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Heroes of the Storm AMA June 20, 2019!

The AMA is NOW LIVE! Proof of Dev:

Greetings, Heroes!

We’re going to host a Hero Rework, Balance and Art AMA right here on /r/heroesofthestorm on Thursday, Jun 20, 2019! The Heroes devs will join the thread and answer your questions starting around 10:00 a.m. PDT (7:00 p.m. CEST) until 12:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. CEST).

We have the following developers on hand answering questions:

Sergey Morozov (/u/Blizz_SMorozov)

Johnny Waterman (/u/BlizzJohnny)

Oscar Vega (/u/Blizz_Vega)

Thomas Horwath (/u/Blizz_Thomas)

Andrew Kinabrew  (/u/Blizz_KinaBREW)

Lana Bachynski (/u/Blizz_LanaB)

Adam Z. Jackson (/u/BlizzAZJackson)

Brett Crawford (/u/Daybringer)

Kaeo Milker (/u/KaeoMilker)

When posting multiple AMA questions: Please make an effort to post one question per comment. This will make it easier for others to read through the thread, and will help the devs focus on one question at a time. However, please feel free comment as many times as you'd like in order to get your questions posted.

You can start posting your questions right now, and we'll see you on Thursday!

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Do you have a “vision” of how the game should be played?

    I.e. should a team always have a tank and a healer or should a team focus on team fights etc.

    How closely does the game replicate this ideal vision?

    Also, do you guys ever play the game yourselves and queue solo, if so what gave you learned from this?

    We don't want to enforce too strict a meta on the game, but I do think we have a few pillars.

    • Team fighting should be a major (but not neccessarily the only) focus of the game
    • There should be periods of intense action and periods of light action
    • We've found that the game is most fun when there are a variety of useful roles, primarily at least a tank, a damage dealer, and a healer on both teams.
    • There should usually be multiple strategic options on a map. Even if we require the an objective to be paid attention to, there should be multiple strategic options with how to deal with it.

    A lot of us play the game solo. Personally, I almost exclusively play solo Storm League, which is just how I've always played the game. I enjoy meeting random people and challenging myself to climb the ladder on my own. I think the biggest takeaway I have from playing solo for so long is that our game could do a better job of teaching you how to be successful in a given match. Things like building team compositions, Battleground dynamics, macro play, zoning, and playing from behind aren't easily learned mechanics. We don't think that Heroes should hold your hand and tell you exactly what to do, but it should do a better job of surfaces the questions for you to figure out on your own.

    For a long time a lot Twitch, Youtube, and online guides have done a great job of educating the player base, but only a fraction of people engage with these on a common basis. So we're looking to see if we can make a few things more intuitive in these areas.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)
    • Caltrops (Valla) - level 1
      Drop 3 Caltrops while Vaulting. Caltrops do 60 (+4% per level) damage and slow enemies by 25% for 1 second.
      Quest: Spend 160 seconds at 10 stacks of Hatred.
      Reward: Vault cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.

    • [E] Vault (Valla)
      Cooldown: 10 seconds
      Mana: 50
      Dash to the target area. Valla's next Basic Attack within 2 seconds deals 6% increased damage per stack of Hatred.

    about the bot | reply !refresh to this comment if the parent has been edited

    Stay tuned. She should see some minor balance adjustments soon.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Overwatch heroes are a unique case in HotS in that they each bring their own predefined abilities to the game. Unlike Diablo protagonists, whose abilities are chosen from a large pool of possible builds, or Warcraft/Starcraft heroes who may have a few of the moves they use in their respective game and a few thematic but non-canon ones, OW heroes basically just import their kits directly into HotS (minus talents and second ultimates, of course). But with Overwatch reworking some of it’s own heroes, abilities like D.Va’s and Hanzo’s are no longer fully reflective of their playstyle in their game of origin. Are there plans in the long-term to rework these heroes and put their abilities in line with their OW counterparts?

    ...also, can D.Va get the ability to ping her Self-Destruct charge? please I’m begging you

    It's important to us to have Heroes in HotS reflect their inspiration for their character, but they don't need to be 1 to 1 copies of their most current iteration. This is true when we first make them, and also if they've changed in their original game after we've added them to our roster.

    We also recognize that what may work in one game genre may not work in another. While a fantasy and a kit reminiscent of their inspiration are very important, fun gameplay is always first on the list. Sometimes that means we need to diverge slightly from the existing source material. This is true at a Hero's creation, and also with their continued existence in the Nexus.

    That being said, we do follow everything that's happening to our Heroes in their original games, and if we see something that's really cool we use it as inspiration for new Talents, changes to Abilities, or sometimes complete reworks if the Hero needs it.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    First of all, thank you for everything you guys do for the game. You're doing a fantastic job!

    Balance side - Who do you feel is/are the strongest heroes according to your stats, weakest heroes, as well as the most underrated (hidden OP) heroes.

    Stats wise and/or personal opinion wise.

    Appreciate the kind words!

    Purely statistically, Rexxar is the strongest Hero in the last month. He's about 3% higher than most others, putting him in a tier of his own at 57.9%. He's played less often, but it's still a significant amount of games. We've always seen him high on the list, which is partially due to him being a niche Hero that's often picked on favorable Battlegrounds. However, when looking at overall Hero win rate information we typically filter out anyone that's below roster level 10 in a Hero to remove learning curve from the equation (so the "only experts play Rexxar" has less impact here, though still somewhat applies).

    The pack is pretty close after that to be honest, there's a very gradual curve of winrates after Rexxar right now.

    On the bottom end, Genji is the lowest winrate Hero at 43.8%. He's still a strong pick in the right situation, but we've found that when he's too strong he pushes out too many other Heroes and limits the metagame. And to be fair, I don't think many people are upset when a Genji is on their team due to his power level. My personal opinion is that a large part of his lower winrate is because doesn't fulfill a lot of the checkboxes that make poorly drafted team comps work in unorganzied play: wave clear, sustained damage, global presence, CC, or self-sustain.

    I don't know that I have a personal sleeper OP Hero, but I do know that some of our less standard Heroes get a bad rap. Murky and Probius for example are actually doing fine in terms of their winrates, but teams often tilt when allies select them due to not understanding how (or sometimes wanting) to play alongside them. Sometimes they're wacky and do weird things, but that doesn't mean it isn't effective or viable. We're still happy to have them as niche picks since playing every game with a wacky Hero gets old pretty quick though.

    Fun fact: Diablo and Garrosh are in the bottom 7 in terms of winrate, even though they're some of the highest banned Heroes. At Platinum and above, Diablo is the second most banned (41% of the time), and Garrosh is the 5th most banned (22% of the time).

    Bonus fun fact: Kael'thas has one of the wildest divergences of ban rates depending on league. He's at an astronomical 55% ban rate in Gold and below, drops to 31% in Platinum and Diamond, and is only banned 3% of the time in Master. The fear of not spreading out from living bomb is real at lower levels of play, even though his winrate is only slightly different (53% in Gold and below, 51% in Platinum and above).

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Given that Detainment Strike has an important direct interaction with terrain, would you please consider making collision boundaries visible to Auriel players?

    Yes, I'll do that right now! It's been on the list.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    I created an skin concept arts album on Facebook (which consists of 146 best concept arts around the Internet!). So please join Heroes of the Storm Community on Facebook and give it a look! And please reply to this so that i know all the work i had done is not useless, and i will continue to update the album! You don't have to promise that you will add these skins to the game, i only want you guys to say that you saw it and are looking forward to the album's future updates. :)

    -Link to the group:

    - Link to my album (you can only see it once you joined the group):

    I LOVE the game, you can clearly see it through my only post on Reddit ("3 months without a new hero, so what?"):

    So PLEASE give it a look and reply to me! Best wishes to you and the whole dev team! <3

    We're always looking. These are fun ideas! However, need to see a demonstration from the community that a single skin is wanted. 146 concepts is nice but that doesn't narrow anything down to a single community favorite. Please rally behind a concept so that we have a better gauge of what the community likes.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Can we get an Alexstrasza Mecha Skin? A dragon robot would be freakin awesome!

    Dragon robots are always awesome.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for putting the AMA up so early.

    I really want the matching bike for this skin, who do I talk to to convince this to happen?

    It'd be nice if this one would get a matching bike too, but I know the texture work isn't actually done, whereas it is for the MEKA variation.

    We made the pink bike a long time ago and are saving it for a future release. As for the gold one we'll have to make that variation but it's doable. Thanks for the suggestions!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Could we get the iconic SC1 teal color for the default Terran skins?

    I really would love to do this and have been pushing for it for a while There's no concrete plans but it is on our minds.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    When making a new Skin event or even just new Skins in general, what goes into determining giving a 9000th skin to Valla or Stitches over Heroes who still don't have many?

    Okay okay sorry for the snark, but I am legitimately curious why there seems to be such a lopsided representation, or why some Heroes end up with a million skins. Some of the newer Heroes in particular, even within the past few years, still don't have many skins at all.

    Thanks for the question Dibface!

    A lot goes in to planning out skin and theme packs. Primarily it comes down to what we think the players will be excited about, what are team is passionate to work on, and the complexity around the Hero. That last one is important. Some Heroes are more complicated than others. A good example of hero complexity is Ragnaros.

    Sometimes an idea for an FX drives a skin. As far as Mecha Valla. I love that skin. The drunken missile concept sealed the deal for our Art Director Trev and I agree. It's super cool! Check out this cool concept.

    As far as Stitches goes. He such a fun Hero but we kept getting feedback that he had a ton of gross skins. We wanted to give him one more approachable like Toy Stitches. The low skin count on some of our favorite heroes is something we want to fix and the team is hard at work creating some amazing skins that we hope you will enjoy.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    This is what I have to deal with every day...

    You like it.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Will you ever bring out a new series of Sun’s Out Guns Out skins?

    Beach skins are some of my favourite cosmetic items, and given the popularity of the Pool Party skins in League of Legends (17 Pool Party skins have been released across multiple years and many more unreleased skins have been teased via official art), it’s almost absurd that you have all but given up on this event.

    Anything is possible in the Nexus! We've taken a little bit of a break from doing those skins because we wanted to try something different for the last couple of years. This isn't to say we couldn't do more in the future but we have a lot of awesome ideas for the summer event and it's hard to cram all of those ideas into a single event. Thanks for the question!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    It would be great if we can have a toggle option or alternative skins for Raynor/Tychus where they have their visors down, like in hero selection.

    Would that be possible?

    We've had discussions about this in the past. There's no plans for it currently but a toggle for those and Murky sound awesome!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    I'd really like to visit Japan, Australia and Europe. Oh, also i'm totally down for a trip to the moon if that becomes a thing.

    Ditto except for the moon. There's no air there. It's the same reason I don't go scuba diving either. Go where there's air.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Art-wise - I have heard Blizzard primarily uses 3Ds Max/Zbrush for their games, is this true for HotS? and what would you suggest the best way of getting into the HotS art team would be?

    (Yes I know you can use any program and it is more about the concepts of proper mesh flow/polygon managment/workflow/ ECT, but knowing what programs you all use for animation/concept design/3d modeling/rigging you all use?)

    (Also yes I know you shouldn't focus on getting into any one specific company/specific game because you will learn great things everywhere, but still best sugestions would be apreciated)

    We use 3Ds Max as well as Maya. For High poly models we use mostly Zbrush. I prefer using Modo for low poly polygon and hard surface modeling and UVs. Getting comfortable with the big two (3DsMax and Maya) is a good place to be. Mainly you're looking for a program that makes the most sense to you. Focus on creating a good result.

    Once you do that the concepts that you use modeling will transfer between software later. Every studio is going to have proprietary tools as well which you won't be able to prepare for but that's expected. These programs are just tools. Learn keyboard shortcuts to speed up workflow. A lot of tools have similar shortcuts in multiple programs. If they don't you can change them to something that makes sense to you. I like to keep my most used hotkeys closer to my left hand as my right hand is usually on my Cintiq.

    What we look for in a candidate is someone who can produce a good result as well as someone who meshes well with the team. Interfacing with people is important and if you're hard to work with you're probably not going to get the job. Hope this helps!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Will there ever be a new Orphea skin?


  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    We've had a single contest that ended up bringing Janitor Leoric into game a couple of years later. How was that experience? Would you like to repeat it or do something similar? HotS have a very passionate community, in a level I've never seen in any game!

    The experience was awesome! It's always nice to see people react to something that they feel they had a part in. We enjoy engaging with you guys especially at a creative level. We have been open to doing another "Janitor Leoric" in the past and that hasn't changed. There are a lot of awesome concepts that I see our community put out. Please rally behind the ones you like. If there's a large backing behind a specific skin it will make it easier for us to make the decision to make that community driven skin.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Can we have a map art overhaul of Sky Temples? like the you did to Dragon Shire? Or do we have to wait for Ravenlord to invade that realm to improve it's art?

    That map's brightness and redness makes it hard to see many skill animations and the enemy AoEs. I even struggle to see minion healthbars sometimes when I play heroes that want to last hit (Rag, Azmo...)

    Thnx :)

    It's unlikely that we will do an overhaul of the art for Sky Temple because we're happy with the way the art looks. However, we are experimenting on changing the lighting for the map so that FX will show up better. Initial testing has been well received but there's still some work to be done. There's no guarantee that it will make it to live but we are looking for solutions.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Art-wise - What got you into the video game industry, the defining moment of "Oh that's awesome, I want to do that," or did it kind of just happen? Was it hard/scary to get into the industry before it grew so rapidly or did you get into it knowing it would be a steady job?

    I have always had an interest in video games. When I was growing up there was little information on how to get into making them. So mostly I worked on my 2D skills. I got into making 3D art and animation in college. After I graduated my connections at the college got me introduced to a local game company making military simulations. Luckily they gave me a shot.

    I didn't experience fear getting into the industry. Most people are super friendly. They're all nerds who probably like the same things you like. Generally it's very welcoming. The hard part is leveling up your skills so that you can be among these fantastic people. There is a percentage of available jobs for the amount of people Art Colleges are pumping out. So the biggest take away there is to be critical of yourself and don't live in the "Mom says I'm really good at art" bubble. Of course she says you're awesome she's your mom. Use forums like Polycount or Artstation to get feedback and level up and of course talking to industry professionals is always a good way to move up. Be objective. As Samwise Didier always says. "Remember your ABCs. Always be Creating."
