
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Guldan's Rain of Destruction should not be a channeled spell, just like Hyperion and Starfall.

This is arguably one of the only heroics in the game where you are better off not casting it if you chose it, most of the time. Not only does [[Rain of Destruction]] have zero utility (unlike [[Hyperion]] destroying buildings, or [[Starfall]] slowing) , abysmal win-rate (around 43% according to Hotslogs) and unpredictable damage that feels bad to play with (when all the damage misses) and bad to play against (when all the damage hits); but it also cuts Gul'dans dps significantly by preventing him from casting his main abilities.

Almost all damage-dealing stationary-channeled abilities in this game are about focusing your dps on a specific target, which makes the pay-out for self-stunning yourself worth it, the main examples of this are: [[Lightning Breath]] , [[Disintegrate]] , [[Ravenous Spirit]] and even Gul'dan's own [[Drain Life]] . On the other hand, no other big-AOE spread-damage ability in the game is channeled.

So why does Gul'dan have to pay so much by making himself vulnerable, losing DPS and gaining no utility for a steep mana cost and a long cooldown, for such a small benefit?

I suggest one of 3 things to make the skill better:

1- Remove the channel or at least make it a 3 sec cast time afterwards Gul'dan is free to move and cast normally while the ability is happening.

2- Make the level 20 talent [[Deep impact]] baseline, or at least a toned-down version of it to give the ability some utility.

3- Allow him to channel the ability indefinitely (like [[Never-Ending Murlocs]] , with or without draining mana.

This way at least Gul'dan gets something back for stunning himself for 7 sec.

  • azgaz

    Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Funnily enough, we were initially planning on removing the channel time for his balance update back in May but when we tried it out it was completely busted. The amount of damage Gul'dan could dish out in a fight with this going on in addition to his normal spell casting was beyond disgusting so we stripped it out and will have to revisit sometime in the future.

    One last tidbit, while the pick rate for Rain of Destruction isn't ideal, in terms of winrate it slightly outperforms Horrify so something to consider! :)
