
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Dear Developers,

I am one that has been playing this game since early alpha. I have taken breaks here and there but never because I hated the game. My brother and I love this game. I want to ask you: What can we (as the community) do to help make this game even better?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    There are a lot of really good responses here but they all saying similar things.

    Play the game. Have fun. Be good to each other.

    Also to branch off that last point, be kind to new players. If they're low level and they could be doing something better don't be confrontational with them. Instead consider asking them to group up and try to teach them some things. This game is really fun with friends. MOBA's are intimidating when someone just starts out and having someone there really helps knowledge grow.

    This of course extends to all skill levels no matter how long you have been playing. Just be good to each other. Take care of each other. There's too much friction in the world to bring it into your entertainment.
