been another topic since forever

    Global and individual statistics on drafting, talent picks, number stats for heroes and similar things can help inform the playerbase in many ways, from self-evaluation to informed discussions about the meta and development of heroes on different skilllevels.
    For the most part, the playerbase has the very limited datasets of Hotslogs and HotsAPI available, but it's not like these are even near to complete. However, the continued usage of these sites alongside the popularity of comparable sites for other Mobas show that there's a high demand for data. I understand that in a recent interview, you talked about making some internal progress on the topic but it being a question of priority and how much support people want. Can you specify more about the priority of opening an API or why it's not very high at the moment? Do you wish to get feedback towards what people want in that regard? Do you have a roadmap for this?

    This has been answered here

    • Hero Swaps and it's alternatives

    In the recent blog post, you mentioned issues with implementing hero swaps. Other Mobas have implemented systems around this, do you have an opinion on these?
    Also, you wrote about alternatives (position swaps, TL-like drafting in HL) and about possibly testing these in Unranked Draft. Do you have a roadmap on these? How high on your list of priorities is this?

    This has been answered here

    • As of now, Team League seems to have a lot of issues to the point where barely anyone plays the mode. Do you have thoughts towards that?

    Not only are queue times extremely long especially for 2 stacks and in the less populated regions, people playing in parties combining bronze and GM players are rampart and overall, Team League is considered to be more of a joke by the majority of the vocal population. This is in a game where the best experience to play it should be in a Team of friends or people you know.
    Do you have plans of limiting the amount of divisions people can queue with in a party? Do you have interest in making TL more attractive or ideas on how to do that?

    • As a followup to Team League, do you have plans about social features like a Clan System, a Party Finder or similar?

    I remember these topics have been raised at least a year ago but not much happened since then. Are there any systems you're working towards? How high on your list of priorities is this?

    • Considering the third ban: Are you open to feedback in regards to the position of the ban and the overall drafting phase?

    Multiple Pro players and other major community figures have spoken out since your blogpost about the third ban being added to the start of the draft instead of in the middle and about making a more symmetrical pick phase (i.e.: get rid of the 3/2 drafting as it is right now). Do you have thoughts about this?

    The part about bans has been answered as a reply to another post here

    • Heroes of the Storm seems to suffer from several technical issues on the base of it's Engine. Are major reworks in that direction realistic in any way?

    The complaints about the reconnect system and the replay system are endless and will basically never stop. From my very limited understanding, these issues are more or less directly tied into the engine of HotS, which is, for all I know, still the StarCraft 2 Engine only majorly customized.
    I would expect the amount of technical dept accumulated about the years in regards to the engine to be immense. Yet, naturally, switching an engine, building a new one from ground up or similar is basically creating a new game from scratch. I very much understand that this is not a small issue or investment.
    However, these problems exist for a long time and are believed to severely harm the game. Can you comment in any way, shape or form on this?

    This has been answered to a large degree as a reply to another question here

    • Just for completeness sake: Did you ever consider a full MMR reset with all the issues and effects coming with that?

    I'm personally not advocating for it, it's just something that's brought up a lot in regards to the feeling of "too many people are ranked far too high".

    This has been answered here

    I hope these questions aren't perceived as too loaded or negative way - they aren't intended as such. Thank you for doing this and opening more channels of communication between the HotS team and the community.

    After all, we all still love your work and game and only want it to prosper.

    As a followup to Team League, do you have plans about social features like a Clan System, a Party Finder or similar?

    Lots of plans. As you’ll likely hear a lot today, it’s a matter of priorities and how we spend our resources. The plan is to start with an updated party finder which significantly improves that system. The major changes would be to decouple the party finder from chat channels, which would significantly expand the pool of available players, and allow players to look for others based on the game mode and role they want to play.

    We feel that’s the important first step. From there, we can build upon that with clans, which would be a great addition to the game as well.

    But, again, you can see the list of things we’re working on currently and we feel those items are higher priority than the social features right now. So, while we’d love to get to them, and they’re coming, they’re further out.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    The lack of MMR and rank being directly related to each other can be very helpful to give players a sense of progress, but it can also be an issue, especially on the highest level of play. Being high on the Grandmaster leaderboard often requires playing the most games out of the good players instead of actually being the best (especially this season), and can lead to complaints about matchmaking because matches look imbalanced in regards to rank even if they are fine by MMR.

    My question is, are you still considering at least adding visible MMR alongside the current rank system, and is it a bit more than "we're discussing it internally" which we've been getting since the game was released?

    Yep, its coming. Over the years, there’s been a lot of back and forth about whether showing MMR is more valuable than harmful. In the end, we’ve come to feel it’ll be more helpful.

    To go a bit more in-depth, it’s good to understand the purpose of both MMR and rank. You touch on this, but I want to use this post to also make sure it’s clear to everyone reading this.

    Matchmaking Rating (MMR) is purely a measurement. It’s an indication of your skill as a player which is then used by the matchmaker to put together games. The more accurate MMR, the better the matches that can be made. Gaining, or losing, skill is a slow process that happens over the course of many games, so MMR does not change quickly. It purposefully doesn’t react strongly to short streaks of wins or losses as they’re not necessarily an indication of a skill change so much as a streak of good, or bad, luck. This is where issues come up with showing MMR. Once it’s visible, it draws a lot of attention and gets treated like a reward system. Players tend to focus on figuring out how to make it go up by any means necessary, looking for ways to push it higher as quickly as possible. That’s not a healthy outlook and leads to frustration when it doesn’t happen.

    On the other side of the coin, Rank is a reward system. It represents how well you’ve done over the course of a season. If you go on a win streak, your rank spikes accordingly.

    The issue we run into is that Rank is currently the only visible indication of skill in the game, so it can’t diverge too much from MMR. When players are put together in a match with players of disparate rank, the assumption is that they are also disparate skill, and that feels bad.

    This had led to the need for Rank and MMR to stay relatively close, which is why Personal Rank Adjustment exists. That blunts the ability for rank to be a true reward system. It also means that matchmaking must consider rank, in addition to MMR, when putting together teams. Visible MMR would allow us to get rid of both of those, which we feel is more beneficial than the downsides that are likely to come about with visible MMR.

    We’re working out the details currently, but the plan right now is to add it as part of the updates we’re doing for Performance-based Matchmaking, where we’re already working on new ways to provide you with more—and more clear—types of information on how you performed in a game. Joe went into more detail on that here:

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    You wouldn’t want someone grabbing your first-pick treasure without your permission, for example, which you can do with the implementation in custom games.

    Could we not just do what League of Legends does and have a "request swap" feature, where both players need to agree to swap rather than giving people the power to steal people's picks from them? I can see why the current swap feature works in custom games where players are assumed to know and trust each other, but clearly that is not going to work for Hero League. Instead it would make more sense to force people to communicate to optimize their drafts, this would further penalize people who AFK during draft because their team would be worse off compared to a team that communicated and organized themselves around their preferred roles.

    I don't see how people stealing their teammates picks is a concern with swapping, but there appears to be less concern around FCFS, which could just as easily be used to do the same thing. I can fully see people instalocking first picks without any communication.

    It would be perfect if we could swap at any point during the entire duration of the draft so draft time wouldn't even need to be extended since adding another phase to the draft was another concern.

    Yes, that's exactly the kind of validation that has to be put in place before swaps could go to the main ranked modes. It's just a non-trivial amount of development time that we need to put towards higher priority issues right now, which is why we're looking at alternatives, like trying out FCFS, that could be done quickly.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Can you give us some insight into reasoning for QM seeding into your HL MMR? In several people's minds from the community, QM is a completely different game from HL and doesnt correctly teach people how to play the game. With QM MMR seeding into HL we now have people being placed in higher ranks for HL but do not understand the basics of the game. This leads to a poor game experience for those players who are at the correct HL ranking. If QM seeding for HL is going to continue, what are the plans for providing the correct knowledge on how to play the game so we can close that gap?

    The knowledge question was answered elsewhere, but I wanted to use your question as a jumping off point to talk about the seeding into ranked as it comes up pretty frequently.

    Basically, some knowledge of a player is better than no knowledge of a player when setting their initial seed into a new mode. While the intricacies of Hero League might not be there for someone coming over from Unranked Draft or Quick Match, a lot of other things, such as mechanic ability, do apply.

    With that in mind, a highly skilled QM player can be expected to do comparably well in HL up to a certain point. They would not be expected to be able to hold up as well at the highest ranks, but at lower ranks, they can hold their own. That's where the seed and placement caps come in.

    The change we're making is to lower the MMR seed cap from Unranked Draft and Quick Match to Gold 5. A good QM player should easily be able to hold their own at Gold 5. From there, the cap on movement during placements means that even the best players coming in for the first time are limited to Plat 5 and need to work their way up from there.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Yes. This has been also acknowledged by one of the Blizzard-people during the past AMAs and that's where PBMM comes in. They hope it will change it.

    I want to jump in here to clarify. What you're talking about isn't caused by either MMR or the feeling that some players' MMRs aren't set correctly.

    When you're matched with people of different ranks, that's because the matchmaking system has to find a balance between queue time and match quality and, in that case, it failed to make a match quickly enough. When that happens, it expands the search range of viable players in order to get a match started. It doesn't happen frequently and you'll usually see this come up in particular circumstances that don't have a lot of other players to make matches with: GM tier, smaller regions during off hours, etc.

    As Joe noted earlier, one of the changes we're making is shifting that balance point so the system will allow longer before it expands the search criteria so it happens even less frequently.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Hi /u/BlizzTravis, i appreciate the response on this. I just wanted to ask how many players per team will get to ban in the draft ? I would love to have 2 or 3 players per team ban as this would make drafting more interesting for more players.

    We aren't looking to make dramatic changes to the draft. This is just adding the addition ban to one of the existing phases. So, it'd still be a single player banning per phase.
