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Lore Skins i want to see in 2020

hi' the last 2 year Blizzard have realesed only event's themed skins from thier skins realm's like the Mecha skins and mad max skins ...

and for very long time we did not see any of the Lore skin's or crazy cross over skin's

there is many lore skin's i will love to see in HotS in the future like

Thrall have got no skin's for very long time and there is 2 lore skin's i wish he get

_BFA Thrall it will be cool to see older Thrall with axe and new personality (maybe new voice lines for the skins)

_WoD Thrall a more shamanistic thrall and it will give the player the fantasy of playing Green.J thrall

i know Jaina is the 2nd Ming in the game she have very cool skin's but this one must be in game

_BFA Jaina the new WoW jaina model is very cool and i think this must be in game (maybe with some new voice lines like Theramore jaina)

Maive is "new" hero and she dont have many skin's and as WC3 player i wish if she have her WC3 look

_WC3 Maiev

with the knifes on the cape and the batman mask that reveal half of her face she will represent more the night elf art of her

in Varian comic "Return as King" we see the King of Stormwind have split to 2 part's, the 1st is Lo'gosh the Gladiator that we aready have as skin and the other part is the dumb Disney movies prince

Prince Varian the blue one for sure it will be crazy and cool skin to see varian as stupid prince maybe with funny voice lines

and there is many more skin's i will love to see like young version of some heroes (Artanis, Raynor,Genji,Hanzo,Ana)

some of the heroes model did not look like what the player's expected like Mephisto and Mal'ganis and it will be cool if this 2 get more horror scary looking skins like this Mephisto maybe with red themed abilities and this Mal'ganis with scar's on his lips and more demonic look overall

so what lore skin's you want to see in the future ?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    A lot of these suggestions in this thread sounds awesome and we agree more lore skins are things we need.
