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Battlegrounds in Hearthstone instead of Heroes of the Storm?

So it should be no surprise that Blizzard did not want to miss the bandwagon on the autochess game mode that is the trend right now. But both Valve and Riot put their game modes, Dota underlords and TFT based on their MOBAs.

Blizzard took a different path and baked it into a new Hearthstone game mode. Does this mean Heroes will not be getting its own rendition of autochess?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    It would be pretty easy to set up in our game but I think Hearthstone did a bang up job and I play it a lot. With that said it would take longer to get to a quality bar we would be happy with.

    Auto Chess is a fun game mode and I think the implementation into Hearthstone makes sense from a game play standpoint too. Most of the time when I play Auto Chess I set up my board and I'm surfing the internet or watching TV. I don't need pretty models and awesome animations to ignore. That seems like a waste. I also like that I can read what certain cards do instead of guessing what they might do with a 3D asset. I've even seen feedback to speed up Hearthstone Battlegrounds combat.

    I understand the desire for it in our game but Hearthstone Battlegrounds just makes more sense to me.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    I don't need pretty models and awesome animations to ignore

    That's an interesting perspective for a game designer. Nowadays pretty artworks are often a crucial part of the revenue stream, even if they're things players ignore during the game. Cosmetic monetization and all that.

    I suspect that for a lot of Riot Tft players, the busy animations while watching a fight are part of the entertainment value. They obfuscate understanding what matters in the battle, making it slower to solve the "meta" and reduce gameplay choices to a checklist.

    Yes, that is the counter argument to what I presented. That is an important and valued opinion for sure. Btw I'm an artist who's been in the industry for 13 years. I like to say I'm just a dumb artist. Take that for what you will. But as an artist and the way that I play that game mode is that I mostly ignore the combat all together thus ignoring the art. Only reason I would ever look is to see what the enemy is building towards. There is value to art and to cosmetics of the Auto Chess genre just not to me and people like me.
