
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

First few games as a new player - immediately get team chats and whispers telling me that I'm ruining the game...

I have a feeling that this will downvoted to hell or just entirely removed as it's kind of just a personal rant, but I just don't really care so here we go..

Well I just downloaded the game and hopped in. I get into my first quick play game after a few practice rounds with AI, and jump in. The game begins and within minutes, these great guys just immediately start ripping on me, telling me I'm a "huge faggot" and that I'm "ruining the game"....

So instead of helping along new players with some tips, I just IMMEDIATELY start getting absolutely shit on by half the team because I decided to pick up the game and I'm not playing as well as these super grandmaster players. About 10 minutes into the game, it's pretty clear we aren't doing well.. I hearth back to base and notice that these two guys are just sitting in spawn typing away at me instead of actually playing and trying..

I blocked and reported them, but I honestly feel like the reporting is completely irrelevant (though I could, and hope, that I am wrong..) The game ends fairly quickly after that and, surprisingly, we lose.

I hop into the queue for another game, telling myself "there's always some" and that next game would be better. It wasn't. The same exact thing happens. This group see's they are will a couple of very low rank players, and just immediately start whining about it and go AFK. That game ended even quicker..

Anyways, I guess I just wanted to quickly share my first experiences with this game. It reminds me so much of old Warcraft 3 (which was my very first PC game back in the day) and I love it, but good lord, if this is what the community is like, and this is what most quick plays are like, I'm out.

Lastly, my humble request is this - If you have new/newer players on your team, try giving them suggestions and constructive criticisms before calling them a "faggot that is ruining HOTS" and going AFK, I'd wager that it would improve everyone's experience a little bit.

PS: on a positive note, somebody messaged me afterwards and offered to show me the ropes a bit against some AI, and I will definitely be taking them up on it.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Hi. :( I'm sorry that you had that experience as a new player. Know there are many many people like the person who reached out to you that offered to show you the ropes in our community who are so very awesome. The heroes community is one of the coolest groups of people and they're very passionate about this game.

    I wanted to chime in here and say be good to each other out there. Be patient, be caring and have fun.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    be good to each other out

    Don't just be good... be excellent to each other!

    I'm watching that today :)
