
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Deathwing Model Sharpness

I really like the Deathwing Model and I’m so happy, that he is finally in the game. His model looks awesome but I think especially at his Arms,belly and his neck, his Model could be a bit more sharply. Ingame it’s not very noticeable but in the shop or Character screen you can see it clearly. As I said his Model is awesome but I would love to see some of his textures a bit more sharp. Love you guys and your work :)

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Deathwing is a big boi and he's got a lot of surface area. What you're pointing out is something called MIP mapping. Depending on the compression algorithm that we use the textures can get smashed a bit more towards the red spectrum. Textures that utilize the Green channel more are going to look higher res. I may be able to force a different compression algorithm through the pipe but a lot of our bigger characters suffer from this in the store and character select screen. It's just a reality of making art for games some times. Thanks for the feedback.
