
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Suggestion Day1 - Please make a skin of human (mortal) Tyrael for us, please.

Please make a skin of human (mortal) Tyrael for us, please.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    I love this idea. I've been championing this skin since before Heroes went live. There's two challenges to this. The second one is conditional on the first.

    1. If the expectation is that Tyrael is to walk and move around like a mortal then the readability of Tyrael as a unit might get lost since his base floats. The design readability implications has other impacts as well. Art would have to get it in a place where Design was happy with the results. This means a lot of back and forth between Design and Animation. If there couldn't be an agreement it may mean lost work which equals more time.

    2. A brand new animation set pretty much means a new hero. FX would need to be tuned for those animation sets and for a lot of them this means a redo. We like to do this kind of thing but it does take our Animators and FX artists down for a bit and it usually means that we trade their time for something else.

    Again, super fun idea but we haven't figured out how to do this skin and stay true to the lore of the hero. One of my tenets is to be as true to lore as we can be. If there was a mortal Tyrael skin that floats would put any of you off?
