
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Hello /r/HeroesoftheStorm. We've brought in our balance experts to answer your questions regarding Heroes of the Storm Balance.

PTR Patch Notes – December 5th, 2016
Patch Notes – December 6th, 2016

We’ve brought in a few of the experts working on balancing Heroes of the Storm to tackle your thoughts about the latest changes to be introduced to Heroes of the Storm. Feel free to ask questions about the recent changes to the game, your favorite heroes, talent diversity, or anything else you’d like to know regarding balance!

For today’s Q&A, we’ll have the following developers in attendance:

Please feel free to start posting your questions below! We’ll be starting at 12:30 PM PST.

As a reminder: There will be questions posted by CMs from non-English speaking regions. If you'd like to see these questions answered, feel free to upvote them for more visibility.

Edit 1: The team is sitting down and getting ready to start diving in. PROOF:
Edit 2: We're seeing a ton of questions regarding Murky and Uther. Here are the latest updates: Murky Response, Uther Response
Edit 3: Thanks for all your questions, the balance guys need to head back to work! We'll see you next time!

  • azgaz

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I noticed my current build doesn't get the special post game star on either computer but on the PTR i now get the special end game star. Is this feature being rolled out in segments or was there a bug?

    Hey Milkman127,

    This isn't a balance question but I do want to add some clarification since this is a new feature. The system was designed in such a way that it does not always provide a personalized stat for every player in every game. Many factors go into deciding whether or not to show a stat to a player, and just because you didn’t receive one doesn’t mean that you aren’t performing well. Having said that, we are continuing to tweak the rules for how these are shown so that these show up in more situations that are meaningful.

  • azgaz

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Any updates you can give us on the attack queuing and the bugs that have been causing abilities not to go off while right clicking? (ex, Kerrigan combo not going off)

    Hey Tbkzord!

    Kerrigan's combo should actually be significantly improved now on PTR so you can go and play around with it to see if she's back to her normal player killing self. We also try to make targeted quality of life changes to specific Heroes in every patch, such as Diablo's Attack Animations which was changed in today's balance update, to help with these types of issues.

  • azgaz

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Hope I'm not too late to the party, but has the team every considered adding a shield and armour system similar to overwatch, where shields and armour absorb Yx amount of damage compared to normal health.

    We got you fam! Check out this post from our Lead Balance Designer for something we have coming soon™ to the game!

  • azgaz

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Are you keeping an eye for power creep? The newer heroes can do more and more things; hard cc on Varian assassin, split pushing power of Samuro, very strong DD andally save on warrior zarya.

    Hey Archonios!

    Power creep is definitely something the team is aware of and can be the natural fallout of exploring more diverse and interesting Heroes with unique kits that push boundaries. The Hero Design team is cognizant of this and will pair power creep with intentional weaknesses to compensate when designing a new Hero. Luckily, we're constantly looking for opportunities to go back and revisit older Heroes that can use some attention and adjust their power level to be both closer to their respective fantasy and the current state of the game. I would definitely recommend checking out the reworks currently on PTR for Diablo, Artanis and Dehaka! :)

  • azgaz

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Hello nice blizzard people!

    I come from the foreign lands of Scotland, to ask if balance testing in blizz HQ is done with batches for new heroes, or introducing them and testing one by one in the current environment (Current being the state of the game for the rest of us).

    I ask because once upon a time I saw a comment that said "It makes sense that Li-ming was so powerful to begin with if the devs were also testing tracer at the same time."

    Hope this question gets answered!

    Hey BoP_BlueKite!

    This mostly depends on how much a Hero is being tweaked or reworked but regardless, changes get playtested through various stages of development which can include what is live to players, what is coming up soon and even a state that won't hit the live game for a loooooong time. Changes we make propagate down a large chain of development so we get lots of difference perspectives on upcoming changes. More experimental or sweeping changes can also get dedicated focus testing through strike teams to really soak up what the balance team is working on and tweak it before it gets to players.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    I love me some big Excel spreadsheets! have frozen my computer several times with +200Gb ones! (Offshore oil platforms simulation results and post processing)

    When I was younger, I would fiddle with improvements to an excel character generator for a pen and paper roleplaying game called Earthdawn. The thing was basically its own program, it got so complicated. I loved it. Now I get to do it for fun/work!

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I know my edits have made the post into something far longer than I first wrote; he's definitely interesting in terms of balance. So, sorry about the wall to read over.

    I'm still interested in how you feel about Cocktail build. I like the idea of armor with Worgen form (Resistance?) and the goal you have for MFTK, but there's still a lot of Greymains that are unhappy about Cocktail build in its current form and feel like they had the old Greymane "stolen" from them in favor of making Cocktail viable after numerous patches. They feel the ability is unreliable, or it doesn't do enough, or it takes too many talents devoted to it. Do you have any further plans for this build?

    There aren't any concrete plans to make changes. I think we're happy with some of the damage potential of the character, but we can take another look.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Ooo, Armor. I'm curious what that means. % damage reduction, a shield, something else?

    Armor is like a % damage reduction.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Is your goal to make every talent tier an "apples to apples" choice, or will there still be tiers that have different options?

    Not every tier needs to be this way!

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Hello Neyman. Thanks for answering my question.

    Rexxar lvl 7 talent tier is in my opinion one of the best talent tiers in the game. It has 3 completely different talents and all are viable with similar wins rates. One is great in team fights, one is great for tanking or holding a point and one is great for pushing or taking camps. It's always an interesting choice for me as a player as it caters to different playstyles and I can adept to the situation at hand. However, the pick rate of them are not even.

    I think it would be a shame if you turned such a great talent variety into something else with the "apples to apples" philosophy. Where it instead of being interesting choices with great variety, turns into "In this talent tier you can only improve your damage in slightly different ways".

    We feel like we can more consistently create choices that are interesting if we start to limit the spectrum of choices you have to choose from.

    It makes the hero play out the same way every time however with only slight variation. If you make them similar, there will generally be one that is better and if it isn't, that's often because the choice doesn't matter. Like Tracer lvl 7 and Tracer lvl 16. It just tends becomes bland, the hero is played exactly the same way regardless of what you take.

    I think Zagara is the prime example of the different approaches you can take. Before, she had two ways of playing. Either you go vision build for utility or you go pushing. Right now, she only has one way of playing, apart from the ultimate. The change to her ultimates was definitely needed and I think good design in several ways, so was a remake of many of her talents. However, I think you missed the second key part of her kit by not allowing her to be built for vision anymore, as that is what her trait and entire race has always been about and it is also a key point in competitive play.

    A question I'm really anxious about is how you will approach your redesign or alteration of Rexxar. Will it be with the new "apples to apples" approach or will we continue to see great talent and playstyle variety within the same talent tier?

    Hey, just wanted to jump in and say not every tier, nor even every character needs to adhere to these rules. It's mostly just a small thing that we've learned to be wary of as we're creating Talent options. If you're putting something like "Valla does more Hero damage" versus "Valla can provide nearby allies utility", you have to do some really crazy tuning to make the non-primary focus of the Hero an attractive choice.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    From DeMo in LatAm:

    • What are the challenges of balancing a multiclass hero such as Varian?
    • How happy do you guys get when the design team comes up with a new, crazy, super hard to balance ability?
    • For an ability with 120 seconds cooldown, Hinterlands Blast has an extremely low damage. Any plans to change it in the future (either damage or cooldown)?

    Hey DeMo, thanks for the question!

    • One of the biggest challenges of balancing a multiclass Hero like Varian is tuning Talents that have differing power levels depending on the different "roles" you take. With Varian, we were okay with some Talents being more or less attractive depending on your route, as long as you still had 2 viable choices at each tier. This was our first foray into multiclass, and we're still learning from Varian's release.

    • Our design team is usually really good about listening to the balance teams feedback when something doesn't appear tune-able. We work hand in hand with them to make sure that abilities work, because no one wants to have to completely revamp a Hero's kit after they're released. It can be painful for a few playtests though, I won't deny that, haha! We usually like to give things a fair shake before we voice concerns.

    • We can revisit Hinderlands Blast again. We're thrown around a few ideas, and we agree it could be more interesting.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I'd like to address your "apples to apples" philosophy which for the most part the hero remakes and the balance of the game is based on now. It makes for talent tiers like tracer tier 16 or Nova tier 4. Which perhaps in your statistical analysis is great for it has a reasonable diversity. But to a player it just becomes a bland choice as every talent is basically the same.

    Which means every time you play the hero, it is the same. If I was watching a replay, I wouldn't even be able to tell which talent the hero took for it plays out exactly the same. You call it good talent diversity but I think you should aim for a good play diversity instead. Where every talent plays out as differently as possible. Instead of making every talent as similar as possible.

    I'll take Rexxar as an example. He has mediocre talent diversity but his talents are very different. I'd much, much rather see that type of diversity where one talent makes your great at solo bosses, another great at CC and a third gives you great survivability. Those are choices that actually matter even if one talent gets 50% or above pick rate. Instead of "apples to apples" talents like the wisp talents or a talent that is basically "Talent 1 gives you 50% extra damage on every attack, talent 2 gives you 100% extra damage on every second attack!". Sure, it may look great on a spreadsheet where you see they have equal pick rate but that is because the talents choices do not matter.

    Do you agree that the "apples to apples" balance philosophy tends to makes for uninteresting choices and end up playing the same for the most part? What is the priority, good play diversity or good talent pick rate diversity?

    Hey Paladia, thanks for the question.

    The goal with creating Talent choices is to make you think each time you play a Hero. You should react to the Battleground, your team composition, the enemy team composition, what your prior Talent choices were, if you're winning, if you're losing, what gameplay styles do you prefer at the moment?

    Ideally, each one of these Talents are also interesting and make you play slightly differently too. They should be gameplay changers that feel fun and add to the character. They should make you feel powerful and awesome. They should make playing a Hero the 100th time just as fresh as playing them the 1st time (ideally).

    We don't always hit that for every Hero, sorry about that. But we think there are plenty of examples of good "apples to apples" choices in the Talent trees. We feel like we can more consistently create choices that are interesting if we start to limit the spectrum of choices you have to choose from. It wasn't interesting to be playing Illidan and say "Okay, do I pick between living, mobility, or doing damage", because then you aren't actually making a choice because you always have to prioritize living.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    A few quick questions:

    1) With the Calarmity nerf don't you think that lvl1 teleport talent on Li-Ming is completely useless now?

    2) Malf seems to dominate both HL and competitive play as a number 1 support for quite a while. Will you try to buff all other supports to his lvl or can we expect a nerf cooming soon?

    3) Haunted Mines is the first map without the bushes right next to objective (i.e. there are none of them in the mines itselfs). This takes away Dehaka's crucial ability to stay on the lane until the very moment when he is needed in the teamfight for the objective. Are you ok with this?

    4) Why can't Rehgar use his Lightning Shield (W) on the enemies? It would be quite fun and in the same time not very strong.

    I also have a side question which is not about the balance but about the bug: I have made a topic on the gamebreaking Kharazim/Graden Of Terror interraction ( but neither it nor the bug report on the forums ( got a responce from blizzard and there is no mention of it in the recent patch notes so I thought that maybe you can send it to the right hands in case it was unnoticed?

    I'll answer 3 and 4, I'll leave the first two to someone else.

    We're completely okay with certain Heroes not being great on certain maps. One of our goals with Heroes of the Storm is to allow different Heroes to shine (and not shine) on various battlegrounds, so that you see a greater variety of Heroes and strategies.

    At one point in Rehgar's development, he was able to cast Lightning Shield on enemies. We removed it for a few reasons:

    • It was difficult to tell which Lightning Shield's were allied and which were enemies, even with team coloring.
    • It added more consistent damage to the ability (especially against enemy Minions waves), which would likely require it to be toned down slightly. This meant it was less valuable when placed on a diving Hero, which we think is a major flavor of who Rehgar is (enabler of dive teams).
  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    In your minds, what's the optimal balance patch schedule for a hero's release? I was a big fan of how Zarya's release was done, though I would've liked the final iteration to be a bit sooner. Samuro felt busted for far too long.

    I guess it changes per Hero, but I think for the most part hitting a Hero with a few small changes 2 weeks after their release, and then again with bigger changes with more data and games under our belt a few weeks after that.

    Zarya's changes happened a lot faster and more frequent than we'd like for most Heroes, but we were trying to have her in a good balanced state for the Blizzcon finals. I don't think we'll ever likely put everyone through that roller coaster again.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Whats the toughest balance decision you've made for the game through the years?

    I think the toughest one we ever made was figuring out how to reduce snowballs and experience gaps in games. That led to a giant undertaking in changing the way all Heroes scale in the game. There was no going back after making the change, and almost every system had to be touched to compensate.

    I wish you all could have seen the giant excel sheet that listed how every character, map, mercenary, and experience reward would need to change. And then making sure that everyone one of those things happened as intended.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)


    Hi ajrc0re, thanks for your question.

    Internally, for a long time, Warbringer was viewed as the "weaker" Talent choice. From our viewpoint, how could you give up Shield Wall, which provides complete immunity to damage? We kept tuning up Warbringer, because our fear was that if Shield Wall came out as the stronger Talent option at that tier, we'd have a long uphill battle to ever get people to take something else.

    We overdid it slightly. But actually, we think that'll be better for Varian's Talent diversity in the long run, as we can slowly buff Shield Wall and/or nerf Warbringer as needed to narrow the gap.

    The most recent change was to nerf Warbringer slightly, because it's too strong. We know there have been lots of comments suggesting reducing Charge's cooldown somewhat, and we may still consider making those changes. But we're still wary of overdoing it, because man, Shield Wall is actually really strong too.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Another question of mine about a hero that I'll admit I was slightly disappointed in not seeing anything for in the recent patch notes: Greymane. What's your stance on him? He seems to be a little lackluster as of late when compared to assassins like Alarak and Valla who have better poke, sustain, and utility. Yet he has still seen some effective competitive use. Are there any changes being considered that might buff him in public play without affecting him too much in pro play?

    Edit: Since this one seems to be rising a fair bit quicker than another comment, I'm going to borrow one of his questions: What happened with Scented Tincture, and will it ever return in some form? The best suggestion for it I've heard is to make it basically a thrown Clairvoyance that simply reveals a small area and the heroes within it for no damage if it doesn't splash off of anything. Though I'd admit I'd have a hard time ever picking it over Perfect Aim in the case of Cocktail build because the baseline range is rather unimpressive.

    Edit: More talk about Cocktail. Do you feel that Cocktail should require 3 talents to be a central part of Greymane's kit and not just a situational piece of extra poke/waveclear/finishing tool? Would you consider altering/combining or making parts of the talents for it baseline (like Draught Overflow?) I mentioned the usefulness of Perfect Aim over Scented Tincture earlier as well. The baseline range is often times just a little too short; 30% is often more than enough however. Perhaps we could see a 15%-20% baseline range increase in favor of altering the Perfect Aim talent?

    Edit: I also heard a lovely suggestion about making Wolfheart baseline, perhaps for half a second per autoattack for up to 10 seconds of reduction. Thoughts? Viciousness is, to me, almost simply inferior in that refreshing it off of Abilities means little when Greymane only actually has two abilities, one being his Heroic, that could refresh it(yes, technically Darkflight can too, but when are you going to dive in just to keep your IB going?). But here's the kicker: Baseline Cocktail range is not much more than autoattack range. I could see it working with Perfect Aim to allow for a long range refresh, but they're both on the same tier! So the only real benefit is the extra second, which doesn't really mean much when you can just have the cooldown reduction to reactivate it with Wolfheart and you're also free to use it more liberally (like on merc camps) with Wolfheart, whereas with Viciousness, IB might not refresh in time.

    Edit: How could I forget the elephant in the room? Marked For The Kill, and how it compares to Go For The Throat. I really don't know where to go with this one, so I'll just add some thoughts. I like Go For The Throat not just because it's a burst tool, but because it's also a mobility tool. It's an instant gap closer to reengage a hero that may have just used their own in an attempt to escape. It's a long cooldown trade for a short one (and boy did that 20 second cooldown increase + range reduction hurt), but the ideal outcome is that it results in a kill for me. The original iteration of Marked For The Kill also had a gap closer on it, and it was easily 3x the range of GFTT, but it moved slowly and with a thin projectile. This made it far more situational than GFTT, so it was changed to be a refreshing vulnerability with the goal of being a "tank killer" tool for Greymane. But that's not his job. It's nice to have in some scenarios (I used it to obliterate a Cho'gall the other day in QM), but there are better heroes for that than him. I'm picking Greymane because I want to get at a squishy backline, not to poke down the tank. Of course, I might just be missing the intended purpose of this ult, so I'm curious what you hoped to achieve with the change? There are people that have also voiced their want for it to have the old gap closer functionality back on it, and I think that could make for some interesting play if it were to be added. Of course, it'd still be risky, because many of the squishier backline heroes have small hitboxes (Li Ming and Chromie come to mind). This is another benefit of GFTT: it's point and click, instant, guaranteed value. Very strong. As I said, I don't really know what you could do with MFTK to make it a meaningful alternative as I haven't given it a lot of thought, so I would be interested to hear if you have any potential further changes in the pipeline. We saw Nydus become worthwhile once it had passives loaded onto it; could MFTK be the same?

    I love Greymane (and could probably go on and on about how I feel about his talents), so I would love to see more of him again and have a reason to keep playing him myself. I still play him in QMs, but I can't ever seem to justify picking him in drafts.

    TL;DR per request: Greymane feels outclassed by numerous heroes in most scenarios, being limited to maps like Battlefield of Eternity for his raw Worgen damage but becoming unfavorable for anything else. Cocktail build is still not considered useful by many or feel it requires too much devoted to it to become useful. Greymane's level 1 tier is unbalanced, and Scented Tincture's removal is still unexplained. MFTK is still plain worse than GFTT in the vast majority of situations and needs further changes.

    Thanks for the question AMasonJar. I can't answer everything, but I'll try to hit the big points.

    In general, Greymane is an interesting Hero in terms of balance. He's effective and sees play in the competitive scene, and he still has a niche on certain maps. He isn't all that common in Hero League anymore, and his winrate is a little lower than we'd like.

    We know it's been a turbulent experience for Greymane players since he came out, and we're sorry for that. We genuinely think that his overall design has improved, but obviously there's still room to go. If he were one of the most powerful Heroes in the game again, we think the complaints about how he feels to play would go down.

    That being said, there are a few changes coming for Greymane. We're throwing around some ideas to drastically change Marked for the Kill to solidify it as a Heroic you use at the start of a fight (while Go For the Throat is the finisher). We're also planning on adding Armor to Greymane while he is in Worgen form.

    There are a lot of really good Basic Attack Heroes at the top of the meta right now, like Tychus, Valla, or Falstad, and we don't want Greymane to just replace one of them. If we do it right, there would be reasons to take him on battlegrounds like Battlefield of Eternity, when you otherwise wouldn't take the others (in fact I still do see him there when I play Hero League).

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    What are your opinions on 'Hero cycling', and do you think that Heroes of the Storm's Hero cycling is in the right place.

    Thanks for your hard work,


    (Hero Cycling is the concept of rotating in and out Heroes by deliberately overnerfing or overbuffing them. To give some Heroes specific examples; Muradin has been in the meta for so long, it could be argued that he should be deliberately nerfed out of Tier 1-3. Diablo has been out of the meta for a long time, so you could also argue that he should be deliberately overbuffed to bring him up to Tier 1 so that he can see regular play. The main argument in favour of this concept is that it brings more diversity to the game and keeps metas distinct and interesting.)

    Hi! I'm James Baker.

    We will sometimes buff or nerf Heroes slightly to bring them down if they have an incredibly high pick or win rate that we don't think is healthy for the game, but we don't have any plans to constantly rotate out "who's at the top" like some sort of map rotation. We also don't ever plan to nerf a Hero into unplayability, or dominance. Realistically, we want every Hero to be between "niche pick" and "pretty good in this meta".

    Our perfect goal would be to create a role for every Hero, so that in the right meta, battleground, or player's hands there would be a reason to bring them all.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Is Thrall considered for a rework? While I think he has a fun playstyle, I wish his talent choices would be a bit better, I feel like he has at best 1.5 viable build.

    He is on the books, but likely won't see any light until middle of next year or so. We are aware of his talent issues though! Hang tight. >.<

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    What basic or heroic ability do you feel is underrated by the community?

    Bloodlust is still a sleeper imo. :)

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source) - he thought stitches wanted to play. Luckily saved the plushie before complete destruction.

    6.5 out of 10, missing cigar.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Hey if you are still answering questions I have one. Is it by design that newer heroes typically enter the game on the stronger side of things to promote sales? It seems like every time a new hero is added they come in really strong and then are gently nerfed down to be more in tune to what already exists in the game.

    You mean like Chromie, Medivh, Gul'dan, Auriel (50%), Alarak, and Zarya? :) No, we aim for 50% on our heroes, that is our goal. I think we're currently in a string of "stronger at release than we'd like", but our goals have not changed.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Is there any plan to make it more clear to players what role a hero provides by expanding on the role system in place? A bruiser tank doesn't fill the same role as a real tank (Sonya v Muradin), and a hybrid healer can't compete with a true healer (Tassadar v Malf).. with the addition of Varian this seems to get more cloudy.

    We've discussed this internally, it is something we'd like to pursue, but there are a lot of bigger things in front of it right now. I think we'll get to it eventually, but requires a lot of updates to the UI, screens, etc, and those are pretty impacted teams at the moment.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    When you have heroes such Tyrael with decent/not overpowered winrates, why is the choice of design to nerf the overly favored heroics ie, Sanctification and not bring the lagging heroic ie, Judgement, up to par in enticement?

    The goal with the Sanctification change was to allow for wombo combos to still be successfully executed and not be negated by Sanctification while also having a lower cooldown.

    If you recall long ago, Judgement was the more favored heroic (by far!) so we lowered the cooldown of Sanctification substantially to entice people into picking it. We're now going back on some of that buff, and Judgement is still over a 50% win rate, so we didn't feel we needed to buff it in this case. We'll keep an eye on this though!

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    When you have heroes such Tyrael with decent/not overpowered winrates, why is the choice of design to nerf the overly favored heroics ie, Sanctification and not bring the lagging heroic ie, Judgement, up to par in enticement?

    The goal with the Sanctification change was to allow for wombo combos to still be successfully executed and not be negated by Sanctification while also having a lower cooldown.

    If you recall long ago, Judgement was the more favored heroic (by far!) so we lowered the cooldown of Sanctification substantially to entice people into picking it. We're now going back on some of that buff, and Judgement is still over a 50% win rate, so we didn't feel we needed to buff it in this case. We'll keep an eye on this though!

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    In a previous AMA, one of the devs said each hero had an internal tag line used to align the vision of how that hero should feel.

    What is Uther's?

    It seems like Uther is supposed to be the "tanky" support. I'm not the best player but I've heard pro players say he's best played as a "backline" healer. What's your vision for Uther and do you think he's where he needs to be balance-wise?

    I think that was me that mentioned this. All of our new heroes come with tag lines, but Uther is one of our OG heroes, so he doesn't specifically have one. We think of him as our more tanky support, but we recognize he doesn't really fulfill that fantasy right now. He is on our list to see an update in the coming months! Likely sometime in Q2.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    How long does it generally take to get from "we notice there is something wrong with that hero" to "here are some changes on the PTR". Does it depend on the popularity of the hero as well as its winrate?

    I love the Murk, I love his annoying as hell playstyle. My favourite game within the game is making the opponent waste important cooldowns on my Murky. However, with the addition of recent heroes (Tracer of course, but not only her), Murky has become practically irrelevant. Have you got any changes planned for him? And what exactly is your goal with him? The fantasy, I mean.

    Thanks a lot, you guys do an amazing job.

    Hi Frog-Eater,

    This really depends on the scope of our changes. If it is a big talent update, it can be several months or longer (especially if we're asking for new models/art/fx). Usually things that end up in PTR are part of larger patches, and have taken a while for us to develop. Otherwise, we will deploy the changes in our interim balance patches, which take us about a week or two to finalize (implement the small number tweaks, test for X days, prepare the patch and deploy to live).

    We do have changes planned for Murky, we're working on him internally now. He will be a bit out still though, hang tight!

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    How long does it generally take to get from "we notice there is something wrong with that hero" to "here are some changes on the PTR". Does it depend on the popularity of the hero as well as its winrate?

    I love the Murk, I love his annoying as hell playstyle. My favourite game within the game is making the opponent waste important cooldowns on my Murky. However, with the addition of recent heroes (Tracer of course, but not only her), Murky has become practically irrelevant. Have you got any changes planned for him? And what exactly is your goal with him? The fantasy, I mean.

    Thanks a lot, you guys do an amazing job.

    Hi Frog-Eater,

    This really depends on the scope of our changes. If it is a big talent update, it can be several months or longer (especially if we're asking for new models/art/fx). Usually things that end up in PTR are part of larger patches, and have taken a while for us to develop. Otherwise, we will deploy the changes in our interim balance patches, which take us about a week or two to finalize (implement the small number tweaks, test for X days, prepare the patch and deploy to live).

    We do have changes planned for Murky, we're working on him internally now. He will be a bit out still though, hang tight!

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for the answer Alex <3

    Are you going to pick Bloodlust now that is gives lifesteal? Totes curious. :)

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for the answer Alex <3

    Are you going to pick Bloodlust now that is gives lifesteal? Totes curious. :)

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    With the recent nerf on Thrall's Sundering followed by the buff to Earthquake, are there any plans to make Worldbreaker more enticing compared to the other L20 talents? It feels rather underwhelming for a high CD even though there's the super rare clutch snipe/interrupt moment.

    Also , what is the purpose of the change Dehaka 's L1 Enhanced Agility talent as it's effect wears off in 1 second and it forces the choice of taking the talent that increases the trait duration to 3 seconds.

    Hey ttak82,

    Speaking to Thrall, if we hit Worldbreaker, we'd probably do it with a Thrall update. We recognize he has basically only one popular build at the moment, but balance wise he's in a good spot (popularity wise too). We have plans to hit him up probably middle of next year or so, so look for a Worldbreaker update then if we make one!

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    OK, spill the beans. Do you take the meta into account when rolling out balance changes? I'm thinking in particular recent buffs to underused talents like Iron Fists and Earthquake, where it certainly feels like the balance team is improving an already-strong talent because it is undervalued in the common meta. Or another example, the buff-wait-nerf cycle that Zarya experienced, in which the sum result was Zarya at similar strength as her release condition but much more popular because the meta shifted while she was temporarily OP.

    We do consider the meta, but we are really interested in seeing where pick rates currently are on a specific hero. Having multiple heroics is something unique to our game, and something we take pride in, so when we notice one heroic is picked substantially less, we make it a point to work on it.

    In the case of Thrall, we don't think Earthquake was a bad pick, and the win rate was comparable to that of Sundering, but the pick rate discrepancy was like 98% to 2%. We also had a very low sample size though, so it is hard to accurately say. What we did know is we wanted to see those pick rates even out more, so we made a change. If we need to we can tune something down after it goes live, but getting people to notice it sometimes requires a bit of a bump. :)

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    If you put Chromie and Cho'Gall on either end of a see-saw, how would the balance look? Chromie being a dragon is probably a bit hefty on the aul scales.

    You could say that one would drag(on) down the other? >_>

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I would love to hear if you think 4 lane maps can be balanced.

    Also about maps in general. Are maps made with intent to make certain heroes or talents stronger in it, or just made to fit an idea and balance follows suit?

    I know the team has talked about trying a 4-lane map. A long time ago (Blizzard All-Stars days) we tested a 4-lane map that weaved in and out and the lanes converged into two lanes occasionally, it was certainly interesting, but the game is a lot different now. :) Might be cool to test in a Brawl before we try a live map with it. =P

    In terms of map design, we don't design maps specific to heroes. We aim to create a fun, engaging battleground first with a strong theme, and naturally based on that design and those ideas some heroes will be better than others. For example, when we made Braxis Holdout, we didn't create it for a hero like Rexxar, his kit just naturally feeds into point control, and we like when that happens. :)

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    We've never seen any viable aggression added from Uther's Hammer talents, Auto attack and hammer of justice. Is there any desire within the design team to change that? or is the utility/healing approach the only design goal?

    Hi Beargeist.

    We do have plans to tackle Uther in the coming months, but he isn't currently being worked on. We have ideas to push him towards a really tanky support, something you could run with a bruiser or two in certain comps. Utility/Healing isn't our only thought at the moment!

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    The changes on Diablo are nice; he really feels the lord of terror now. Thanks for that.

    One question, what made you leave the optional trait activation out? Would be too op? It feels bad when you die and there is no value in spending one hundred souls for a quick rez. Maybe a countdown in the D icon showing how many skulls is the cost to rez now. With this, the player can synchronize the rez with the team and spend fewer souls at the same time.

    We tested this internally, we found it created some really weird behavior. Since you lose power when you activate his trait, players would basically never activate his trait unless you were in a game ending scenario and needed to resurrect.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    The changes on Diablo are nice; he really feels the lord of terror now. Thanks for that.

    One question, what made you leave the optional trait activation out? Would be too op? It feels bad when you die and there is no value in spending one hundred souls for a quick rez. Maybe a countdown in the D icon showing how many skulls is the cost to rez now. With this, the player can synchronize the rez with the team and spend fewer souls at the same time.

    We tested this internally, we found it created some really weird behavior. Since you lose power when you activate his trait, players would basically never activate his trait unless you were in a game ending scenario and needed to resurrect.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Are you able to share anything concrete right now over any possible Tassadar or Murky reworks or talent changes? I love both these characters to death and was wondering if you guys had anything you're able to talk about yet.

    P.S. Love the game I play it too much

    Only thing concrete I can say is we are working on both internally right now. Tassadar is further along and you should expect to see him first, but we are actively looking at Murky.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Are you able to share anything concrete right now over any possible Tassadar or Murky reworks or talent changes? I love both these characters to death and was wondering if you guys had anything you're able to talk about yet.

    P.S. Love the game I play it too much

    Only thing concrete I can say is we are working on both internally right now. Tassadar is further along and you should expect to see him first, but we are actively looking at Murky.

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    From Balrog, in our Russian Community:

    It looks like players prefer one build for Tassadar: shields and wall. But he is a high Templar and many players associate him with psionic storms and attacks. So my question is: do you plan to make Archon more attractive? If yes, then how?

    We totally agree, and we are working on Tassadar internally right now. This update was more to help out our Warriors though, and he didn't quite make it in. Rest assured we are on it!

    Edit: In terms of Archon, /u/Blizz_Daybringer plans to return it to its former glory! :)

  • BlizzClaudio

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    From Balrog, in our Russian Community:

    It looks like players prefer one build for Tassadar: shields and wall. But he is a high Templar and many players associate him with psionic storms and attacks. So my question is: do you plan to make Archon more attractive? If yes, then how?

    We totally agree, and we are working on Tassadar internally right now. This update was more to help out our Warriors though, and he didn't quite make it in. Rest assured we are on it!

    Edit: In terms of Archon, /u/Blizz_Daybringer plans to return it to its former glory! :)
