
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Every Character to Level 15 Goal: Phase One

Hey Everyone,

This is a project I've been working on and I just wanted to share. I suffer from pretty bad depression and anxiety. I've got a pretty decent handle on it, but one of the nasty effects I've been dealing with is that I have a very hard time accomplishing goals. I'm great at starting stuff, but then I get anxious that it's not going so well, and that plunges me into a pretty hard depression. I've decided that I need to just accomplish any goal I set for myself, as a way to have evidence that such a thing can and does happen. The goal I've set for myself is to have every character at level fifteen. (Except Brogall, because no thank you organizing another person into this please don't hassle me for it I have depression.)

Anyway. Today I finally got all the characters to level five. I've decided that the most fun way to do it is to level everyone simultaneously so I don't lose out on some characters. I realized this is the best way when I realized I wouldn't be able to Xul anymore. Goals require sacrifice.

Here's my proof.

I'll post every time I get a character to 15. (Looking at you artanis.) And when I get everyone to ten.

Please be nice to me. I know it's dumb. It's important to me. Thanks.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    It's not dumb. It's cool! Keep going! As a member of the all gold club I encourage you to come join us.

    one of us! one of us! one of us!
