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Heroes of the Storm AMA August 8, 2019!

UPDATE: The AMA is NOW LIVE! Proof of Dev's:

Greetings, Heroes!

We’re excited to host our next AMA right here on Thursday, August 8th, 2019. Please post your questions on this thread and the following Heroes developers will be on hand to answer questions about both Qhira and Storm League Season 1!

We plan on starting at 10:00 a.m. PDT (7:00 p.m. CEST) and run until 12:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. CEST).

We will have the following developers on hand answering questions:

When posting multiple AMA questions: Please make an effort to post one question per comment. This will make it easier for others to read through the thread, and will help the devs focus on one question at a time. However, please feel free comment as many times as you'd like in order to get your questions posted.

You can start posting your questions right now, and we'll see you on Thursday!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    What are some surprisingly involved parts of delivering new content or game changes to the Nexus?

    In the June AMA, Lana gave a fascinating answer about Anduin's lack of dialogue animations and the dev team's decision not to build those going forward. The tradeoff makes sense given the surprising (to me) amount of work required:

    …most notably, it takes up precious tech art resources, and an incredible amount of animation time without actually giving us a result worthy of the time spent.

    …from an animation standpoint, it takes weeks to get through even just a portion of the dialogue…

    And even THEN, that's just for English! Heroes is localized into 12 languages for game dialogue…

    Thinking globally, it would take many, many more animators many, many weeks to go through the hundreds and HUNDREDS of lines to do it properly…

    This is a level of effort I would never have imagined for a polish detail like these animations, but it left me wondering what other parts of the process have outsized effort being done behind the scenes compared to how it appears to players. In fact, a few weeks ago /u/Blizz_Daybringer mentioned something similar with regards to the free hero rotation:

    We do our Hero Rotations in large batches many weeks (6+) in advance as it requires a lot of work from multiple disciplines to actually deploy.

    This again caught me by surprise. What are the disciplines? How much of this is inherent to the process vs a consequence of the tooling or surprise dependencies in the current setup? It held me up for a bit thinking about this.

    So my question: any other good examples you can share of seemingly small things that take outsized effort by a wider set of people to deliver? In lots of previous AMAs the team has talked about the long iterative process of something large like designing or reworking a hero, but I suspect there are a ton of other illuminating examples, from those core to the game to elements of polish deemed worth the tradeoff to deliver something you're all proud of.

    To piggyback on what Lana said, Localization also affects modeling as well. For example, Janitor Leoric and Cuddle Bear Stitches' text is localized across 12 languages. All these languages need to be communicated then checked and cross checked then validated and potentially corrected once in game. This is a large task among many departments but I want to talk a little bit about Janitor Leoric and what this actually meant for this skin from an art perspective.

    The patch on the back of his work suit is raised up like a patch. What this means is for each of those languages there is a unique Color map texture (some people call this the diffuse), a unique Normal map texture (makes things look like they have details that pop off the surface), a unique Specular/Gloss Texture (controls how light interacts with the model and defines materials) That's 36 unique textures for one Skin (48 if you count the Gloss as a separate texture which is usually an Alpha channel for us) . For Cuddle Bear Stitches it says something different on each tag which means there's a unique texture for the Color map and Specular/Gloss Texture. These textures take time to modify and it requires a meticulousness and organization that is unexpected. Anything that requires a new Normal map means that the high poly details need to be modified or re-sculpted. This can be a lot of work because it requires planing and approaching the sculpt in a smart organized way. So there you go, that little bit of text that you can read on a model took almost a solid week of work for Janitor Leoric alone. In comparison Janitor Leoric took about 3 and a half weeks for just the model and his color variations. That extra week was tacked on after the base model and variations were completed. A total of 4 and a half weeks on Just the modeling and textures. This Isn't counting what our friends over in animation, tech art or any of the other departments involved in getting a skin out to you guys. We love being able to serve our players who play our game in other languages.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Specifically for /u/blizz_kinaBREW or anyone else from the art team:

    1. Vikings aren't getting a skin any time soon so I thought I'd make my own, The Lost Bikers! Not finished but would appreciate any quick feedback on what can improve the most.
    2. Which is better for learning sculpting/modeling, a lot of small warm-up throwaway projects or larger projects? (while making vikings skin is fun, it feels a bit redundant like I'm not really learning anything new).
    3. How many hours would you estimate goes into a completed skin on average?
    4. If you had to pick only 1, who is your favorite artist?

    Hello Jiggywatt64!

    1. First off, nice start! Did a quick paint over to show you where I would take this. Generally things just need to get bigger. His Nose, Buckles, Goggles, Bracers, Belly, Beard, Belt loops. You have a lot of opportunity to really push the look of tight leather that doesn't quite fit on Olaf. Giving him a bracer on both arms will also allow the modeler to mirror the arms since there's no huge benefit to giving him a bare arm. Any interior details like the pockets and zippers need to be thicker. The beard could use more plumpness towards the lip. Have it bellow out so there's an arc from the side. The only thing that could go a bit smaller is the tire.

    One of the harder part of sculpting is doing stylized folds. Remember your Diamonds, Zs and sideways Vs. Think about cloth folds like this. Where there's a pinch in the cloth you're going to get a taper out. This cascades and creates a diamond shape in parts where there's lots of folds. If it's a larger fold it will taper out in either a Z or V. You have to decide whether the pants are leather or denim because they have different behaviors. Always grab reference. We tend to favor thicker folds and exaggerate folds that would normally be smaller.

    1. Both are beneficial. Small warm-up throwaway projects are good if you focus on learning one specific thing and are doing it knowing you might fail. Starting over on those projects can be important for artistic growth. Longer projects that you complete are good to show potential employers because that's the goal, complete an asset to put into some sort of media.

    2. Depending on the complexity of the skin it can take between 2 weeks and 5 weeks.

    3. For some reason Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum has been coming up in conversation a lot for me and I've been looking at Dave McKean's art in that comic again. I love his style in that book and hands down is one of the coolest looking Joker's I've ever seen.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Have you considered reverting the 5% global stat nerf to healers?

    Double healer comps have not been perceived as effective ever since this round of changes. Many healer mains have told me that they loved when double healer comps were viable because it allowed damage-healer playstyles to shine like Water Dragon Lili and battle Uther. However, the bigger reason why these compositions were successful was because of very specific talents like Lightning Bond that gave healers legitimate wave clear and/or camp clear which is supposed to be the biggest weakness of such comps. They are supposed to have very weak wave clear and macro presence. These old talents like Lightning bond mitigated that issue and were abused at high level play, but with them gone, the 5% stat nerf could be reverted. This would potentially make double healer comps viable again, but they would have the glaring weakness of wave clear and macro pressure which introduces counterplay.

    Hey Pscythic,

    We don't have any plans to revert the nerf to healers in the past. This was done intentionally to drastically limit the effectiveness of double healer compositions so that they are exceptionally niche for a variety of reasons.

    When healing becomes prevalent, a variety of "good plays" are wiped away. If a Li-Ming lands a great Magic Missile+Arcane Orb combo, healers can remove that. Mana is a limitation here, but it's difficult to run a double healer team out of Mana in any reasonable amount of time.

    If double healer is the norm, we need to start balancing healing around it. That means that people that play a healer solo will likely start to feel less powerful.

    There's also typically less people that want to play a support type role than not (to each their own), so expecting about 40% of the players to play it isn't ideal. We try to match what's fun with what's effective.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Hey guys! A little art thing I've poked about, though minor it seems, is whether there are any plans to fix Nova's eye color from blue to its proper green? While it's a very small thing it's bled over into Overwatch and even back to StarCraft's comics (though thankfully they fixed it).

    Hi Subsourian!

    I just fixed this yesterday (for you). This will be in the next major content release patch.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Alterac Pass has a design flaw imo that I think could be easily solved.

    The Gnoll camps are very powerful, I like this, as they are unique to Alterac pass, and between objective's being active there isn't much else to do on the map, This is also why I like their quick respawn time.

    However, they are positioned EXTREMELY safely compared to almost every other mercenary camp in the game on all other maps. They are closer to the keep than the fort, are extremely protected by the walls and mud pits. If a team wanted to invade the opposing side's camp, they put themselves extremely deep into the opposing teams side of the map to do so, and the camp going straight onto the keep wall rather than the fort from the back/side (Like invading the Siege Giants on Dragon Shire/ Sky Temple for example will do) makes them get little value even if you do successfully invade them until the fort has been destroyed and minions are able to push alongside them.

    My suggestion is to move the camp to the opposite side of the wall that they are now, this makes them a bit easier to invade, and should promote more interaction in the map as a whole when the objectives are not active.

    Perhaps the Objective Capture locations themselves may need to be moved slightly to accomadate.

    Hey Riokaii,

    This is a cool idea, and one that would be interesting to test. I think that you are correct in that the Gnoll camps are relatively safe to take, but part of this is intentional.

    We like to have a variety of Mercenary camps, and having a mix of some that are easier and some that are harder to take is important. That being said, it doesn't mean that any camp should be unable to be challenged, and the gnoll camps might be too far in that territory.

    The complication is that we like to keep objective locations relatively isolated from one another. Now turning the camp around in those locations might be enough, but thing to test would be if that area begins to feel a bit claustrophobic.

    It would likely require a few other layout changes, which aren't really easy to do. Our art team pours a ton of attention into Battlegrounds, and changing the layout around can require a lot more cleanup and polish that you'd think. Not that it isn't do-able, but it's a matter of priorities and cost/benefit here.

    It's a cool idea though! Would be interesting to see how that would play out.

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I actually got a question about Qhira. Why is she not Belial?

    She isn't?

  • Neyman

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    You did well with the new map system for storm league. A great decision, so thank you very much for that. But, what do you think about Hanamura right now ? I spoke with many players from esport, and they dont like the map (even if it's better than the old one).

    And i guess if you let it in the rotation, you think it's competitive. But as i say in my own stream. You can just ignore the objective on this map too hard to have for so low dmg. Instead farm Samurai (Hard Camp) and pressure the keep all time. And i understand you creative position. You wanted to swap the boss map with a low boss in fusion with hard camp. And it's cool to see innovation like that. But the obj is pointless and the 2 map lanes create a snowball race for the structures.

    So i guess you are aware about this situation, what is your position about that ?

    Hey Malganyr, thanks for the question.

    One of the original intentions with Hanamura was to create a 2 lane map, where the "third lane" were the camps in the middle of the map. So it's intended that there's a greater emphasis on them than most other maps.

    It's also probably okay if the map objective isn't as powerful as other objectives. It shouldn't be ignored, and it shouldn't be more valuable to take camps over and over instead, but it's okay if it isn't a "drop everything you're doing and come here immediately" type objective.

    We're still having discussions on what changes to make going forward. We agree that it isn't playing out exactly the way we want. There might be some smaller tuning changes (like the increased respawn timer on the Samurai camps), or even slightly more creative ones.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I'm not going to ask any questions.

    I will answer any questions from Blizzard employees though.

    Where did you get that shirt?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Here's a question from our Russia community:

    Do you plan to have a workshop for user created skins? Are you making tools for that? (by МистерЧ)

    There are no current plans for user generated content. However, there are many avenues to getting your concepts seen by us. Just recently u/Jackice1714 created a poll with a bunch of community ideas for skins that they ran on reddit. We are paying attention to the highest desired skin ideas from the community and would like to do another community skin like Janitor Leoric and Azmodunk Azmodan.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I'm stealing a similar suggestion:

    Can you guys consider adding a Taunt showcase button for the MVP screen?

    And also a dance one, if possible. It will make Mastery Taunts much move visible and also make MVP screens more unique. Not to mention how awesome will be to see those animations on the big screen!

    I think it's not a herculean task and it might be a great side project for a hots developer, maybe

    This is a good suggestion. It has a lot lot of ramifications that I'm unaware of at the moment. For example, Taunt animations are usually a little more unconstrained in the hands of our animators. So, what does that mean for a hero that steps out of frame of the normal camera? Does that mean they step in front of another player? The next steps would be to go through our 86+ heroes and figure out where it breaks. This is the kind of thing that we need to explore before we're able to implement something. I'll poke around and see if this is an option.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I'm a Korean user who really loves StarCraft and Diablo Universe.

    I'd like to give some feedback on a few heroes. Can I get these?

    First one is Raynor. He has add-on to D Skill, it has 30 seconds cooldown but Take out the revolver and shoot free D to the enemy. Motion's like Starcraft2 heart of the swarm ending. and can we get his COOL visor close when he casts W?

    Next is Tychus. I want to see his visor close when he casts Q skill and I hope the smoke will be came out from his suit after it is done. like Wings of liberty ending.

    Blaze is very cool Hero but his Normal attack feeling is something boring Can you change it? I think it's a sound problem. I personally miss the sound of SC1.

    Last is Imperius. His wings were better than at the time of release but it's still weird. Compare with Link's concept art Part of Wing armor is more sharper and bigger then in game model. And it stretches on both sides. not back side. He is a name of ARCHANGEL OF VALOR. his Q motion is strange it's looks like hard to maintain wiht both hands. I hope it's change to another badass pose.

    Thanks for the feedback qortkddj90! These are all cool flavor hits! Best I can do is look into what is required to do these things and weigh it against our current backlog. If it is something that we can justify doing next to some other things that are there then it sounds good. If we can't I hope there won't be any hard feelings. Also, we have a lot of things we would like to do and time is always a big factor. If you can figure out how to add more hours in a day I'm game to explore everything.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Have you seen a skin popular enough to start working on it so far? I wonder whether the poll convinced you to choose some of them. Also, theoretically assuming that you have chosen one, when will you announce it? When it will be almost ready? At Blizzcon? On the New Year?

    There are some contenders for sure. Usually getting a skin made and prepped can take between 5 and 10 months. If we were to choose a community skin today and I started modeling it when I got back to my desk you would probably be looking at a spring or summer release next year. If we were to choose a skin and announce it 8 months ahead of time is that too far out? What do you think is a good time frame to announce something like that?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Finally. I am glad to see this issue addressed.

    Also, what does next major patch mean? Rework, hero or skin drop?

    Major patches usually mean hero and/or skin drop.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    /u/Blizz_KinaBREW, if that is you lying on the stairs on the left of the dev picture, I'm afraid to tell you that your left shoelace knot is tied incorrectly. Watch this 3 minute TED talk, improve your life and share with others in the office.

    Fascinating. Thank you for educating me!
