
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Deathwing will be on PTR next week.

As confirmed by /u/BlizzNeyman, in case you missed it, here.

Edit: Balance Patch aiming for deployment Friday, again per /u/BlizzNeyman.

Our time has come, Heroes. Get hyped!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    Smart, announce like 5 weeks before people can use him, that sure makes people not get frustyed.

    We could have made the decision to release him January or February. He wasn't ready for the public at Blizzcon. A lot of what we showed there was temporary fx, balance and lots of bugs. We showed him there because we wanted to give the people who go to the show something we were releasing soon. We did the world shake and build up to get people excited for the reveal. We also thought it would be cool for people who didn't get to go to the show to see him on the virtual ticket and streams from Blizzcon.

    We worked really hard on this hero to get him to you by the end of the year. There are a select few here that worked especially long hours to get this guy ready for you to play over the last few months (/u/Blizz_Thomas I'm looking at you and thank you my dude).

    I know it can be frustrating to wait but not many people think about how frustrated they were having to wait a month or two before a release of something they're excited about after it has been released. But soon he will be here burning down structures and foes and hopefully your frustration will fade. We're really proud of this one. Hope you enjoy Deathwing as much as we do.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    I think blizzard forced them with the HK fiasco. It was all hands on deck positive PR mode fo blizzcon. They announced D4 and said it was very far from release.

    We made the decision to bring Deathwing to Blizzcon around January-February. Games are hard. Making a demo is hard and time consuming. Making a show as big as Blizzcon is hard and time consuming. Planing for those things takes far longer than a month or two.
