
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

How to be a better Hero Leaguer with Tempo Storm Kaeyoh! First episode focusing on the topic of Timings.

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I duo queue fairly often with Kaeyoh! He's a great person with great insight feelsgoodman


  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I'd watch an entire series of 'things I as a pro player notice about hero league', that's exactly the sort of content we're missing as a community.

    People have tier lists and general game play videos covered, but this kind of strategy/insight videos is where we lack a lot. Dread's stuff is awesome, and Fan did some cool stuff on youtube, but you are definitely filling a void I can usually only fill by watching Grubby's stream (which is awesome, but takes long xD)

    Yeah Grubby is great at teaching as he plays, I think this is just a little more compact form like you said ^

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Ooooo dis purty neat!

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Great video, anyone has the link to the site with timers kaeyoh mentions?

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Thanks /u/Kaeyoh!

    I think a separate series to accommodate the "nuances" (lol) of mid to low mmr games would be very helpful.

    Your expectations of your team capabilities -- mechanics, timings, strategy, decision making, map awareness -- flat out do not map to higher and pro level play advice and trying to use that advice in low level play is usually the wrong way to go.

    Basically a "How to Carry in a Shitshow" series.

    This is 100% accurate. There are a lot of hero league games where I'll prioritize grouping with the team over what I know is the better decision to get a free wave of exp, because I know my team will not play around my rotations and just get picked off.

    Regardless, I still think you should try to understand high level play decisions and incorporate that into your games. As you climb in mmr and get into more 'big boy games' you can start making these decisions with a team that understands what your goal is.

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I think something about the best way to analyze replays in order to help in reducing personal mistakes would be really helpful.

    For sure, if you haven't already check out my xul video I think its headed in that direction.

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Cool video! A thing that might help a lot of people could be: How to make to most out of a map objective and how to play against it properly! It could be split between the controllable objectives like DK and the other mechanics like Punisher or Curse. I think the amount of wasted Terrors and DKs in the Nexus is too damn high!

    This is a great idea I dig it.

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I know Dread did an overview on drafting, but some advice on comp selection. One of the things i'm struggling with in Team league is drafting a decent comp to counter theirs, because it feels like i need to do more than just, oh we'll draft x to counter y.

    Yeah I have some really good ideas to address this, but its not as simple as one video. Drafting is an incredibly deep and complex subject and I think dread's videos on it are a great start.

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Advice for dealing with the guy that dies 4 times in the first 3 minutes of the game. And the guys that go in 3v5 or 4v5 when it's clear from the mini map that people are still rotating to objectives? Is there a best way to deal with this? I struggle to find anything to do other than go soak xp and hope they don't lose more

    Yeah I think I'll do an episode on this, but the key is communication. You can't always control what other people do on your team, but you can still attempt to let them know what YOU'RE doing so they can try and make the best decision (even if they are a rebel).

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    With season 1 hopefully right around the corner, I wanted to do my own take on a tutorial series, covering topics I feel are important for improving as a player overall. Let me know if there's anything particular you'd like to see!
