
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Image found here; I hope I cleared the Sub's rules for formatting.

I drew this picture as a crappy little tribute to Gerald Brom's spectacular piece, and while I screwed mine up in a lot of places, that's pretty fitting considering the source.

These last few years have been pretty rough, and one of the ways I gradually found myself coping was by spamming Butcher games again and again, late at night. I'm not sure whether I was drawn to how ferocious Blizzard made him, or just how fucking sure of himself he always is, but he slowly turned into a mascot of sorts for me, and I wanted to commemorate that in some way.

These days I'd been giving up hope on that Butcher rework the devs said was coming (in an AMA months ago), but now the new Tassadar patch introduced a bunch of frame-stuttering which made HotS unplayable for me anyway, so I guess my cringey obsession became irrelevant to begin with :P

At least I'll always have my time with Butchy boy to look back on. Have fun on the Nexus, guys

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Super cool! Keep it up!
