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Heroes of the Storm Post-BlizzCon 2018 Developer AMA

Greetings, Heroes!

BlizzCon 2018 has concluded and the team is back in the office and ready to talk to you about Orphea, upcoming gameplay changes, and what’s new in the Nexus! To answer any questions you might have about our announcements, we’re going to host a post-BlizzCon AMA right here on /r/heroesofthestorm Today!: Thursday, November 8! The Heroes devs will join the thread and answer your questions starting around 10:00 a.m. PDT (7:00 p.m. CEST) until 12:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. CEST).

Here's who will be joining us from the dev team:

When posting multiple AMA questions: Please make an effort to post one question per comment. This will make it easier for others to read through the thread, and will help the devs focus on one question at a time. However, please feel free comment as many times as you'd like in order to get your questions posted.

You might also see Blizzard Community Managers posting questions on behalf of players in our non-English speaking communities during the AMA. Feel free to upvote those questions if you’d like to see them answered.

Go ahead and post your answers below. We'll be starting soon!

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Will you buff Malthaels ultimate "Tormented Souls"? Right now it's a 80 sec cd AOE applier. Maybe give him physical armor during the ultimate to excel vs. physical attackers? He could become "ethereal" like during the ultimate with +30 physical armor? Or maybe a Passive that does more dmg to his Reaper's Mark?

    We're still discussing ways to make Tormented Souls better. Both of your ideas are things that have been thrown around, and align with the way that we're thinking about the Heroic. The team has been busy preparing for BlizzCon, but I'd expect to see some changes in the coming months to reduce the Heroic effectiveness disparity.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Are consistency passes and formats for tooltips planned?

    i.e List the AA damage, duration and health of any summoned unit.
    Any ability that can target all units except for structures should specify "Non-Structure target", like the new Hunter's Mark does
    Change tooltips with wording like "recently" (like ETC's Pinball Wizard) to specify numbers
    Standardize 'X damage every Y seconds up to Z seconds' instead of 'X damage over Z seconds'
    Come up with a format for quests with incremental rewards / infinite rewards / passive benefits and apply it globally
    Stick to saying "increase from X% to Y%" instead of "Z% more" when the original ability is described with percentages (i.e Alexstrasza's Verdant Flourish,'s Bring It On)

    I guess another part to this question is - where should I post tooltip suggestions for specific instances?
    Like how Lunara's Leaping Strike mentions the brief 80% slow but Illidan's Dive doesn't,
    Orphea's Determination doesn't mention that it's against the next received spell,'s Pro Moves doesn't mention the decaying stacks unlike Baelog the Fierce, etc etc etc

    Thanks for the question, Zanzure. If you ever have feedback or suggestions, the Blizzard forums are the best place to post them, but we also read Reddit to pick up on community topics too.

    The short answer is: We're always trying to update our tooltips, and work as a team to try and keep them consistent. We take note of irregularities that make a significant impact on player understanding when we see them, and typically fix the bugs in a batch.

    In terms of specific responses, I'll do my best to tackle our perspective on them. Broadly, I know that players like knowing a ton of information (I'm one of them), but too much can feel overwhelming for people learning, and make the game feel cluttered.

    • "Recently" versus specific numbers
      • We've decided to be vague for any delay or cast time less than .5 seconds. The idea is that often times these cast times aren't a huge part of the ability, and most humans won't make a distinction between .1875 seconds and .3125 seconds. Even then, you'll typically use that ability once or twice and figure out the timing (and giving that information rarely speeds up the process from the get go).
      • We've heard the community feedback that they'd like some way to toggle more or less information in these tootlips, and it's something that we've been discussing internally. There are pros and cons to maintaining a system like this, but it's something that we think is worth considering.
    • Standardization of format
      • Overall, you're right that formats should be standardized between like-minded Talents. When we're making new Talents or Abilities, we try and maintain a similar format, though occasionally we decide that it reads better in a different format (or we make a mistake . . . it happens).
  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    D.Va's talent tree feels like it comes from another era, and she's seen a rework in Overwatch since her release in heroes. If D.Va were to get a rework, would she get Micro Missiles?

    D.Va is due for a few updates to her Talent tree. We've started preliminary work on her kit to reinforce her role as a Bruiser. We're off to an exciting start, but it's likely that she won't be ready for release until maybe the middle of the next year.

    She's not planned for a full fledged "rework" at this point, but incorporating something like Micro Missiles into her kit alongside some Talent updates is likely.

    When Overwatch updates their Heroes, we're exciting to see what they've done and we draw inspiration from it if they've made changes to a Hero that already exists in Heroes of the Storm. But once a Hero has been released in Heroes we never feel required to mirror any changes the Overwatch team makes, as they've taken on a life of their own in the Nexus.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    In the upcoming gameplay changes announced during Blizzcon, you guys are changing armor stacking from additive to using only the highest buff/debuff. This in turn will necessitate a large pass through heroes that gain or grant small armor buffs (such as Uther) to make sure their kit stays relevant, and opens up the possibility of draft anti-synergies like Uther + Garrosh.

    Why didn't you choose to make armor buff stacking multiplicative instead? This seems more intuitive, as tooltip statements like "reducing damage taken by 30%" would always be true regardless of the target's current armor, rather than only true if the target has no armor currently. It would also reduce the power of armor stacking that the current additive method leads to, eliminate possible team anti-synergies, and lastly it would also save you from needing to make updates to heroes' kits.

    Thanks for your question, Dignitude!

    We've made a pass alongside the Armor updates to address most of the Armor abilities. For the most part, it wasn't too time consuming, as we simply found any Armor value that was a lower amount or wasn't performing well, and increased it by 5-10.

    That being said, the largest challenge with making Armor stack multiplicatively would be clarity for players. We find it easiest to display X Armor on the UI exactly equal to the amount of Armor that they have. Another similar option would be to have a flat Armor value that translated to effective mitigation with diminishing returns, but we found that requiring constant translation was harder for the vast majority of players to understand at a glance.

    Another benefit from not stacking Armor values is that we can be aggressive with the values so that each can feel chunky on their own without worrying about them stacking together and completely shutting down incoming damage.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    In the most recent patch, you adjusted the spell inconsistencies listed in this post, but spell power is only one inconsistent multiplier.

    So my question is - will multipliers get a general consistency pass? And will healing remain multiplicative with spell power as it is right now? Because right now, abilities like Ana's W and Gul'dan's W have multiplicative healing, and additive damage, simultaneously.

    Just to give another example of the general inconsistency, I checked out AA multipliers today and found that on heroes with 2+ multipliers, most are additive, except for these;

    Hero Multiplicative Interactions
    Valla Trait(+100% with talent) with E(+140% with talent)
    Orphea Trait(+150%) with Determination(+15%)
    Greymane Trait(+40%) with any other multiplier
    Fenix W(+25%) with any other multiplier

    And I didn't check the interactions of heroes with a single multiplier, who can interact with stuff like Debilitating Dart, Aggressive Matrix, etc..

    I can't give a timetable, but we'll likely expand the pass that we did on Spell Power to include all of these multiplicative modifiers in the future.

    So you can expect anything that should be multiplicative to have its tooltip changed, and anything that should be additive to be fixed on the data side.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Regarding gameplay; (This is anecdotal of course) Sometimes Heroes of the Storm feels like the first 10 or 12 minutes do not matter and that the game is often decided by the first team fight after 20 minutes and that early game kills/objectives don't carry that much weight. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? I know it has been a concern in the past.

    Hey Wozzki, thanks for your question.

    I think that we've seen a variety of results of early game impact. Some games, a team can develop an early game lead and snowball that into an (almost) insurmountable advantage that makes every subsequent team fight disproportionately easy to win. Some games, a team can have a decent lead for the entirety of the game, but make a few big mistakes in the end game and lose suddenly.

    Our goal with the gameplay changes was to reduce the frequency of snowball leads, while also providing teams that win the early game with a sustained strategic advantage (as opposed to simply a statistical one). We've also found it's more fun to play around a Catapult advantage than a level advantage, as it affects all your gameplay decisions (both with and against them), and makes your successful team fights with a lead still feel like they were earned.
