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Balance and Design AMA with Heroes Developers - May 16, 2018

Greetings, Heroes!

As mentioned yesterday, we'd like to set aside our ability tuning knobs and talent pick-rate spreadsheets for a little while to talk with you about balance and design in the Nexus! We’re going to host an AMA right here on /r/heroesofthestorm on today, May 16! The Heroes devs will join the thread and answer your questions from 10:00 a.m. PDT (7:00 p.m. CEST) until 12:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. CEST).

You've read their developer comments in the patch notes, now you can pose some questions of your own to the Heroes devs who will be on-hand to answer them during the AMA:

When posting multiple AMA questions: Please make an effort to post one question per comment and bold your main question. This will make it easier for others to read through the thread, and will help the devs focus on one question at a time. However, please feel free comment as many times as you'd like in order to get your questions posted.

Additionally, you might see Blizzard Community Managers posting questions on behalf of players in our non-English speaking communities during the AMA. Feel free to upvote those questions if you’d like to see answers to them.

A few specific areas we'd like to focus on today include: Hero Design, Battlegrounds, and Balance. You can start posting your questions right now, and we'll see you at 10:00 a.m. PDT!

  • Neyman

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    Are there any plans to redistribute the power in Azmodan's kit? It feels like he has too much gated behind Black Pool, and his base kit is useless because so much power is invested in his talents.

    We agree, Azmodan's Globe of Annihilation vastly overshadows the rest of his kit. We actually have him slated for a Talent Rework in the coming months to address this, as well as give him more Talents that can actually change the way that he plays. We don't like that the proper way to play the Lord of Sin is to rarely use All Shall Burn or Summon Demon Warrior, and we feel that the base power of the character isn't all that strong (Azmodan is one of the weakest characters in the game without Talents).

    A few tidbits from the upcoming update:

    • Taste for Blood is becoming Azmodan's baseline quest.
    • All Azmodan's level 1 Talents are going to alter the baseline quest, allowing you to add an additional bonus or way to get stacks.
    • Summon Demon Warriors are getting a baseline damage aura, similar to Burning Rage.
    • All Shall Burn won't last indefinitely, but instead does more DPS over a shorter period.

    Obviously, lots of new Talents to go alongside these changes, and hopefully spice up the way Azmodans play from game to game.

  • Neyman

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    From Janalo and Schunder in Germany:

    How concerned are you about mobility creep? Heroes like Genji, Hanzo, Tracer and Chromie either have a lot of mobility or a lot of range. They overshadow other heroes.

    We talk about mobility creep (and power creep in general) a lot as a design team. Here's our take on it:

    • We always want to push the envelope of what our new characters can do. We think we can do that and still make these characters feel balanced and fair.
    • Some Heroes probably pushed this envelope too far. We recently made balance changes to Genji, Hanzo and Tracer to reduce their mobility and force them to be a little more exposed when they try to do their thing. We're still tuning them, but overall we think they're in a much healthier state now than immediately after their respective releases.
    • You can look forward to more Chromie changes in the future. I can't give a date, but we've started to experiment with various ideas, like pulling in her range further but reducing her cast time, and making her W visible to enemies. All of this is still early in development, but the idea is to make her feel more interactive with enemies, and not create such a binary experience for Chromie herself (if enemies reach her, she dies and can't do damage, otherwise she's untouched).
    • We've discussed coming up with creative abilities that can combat mobility, but haven't really found one we liked that met all of our criteria so far. It would have to punish mobile characters without also hurting non-mobile ones, have clear implications of what it would stop and wouldn't stop, and make sense from a fantasy and clarity standpoint.
  • Neyman

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    When can we expect a Vikings update? Would it be possible to give back their basic abilities and rework their trait.

    Having globe collection be a focus of their play style is key because it forces them to micro out of bushes and from behind gates to get value. Something like increasing damage or health pool from globes would be much more interesting than health regen which is meaningless on low hp heroes

    We love The Lost Vikings, and think they're important to the game as a whole as they exemplify how Heroes of the Storm is unique among MOBAs. I can't give you any specifics on a date or scope of a rework since we haven't decided on anything yet, but here's what I can share:

    • We don't like that the Vikings' primary function is to be in all lanes to soak experience.
    • We love when the Vikings work together, and think that the coolest part of the Hero is having 3 units that combined are stronger than their individual pieces.
    • We would like to see the Vikings be more accessible. There's a small section of the player base that loves the Vikings, but by and large they are not a very popular Hero due to their power feeling hidden and their high micro demands.
    • We would love to see more interactivity and plays made with their kit. We have to balance that out with making them approachable.

    Again, keep in mind that these are just our thoughts, and it might be that we may drastically change their kit... or just make small tweaks over time. We honestly don't have any concrete plans yet, but I wanted to be very transparent and share what we think about the Hero at the moment. We would love to get them into a more prominent role in the Nexus at some point, though.

  • Neyman

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    How does the balance team feel about Varian's level 4 diversity? Both Colossus Smash and Twin Blades still seem to struggle post-rework, even if the rework as a whole made the hero better designed and more viable.

    Varian's a tricky one! First, some stats for context.

    In Hero League, Hero Level 10+, Diamond League+, Deckard Release:

    • Taunt - 75% pickrate, 50.3% winrate
    • Colossus Smash - 17% pick rate, 48% winrate
    • Twin Blades - 8% pick rate, 47.8% winrate

    Ideally, we'd probably want to get Taunt to about 50% pickrate, and maybe 30/20 amongst the two DPS specs. The damage Heroics could use a small buff, though the winrate isn't quite as bad as the memes would lead you believe.

    We have some plans to give both Colossus Smash and Twin Blades some more Health in a coming patch (just went into internal playtesting yesterday, so I can't give a date yet).

  • Neyman

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    Valeera was reworked in December then received two balance updates in January before being left alone. Is the development team happy with where Valeera is now? It seems like there were conflicting design goals between "Create builds people can follow based around openers" and "Valeera should be choosing which opener to use based on the situation".

    We think that Valeera is in a better state now than when she was released, but there's definite room for improvement. You've correctly identified one of our issues: players like to focus fully on a few openers and therefore as the game progresses and you pick Talents, you have fewer gameplay choices. That runs contrary to one of the design goals for Talents in our game, we want them to increase the options and abilities available to your character over the course of the game.

    Anecdotally: When we designed Valeera, we decided to make her different from Heroes like Zeratul by really capturing one of the World of Warcraft Rogue fantasies of locking down an enemy Hero. When Valeera was in development, the Valla/Greymane hyper carry meta was in full force, so we thought that this would also be a welcome addition to the game that would shake up the meta. If Valeera is good at locking down only one enemy, and a team's composition relied on having one major damage dealer, she'd be great at it.

    That's why the balance changes we've made to Valeera over time have tried to reduce her damage, and kept her focus on disabling one enemy. We're still trying to adjust the Talent tree to fit into that philosophy, and trying to balance making her good at reducing a carry without also making her too strong in setting up kills.

  • Neyman

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    From Zeratul in Germany:

    Talents: There are many talents that clearly underperform compared to others in their tier, e.g. Maiev’s Tier 4 talent Pin Down is clearly worse than any of her other talents. Can we expect to see buffs to these underperforming talents with bad win rates?

    Yes, we're always looking at making these tiers healthier. Sometimes that means we can make tuning changes, sometimes it means we need to make design changes so that two Talents aren't competing with each other to accomplish the same goal. We periodically do sweeps of Talent trees and try to make a series of small incremental adjustments. Typically you'll see a lot of these changes in our balance patches two weeks after the release of a Hero or Rework.

  • Neyman

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    Are you guys working on any new maps?

    Just curious if any new maps designs are in the work, I know you have said you are working on hanamura rework, but apart from that anything new?

    Another note, I won a game on Haunted mines, without a single golem, was a good 15 minute game.

    Is there a reason you got rid of Diablo's Health percentage damage without any compensation?

    I feel this was the main reason to pick diablo was he could kill tanks, and while I agree a tank shouldn't be designed to kill other tanks he was one of the best counters to armored tanks. (mostly Garrosh)

    Any changes planned for Cho's level 16 talent Surging Dash?

    I find once cho gets to lvl 16 the game just completely changes difficulties, especially with the come back mechanics built into the game. A two person, unstoppable, super healing, dashing, damage, ability just seems like too much.

    Why did you feel Hanzo needed the longest AA range in the game when he was released?

    I am mostly curious what brought you to this decision from a design prospective, were you simply wanting a character that is designed to poke the enemy but be an AA character instead of a mage. Honestly I am upset about it mostly because I thought Raynors design was to have the longest starting range in the game.

    I love game design, it is my passion and what I do for my company. I would love to get a glimpse into why decisions were intially made. :D

    "Is there a reason you got rid of Diablo's Health percentage damage without any compensation?"

    We feel like we've actually properly compensated the rest of his kit, though Devastating Charge does have more counterplay now. We removed the percentage Health on Devastating Charge because we thought his unrestricted ability to kill enemies regardless of their high Health pools or defensive buffs wasn't healthy for a tank character. There weren’t many ways to counter it besides positioning or immunities. We tried to keep the spirit of what Devastating Charge is, and actually if used on a lower Health Hero will do basically the same damage it did previously (more if you can get external Spell Power or reduce enemies Armor).

    One of the challenges facing reworks—especially ones affecting characters who are already powerful—is that we have to take away from somewhere in order to add additional power in order to keep them balanced. Sometimes this means we trim out some of the less important or noticeable effects (like the armor on Shadow Charge), and sometimes we have to add additional counterplay to already powerful existing effects (like Devastating Charge).

    "Any changes planned for Cho's level 16 talent Surging Dash?"

    Yes. It's a bit too transforming when Cho gets the Talent, and shuts down too much of the counterplay for opponents after level 16. We'll likely keep the overall balance of Cho in mind (he's still really powerful in Team League and Quick Match, so it might be okay to just flat nerf).

    "Why did you feel Hanzo needed the longest AA range in the game when he was released?"

    First, a bit of history on Hanzo development (this was partially explained in Kent-Erik's BlizzCon talk last year on Hanzo). When we were working on Hanzo, we started to become hyper-aware of the frustration that long range Heroes can pose at times. We were pursuing a sniper fantasy for Hanzo: his Storm Bow (Q) had a much longer longer and did much more damage than it does now. What we decided to do was pull in his Q range, increase his Basic Range, and shift some of the power of his Q over to his Basic Attacks. I think the version of Hanzo that shipped is a more fun Hero to play against than the one we were iterating on at the time (which was essentially Chromie with mobility).

    Then his release happened, the winrate wasn't especially high, so we made a bunch of buffs to the Hero. That pushed his Basic Attack damage into an area that started to make the range feel frustrating again. In hindsight, we should have reduced the Basic Attack range when we increased his damage to a point where being "poked" by it was really becoming meaningful.

    Hopefully that makes sense!

  • Neyman

    Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Source)

    The Varian and Diablo changes both gave them self-sustain. Have you changed your approach on what is required of a hero to be a solo tank?

    Diablo was played as a solo tank even without sustain in his base talents (although Devil's Due was effectively mandatory)

    Late response, but I do what I want!

    We don't think that all tank Heroes need self-sustain, but it doesn't hurt. We specifically added it to Diablo because we wanted Fire Stomp to feel more meaningful, but we didn't want to add a ton of damage to Diablo. It also fit well with any Talents that increased the damage of Fire Stomp, since that could mean more healing for Diablo too (which as a tank should be one of his primary focuses).

    We added it to Varian because it gave him more solo lane presence that he would need as an occasional bruiser, and it was a method of survival that wasn't tied to Parry (since too much of it was tied into Parry already, causing Talent issues).
