
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Oscar Vega leaves Blizzard Entertainment

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    You have an awesome team and no doubt there are people the we aren't forward facing that are just as fantastic. I can't wait to see all what you have in store; despite Blizzard and staffing changes, Heroes seems to be going great.

    Are you able to share whether people are also joining the Heroes team? I think part of the worry is that the team's future is one of attrition (due to people naturally changing teams, seeking other opportunities, etc). The community only really hears about the departures.

    We still are putting out skins and heroes. Those two things require Animation and Concept work. We back-fill based on the needs of the Heroes team. :)

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Will we have a chance to meet any of these developers at blizzcon? That was one of my favorite things last year. My signed Orphea poster is framed and hanging on the wall in my office still. It would be cool to get to interact, even briefly, with the devs for our favorite game.

    For those who are not aware blizzard devs run the booths and a lot of the show at Blizzcon. If you run into someone wearing a blue crew shirt, they are a Developer. Ask them what game they work on. If you come by the Heroes demo station it is more likely you'll be talking with someone from the Heroes team. I'll be there and unless there's extenuating circumstances everyone else from the team should be there.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Oscar is awesome! He's the best. He's a joy to work with and we wish him the best on his next adventure!

    I do want to reiterate something that Kaeo said in regard to some of the "Everyone is leaving" statements. We have a lot of developers that aren't as outward facing as Lana and Oscar. These developers who are behind the veil are just as passionate, hard working and good at what they do for the game as those two. We wouldn't ever be able to replace people like Lana and Oscar but the same can be said for the other developers on the team. They're still here working hard for you to produce awesome content for the game.

    We are looking forward to the new stuff coming out in the coming months and beyond!
