
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Try to remember the Devs are people too!


As we get closer to the rumored content update let's try to be understanding if we run into delays. All of us are being affected in some way by COVID-19 and we need to remind ourselves that the amazing group that creates our content have people in their lives that may be affected.

I'm sorry to post this as many of you will consider this common sense but you know it's likely to happen with our "passionate" user base.

The Nexus needs us to be a little selfless more than ever :)

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    So far the only major change is that I can sing as loud and obnoxiously as I want

    You could do that in office if you weren't a coward!


    They already have to contend with my annoyingly loud laugh. David's got more of a tempered control based on a very considerate inner monologue based on that knowledge. I've been PMing people "HAHA" just to remind people what they're missing.
