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Sky Temple gets new lighting on PTR

It looks like it has a blue tint to it or is less bright. Its like a cloudy day on the sky temple..

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    I bet watching the temples fire and arc across the map is pretty neat in low light.

    We wanted to push out the lighting change before the polish on details like this because the overall change effects gameplay. Let us know if this helps with the problems players had on this map. The temples firing might or might not be adjusted. We still need to assess it. Our intention is to go back and tweak some of the more nuanced things like the brazier, some of the fx and whatnot.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    for the sake of all that it's good in the world, please please PLEASE change the loading screen too! 🙏

    I made this in 10 minutes in Designer, it's just a simple Color Balance (Shadows, Midtones and Highlights) plus a bit of Levels to tone down the sun reflection. Yes, the clouds are pink but you get the idea!

    🙏 Please for the love of Kyle Vlaros 🙏

    Don't invoke Kyle's name unless you really mean it. And it's on our list :)
