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Tempo Storm Kaeyoh - Risking Leads on Late Game Bosses

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 9 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    The throw pit is the throw pit.

    I have horrible nightmares of trying to finish 5% bosses in that pit D:

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 9 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I would really like Kaeyoh to respond to this. I looked over this fight and can't see how taking the boss was a mistake, since if Dreadnought had just hit R at about 4:19, it would have guaranteed the capture. Instead Dreadnought dies due to horrible positioning, something that could have easily happened if TempoStorm were doing anything that Kaeyoh recommended instead: pushing, capping giants or bruisers, capping a temple...

    I know it's not the message that is trying to be conveyed here, but my take from this clip is "a good play can lose you the game if you execute it very badly".

    Yeah for sure you make a good point there about "a good play can lose you the game if you execute it very badly", and you're right about dread's positioning there causing the fight to go poorly so quickly.

    Because we were taking this boss call rather than doing lesser objectives, we set ourselves up with a situation where if we DO misplay the fight, we lose the game from that single exchange. If dread makes a similar mistake at something like giants, the repercussions are much less severe.

  • Kaeyoh

    Posted 9 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Great video. I really like these informative style clips that help give us some insight into your thought processes.

    Late game can be very hectic and a lot of times it's these small decisions that can end up costing/winning you the game.

    Thanks! You're right about it being very hectic, and it's especially hard to make these decisions where the perceived value can be misleading.
