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HotS Most Wanted Heroes for 2020

hi' not long time ago i made 4 lists to see ur most wanted heroes from every franchise (WC,SC,D,OW), and after sometime i take the top 5 from every franchise and made new list to see what people will chose from this top 20 heroes.

go here to see last time poll.

we will do the samething this time to see what is ur most wanted heroes for 2020,

you have 4 lists with many characters to chose from but from every list you have only 1 choice,

so let start with


i made new list for this franchise because there is many characters missing from my last time list and 2 of the top choices have become playable heroes.

for the other franchises i will use last time list, so if you already voted to any of this polls you can edit your choice if you want.




after week or 2 i will make a list to see the balanced to 20 heroes.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Sad that Rock and Roll Racing, Lost Vikings and Blackthorne Universes aren't represented :(
