
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Maid Li Li Skin Concept

Hi guys! Here is a skin concept that I think would make a great addition to the game! Who doesn't love a cute maid anyway ;) ?
Here are how her skills are affected cosmetically:
[Q] - Li Li tosses a cup of tea
[W] - Li Li whips her feather duster around, scattering dust and dirt around her
[E] - Li Li summons a soapy water dragon that spews bubbles
[R1] - Li Li brings out a tea set, serving tea to everyone who wants a sip
[R2] - the soapy water dragon is now a big boi. He crashes into the ground, causing nearby targets to get soapy

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Super cute!
