
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

With all the pining for what we lost when Grubby left, I have to wonder, why doesn't KyleFergusson's stream get more love?

Just checked it out today. Dude is amazing.

  1. He is analytical. Spends like 2 minutes after each game thinking about talent choices for both his team and the other team, win or loss. No flaming. Just analysis.
  2. He is educational. He talks through his thinking moment by moment throughout each game. Even in bad drafts, he is focused on what his team's strengths and weaknesses are and how they can use them.
  3. He is accessible. He talks about the game we all play rather than some weird snapshot of the "competitive" community that play a meta that applies to very few actual players.
  4. He is consistent. Dude streams regularly, even though he and his wife literally just had a baby.
  5. He's also lovable. Just seems like a really nice guy without coming across as smarmy. In many ways, he seems to scratch a lot of those itches that got a 1 hour Grubby stream promoted with 1k upvotes to the front page.

I wish the HOTS community had more streamers like Kyle. At the bare minimum, I wish we could throw more support behind Kyle. If you haven't checked out his stream (and his weekly podcast as well), I encourage you to do so.

  • Neyman

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    I've watched Kyle for a long time, he's a great streamer. Also love watching Into the Nexus with him and Garrett.

    Really appreciate the thoughtfulness and passion these guys have.

    And congrats on the baby! That'll do a number on your streaming for a while.

  • Neyman

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    I've watched Kyle for a long time, he's a great streamer. Also love watching Into the Nexus with him and Garrett.

    Really appreciate the thoughtfulness and passion these guys have.

  • Neyman

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    I've been listening to Into The Nexus for almost 3 years now. Being able to absorb all that information while at work by listening to every episode I could it really really helped me learn the game when I first started.

    Very true! I listen to it while at work too ;)

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    I've watched Kyle for a long time, he's a great streamer. Also love watching Into the Nexus with him and Garrett.

    Really appreciate the thoughtfulness and passion these guys have.

    I too, love both watching Garrett and Kyle. Really great people and love their podcasts and streams. <3
