
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

New Player (and new to gaming in general) Dealing with Hate

Hi all, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I just starting playing HoTS yesterday and have only been playing online games sporadicly over the last 9 months or so. My SO is a big gamer and gaming together is a way for us to spend time together while teaching each other more about our interests. Over the past few months, we've mainly stuck to Starcraft, but someone recently suggested we try HoTS. My SO has played in the past and is relearning a few things, but I'm starting from scratch, and I'm getting a lot of hate for it. Multiple people in games we've played together have started immediately attacking me because of my level, say I need to leave gaming forever, and are just overall abusive and overwhelming. I'm trying to learn, but all of this (gaming, not just this game) is new to me, and I don't want some jerks to ruin it for me.

I've read through a bit of the New Players Guide that's been posted here, but it's still a lot and I won't get better unless I practice as well. I've also watched some videos on youtube and some nice people have suggested just playing AIs until I get the hang of things. What else can I do to get better and how do I block out people that suck the fun out of the game? I hope the community overall is nicer than what I've experienced so far, but as of right now, it is a bit depressing. I want to enjoy this game with my SO, so please help.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    It sucks that this is one of your first experiences with our game. Our community is amazing and there are some really great people in it. Usually explaining that you're new and that you're learning tempers their attitude. But if that doesn't work there are options.

    Some have suggested playing against ai which is a good option to learn the game and new heroes in a lower stress environment.

    However if you feel like you want to improve against humans QM is a good place to practice. Some people can be very harsh and you can mute people individually by hitting tab and clicking on the gear on the row of their name>Mute Chat. If it's more than one person best thing to do as a new player in some games is use the mute feature. It's under Settings>Options>Social>Enable Team Chat. You'll still be able to talk in party chat with your SO or on voice. This might be best until you get your footing.

    If you choose to keep chat on you can also report these people by going to the tab screen, the gear on the row of their name>report player. We do take action against people who are misbehaving in our game. So we do encourage you to report players.

    Also there's a lot of really cool people on reddit who offer their time to play with new people!

    Thanks for playing!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    "It sucks that 'tis one o' yer first experiences wit' our game. Our community be amazin' 'n thar are some really great scallywags in it. Usually explainin' that ye're new 'n that ye're learnin' tempers thar attitude. But if that doesn't work thar are options.

    Some 'ave suggested playin' against ai which be a good option t' learn th' game 'n new heroes in a lower stress environment.

    However if ye feel like ye wants t' improve against humans QM be a good ship t' practice. Some scallywags can be mighty harsh 'n ye can mute scallywags individually by hittin' tab 'n skewerin' on th' gear on th' row o' thar name>Mute Chat. If 'tis more than one scallywag best thin' t' do as a new player in some games be use th' mute feature. 'tis under Settin's>Options>Social>Enable Team Chat. Ye'll still be able t' natter in party chat wit' yer SO or on voice. This might be best 'til ye get yer footin'.

    Also ye can only allow hearties t' send ye direct messages by goin' t' settin's>Options>Social>Only allow hearties t' send me messages.

    If ye choose t' keep chat on ye can also report these scallywags by goin' t' th' tab screen, th' gear on th' row o' thar name>report player. We do loot action against scallywags who are misbehavin' in our game. So we do encourage ye t' report players.

    Also thar's a lot o' smart scallywags on reddit who offer thar time t' play wit' new scallywags!

    Thanks fer playin'!"

    -- ftfy brew

    Yar... Guess I'll be walking t' plank.
