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Kael'thas Flamestrike and Hero rings pixelated

Hi Heroes of the Storm community,

I marked this post as a bug but it is more of a small technical/graphical problem with Heroes of the Storm for me.

I read that in patch 2.50.0 they changed Kael'thas Flamestrike animation. And now the Flamestrike animation of Kael'thas is very pixelated for me. I have not played Heroes of the Storm for some weeks, so that is why I mention this just now.

Please see the following images:
(zoomed in to better show Flamestrike and green Hero ring) (Kael'thas Flamestrike) (Cyberhawk Kael'thas Flamestrike)

The Flamestrike animation of the normal Kael'thas model is very pixelated and looks like a low resolution texture. In contrast the Cyberhawk Kael'thas Flamestrike looks sharp.

You can also see another small graphical problem I have since patch 2.50.0. The green Hero ring under Kael'thas is also very pixelated. This Hero ring is pixelated for all Heroes, allies and opponents. In normal play zoom mode this makes it really hard to see these Hero rings.

So they changed something in the 2.50.0 patch that makes this graphic effects horrible.
Before this patch the Flamestrike and Hero rings were sharp.

A bit about my hardware and settings:
AMD FX processor; GeForce GTX 1050; Win7
Of course some people can say my graphics are basically never sharp as I play in 720p (1280x720) :)
I also have graphics set to lowest possible values (so either low or off).
But in my wonderful 5 years Heroes of the Storm experience with low settings I never experienced such pixelated stuff or graphical problems.
So any help would be appreciated.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 4 years ago (Source)

    Kael'thas' flamestrike and hero ring will be fixed in the next Major Patch. It's not you, it's us. Will fix.

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