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So why is BoE not in the SL map pool anymore?

I didn't even notice at first that they removed Battlefield of Eternity from the Storm League map pool, as I have not seen any mentioning in the patch notes about this change; I only read somewhere here several days ago that it is not appearing in games anymore.

The map as of now is indeed not showing up in game in the list of current battlegrounds. Yet as far as I know, there was still no statement by Blizzard about this. Is this intended or some oversight?

edit: People say it is just map rotation, but I thought they recently stepped down from that and just upped the number of maps. After all nothing rotated in for BoE now. This was their last statement regarding rotation

  • Neyman

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Hey, thanks for noticing!

    Battlefield of Eternity being removed from the ranked rotation was a bug. It should be back to 11 maps soon (probably a couple weeks). Sorry for the issue!
