
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Please fix Raynor's melee AA animation

Raynor for a long time now has a completely bugged melee animation on his Marshal and Commander skins, which really sucks as Marshal skin is my favorite and it really makes it hard to use it as it can be really confusing mid game not knowing whether you fired your AA or not and it just looks really bad.

If Blizzard doesn't have the time or don't care to fix it then just remove the melee animation for these skins but there's no excuse to leaving it in this state for so long

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    I think they are too busy these last months, many bugs are not touched for a long time now. I say give them time, and bear with it. Next patch is this Wednesday, let's hope things are fixed by then, and don't overreact when it doesn't.

    To clarify...

    First, we said next patch is next week. Second, It will be fixed next major patch. There's a difference between our patches. Balance patches and Hot Fixes are not considered Major patches. If the patch contains a Hero and/or rework and/or new skins and and/or an event you can be sure that you're looking at a major patch.
