
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Fan Art | "Necrolord" Zul'jin

So, with all the Shadowlands news, I was inspired to design Necrolord Zul'jin, a Covenant themed design. I felt he would work quite well with the Necrolords.

While this version is based more on his World of Warcraft appearance, I do think this idea could work also quite well in Heroes of the Storm. Of course, for HotS some modifications would need to be applied like him having two axes or getting a mohawk to be more in line with his HotS silhouette.

In my opinion, Shadowland Covenant skins could be a very interesting theme for a skin series.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Pretty cool idea. You guys are getting creative today. Keep it up!
