
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Heroes you thought you hated until one day it just “clicked”?

I’ve had a couple of heroes I felt like I really didn’t understand for a long time. Then one day I just had a game where all the pieces came together. It was like seeing their kit for the first time.

First time this happened to me was with Li Ming. I played her quite a bit when I first got into the game. I was running orb build, and as my MMR improved I was having less fun with her. I tried her reset build but couldn’t figure it out. I didn’t touch her for around a year before I decided to try reset build again and it clicked immediately. Pretty sure I stayed up all night that night and just dominated QM.

My recent is Alexstraza. I’ve never felt comfortable with her, but I heal main a lot so I figured I’d at least get her to 15. It wasn’t until I almost had her there that the penny dropped. I think I saw the synergy in her kit before, but I didn’t understand how I was supposed to position and cast my abilities to make it work. But once I found it, my teammates couldn’t be killed

Any heroes like that for anyone else?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    I wasn't a fan of Leoric as we were developing him. Couldn't get value for the life of me. I think once he released and I had some distance from him and the discussions we were having I played him on a whim and he just worked. Not sure what happened but he's one of my favorite heroes now.
