
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

I've created Heroes of the Storm pixel wallpapers using John Su's pixel sprays

I'll be honest, since the sprays appeared on the game cartridge in the loading screen and game board they have become a bit of an obsession for me.

The pixel artwork is created by John Su, and the logo probably too but I got Alarak of the Storm to recreate it.

If and when John Su creates more pixel sprays for the game, I'll update the images with the new ones.

Thank you, Heroes developers-- for putting this stuff in the game. A big <3 for John Su for creating awesome pixel artworks despite being an engineer, and a big thanks to Alarak of the Storm for recreating the logo.

Cartridge Sticker Recreation: White / Dark / White (Portrait) / Dark (Portrait)

1920x1080 Wallpaper: White / Dark

2560x1080 Wallpaper: White / Dark

1440x2960 Wallpaper: White / Dark

2560x1440 Wallpaper: White / Dark

Currently the game only has sprays for: Abathur, Alarak, Alexstrasza, Arthas, Butcher, Diablo, DVa, Falstad, Genji, Kerrigan, Lili, Murky, Nova, Orphea, Raynor, Sylvannas, Sonya, Vikings, Thrall, Tracer, Tyrael, Tyrande, Uther, and Zeratul.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    You're right, but I'm concerned about DDS artifacting which is always a possibility. I'm going through all the sprays and trying to "clean" them but it takes time :)

    I guess that is true. Darn compression.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Source)

    Not really. Reptition gets pretty severe at the 1440 mark

    You can always take what you've done and resize it using constrain proportions and Nearest Neighbor (Preserve Hard edges) to increase the size of the image while retaining any pixel art hard edges. That way you're not repeating the same sprites over and over. The pixels of the image just gets bigger. Still retains the same retro look too.
