
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Something urgently needs to be done about the bugs that are currently live

EDIT: HERE is the Blizzard reply you're scrolling for

I've compiled a list of bugs that are currently active in-game right now. I don't know about you guys, but this is a serious problem in my opinion

  • Kael'thas' Pyroblast follows Tyreal after death before he explodes and will trigger a 2nd death.

  • Zeratul's Vorpal Blade talent's distance is currently only the same as his blink ability

  • Zeratul's 'Grim Task' talent does not cause him to lose his ability damage after death, despite the tooltip saying so

  • The Garden Terror's basic attacks are completely missing minions in some cases

  • Artanis' 'Titan Killer' causes you to do double damage from his Seasoned Marksman stacks

  • Ragnaros' 'Empower Sulfuras' ability can proc twice with one cast

  • Rexxar's pet Misha has numerous bugs in terms of pathing, causing loss of control of her

  • Stitches' 'Hungry for More' talent does not work

  • Tassadar's healing stats are doubled in the stats screen

  • Tassadar's level 1 talent Templars Will does not count toward the quest unless Tassadar attacks for 1+ seconds per time

  • Tassadar's Archon ultimate sometimes will not change to the correct model, and will appear in his normal form

  • Self-casting Tassadar's shield activates his trait

  • Anub'arak's 'Chitinous Plating' talent does nothing

  • The Lost Viking's 16 talent for Olaf's stun charge can be cast on destroyed buildings

  • The Lost Vikings' trait does not work

  • Tracer cannot hit posessed minions

  • Queueing commands on Valeera removes stealth before she follows the commands, rather than when they are done

  • Li Li's 'Gale Force' talent does not work

  • The sorting order for heroes does not remember your preferred selection

  • The immortals on Battlefield of Eternity are commonly not displaying their attacks as circles on the ground as intended

  • The christmas treasure goblin mount is still not available, regardless of owning it

  • AI heroes can see Valeera whilst stealthed

  • Chromie's 'Timewalkers Pursuit' quest is completed from the momnent you choose it

  • Brightwing's 'Pixie Dust' now only reduces the damage of 1 ability rather than persisting for the 1.5 seconds it is meant to EDIT: Other way round, this is infact a tooltip error, not an ability bug

  • Samuro's new Monkey King skin displays his clones in the 1st colour tint, regardless of if you switch from it

  • Colour blind mode camp colours are the same regardless of status

  • If Nazeebo misses his Q, the vase no longer shatters, just falls through the ground

  • Valeera's Garrote sometimes will not cast at all, but you will still leave stealth

  • Tychus' 'In The Rhythm' talent permenantly displays 0 stacks in the tooltip

  • Artanis can use his dash if his swap is about to hit to travel the full distance of the dash without returning to his original position

  • Malfurion's Moonfire bonus damage talent sometimes procs despite passing the 3-second window

  • The Punisher on Infernal Shrines can get stuck chasing the enemy into their spawn zone

  • Battlefield of Eternity's Immortals can be displaced by Tyreal's holy ground talent

  • Samuro's 'Bladestorm' ultimate can be interrupted by Anub'arak's stuns

  • Leoric's "Fealty Unto Death" not currently working

  • Valeera's smoke bomb can cause her to stay unrevealable longer than intended and/or when outside of smoke bomb's radius

  • Samuro clones are acting out of the ordinary (and Misha, similarly mentioned above) (details here)

I'm not one to moan, I can handle it if there's a couple of problems, just stick to quick match until they're fixed, etc. But for real, the game right now feels like a complete shambles. It's pretty hard to put me off playing because I am obsessed with this game, but in it's current state, I feel like I want to take a break until these things are fixed.

If any of you Blizzard guys are lurking, can we get some kind of acknowledgement that you guys are working on fixes for these? I feel like myself and the community could do with some reassurance that this is going to be fixed and not happen again.

  • azgaz

    Posted 7 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Thank you for this information, but can we have the list of the bug that were corrected? I want to play samuro with his third color variation, it's the best! :)

    That one should make it in to the patch, just keep an eye on the patch notes once it's out for the full list of bug fixes.

  • azgaz

    Posted 7 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to drop in here and let you know that we already have a patch nearing completion that addresses the majority of the bugs on this list. There are a few listed here that we may need to take a closer look at so thanks for compiling the list, it helps us out a lot. Apologies for all the wonkiness with this release, Valeera stabbed too many other Heroes on her way to the Nexus.
