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Hanamura and Genji Live Q&A!

Hey there!

Heroes 2.0 Developer Update

Hanamura Overview

To answer your questions related to Hanamura and Genji Shimada, we're hosting a Q&A right here on the Heroes of the Storm subreddit!

Attending today will be:

The Q&A will be starting at around 11:30 am PDT and will last between 1.5 - 2 hours. Please feel free to post your questions below!

Please note: We’ll also be asking players from non-English speaking communities to partake in the Q&A by submitting their questions to the Community Managers representing their regions. As such, you might see a few Blizzard Community Managers posting questions (in English) on behalf of their communities during the Q&A. Feel free to upvote those questions if you’d also like to see them answered.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Travis, have you guys discussed about the proposed change to the report system where there is a limited number of reports available o players so they cannot spam troll reports with no reason? the amount of reports would go back after some time or if the players reported had action taken against them.

    if you had, is it something we can expect in the future?

    if it isn't, can you elaborate on why?

    That's come up and I think it could be helpful.

    It's worth noting that our CS team has already been taking action against players who are found to be spamming reports.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    So, we’re also working on implementing some form of loss forgiveness to help the players who were affected by the event.

    are you considering this for disconnects too?


  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Hello, I was just Curious, with the Leveling change, will characters, at level 10 for example, get an Level boost as they technically have a huge amount of XP compaired to the new system. Thanks for the Great updates, Keep It Up!

    Yep! Heroes will be set to whatever level they should be in the new system based on the XP they have earned to date. Level 10 in the old system, for example, is about level 15 in the new one so when you log in after the 2.0 update, your level 10 heroes will be level 15.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Have you considered allowing players to use emojis for All Chat in the victory screen? For example, I want to send :GG: to my opponents after a game, especially to let them know if was a good game for example. Since it's after the game, I don't think emojis would hurt for all chat. :D

    I’m always amazed at how creative players can get when they want to be toxic. ;)

    We have been considering adding some macros to the end game screens that allow you to congratulate the team in a more controlled fashion, though.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    I love Heroes 2.0, but I also love HGC and I would love to show my love to the pro scene in the game. Currently the only content between Esport and Heroes of the Storm are HotD skin (Azmodunk, the cheerleader Kerrigan) and mount with the logo of the winners of Mid-Season Brawl and Blizzcon. Do you plan on adding more Esport related content in the game with Heroes 2.0, thinking about spays, banner and portrait of teams in HGC for exemple.

    Thank you for the amazing content that you make, big love from a Beta player! :)

    Glad you’re enjoying the update!

    The new items would be a great place to showcase the HGC and let players stunt for their favorite teams. No promises, but it’s something we’re excited about exploring.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Totally forgot about this! My question-

    What would be your thoughts on a map veto system? Its very obvious some maps are..less desirable..than others.

    Has the team pondered the idea at all, or is it something you have no interest in?

    We’re not currently looking to add a map veto system, but we are likely going to get a map rotation going relatively soon.

    We’re also looking to get more aggressive with updating battlegrounds, similar to what we already do for heroes.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Grayfader in Russia

    In Heroes of the Storm 2.0. the account level will be unlimited. Will it influence somehow current Matchmaking? To be precise: will new players face those who have thousands of games?

    The matchmaking system takes into account hero level as part of its calculations as we’ve found that, up to a point, increasing hero levels affects win rate. Since the hero level XP curve is changing, we’ve also updated those formulas.

    Number of games played is a lesser consideration and not a great indicator of skill overall. There are players with thousands of games played that aren’t all that skilled and others, particularly ones experienced in the genre, who are very skilled with only a few hundred games under their belt.

    That said, for unranked modes, new players are already in their own matchmaking pools. That’s mostly to protect their experience while they’re learning the game.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)


    Now that you have updated the in-game interface, have you thought about adding an E-sports tab in the game, where people could read news about pro HotS (HGC, Blizzcon), see game stats - like hero win rates and talent choices, and get some information about the players and various teams? Maybe have some links to live games, or replays. Or maybe even a way to look at pro game replays.

    We’d love to make all the fantastic information on the HGC website available through the game client. It’s on our to-do list, though there’s a ton of things on that list and we don't have a time frame to share for when we'll be able to get this done.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from 슈퍼보드, Idiom, 밀렵쿤, 은하검, 엘라닉스, 낵츠

    Considering that there will be an influx of players to the Nexus with Heroes 2.0, do you have any plans to implement a new account suspension system or to strengthen the current suspension system for negative players who commit verbal abuse, regularly go AFK, refuse to participate, or intentionally dying, in order to create more clean environment?

    Combating toxic behavior is an ongoing battle. But it’s also a balancing act between actioning players who are obviously doing something wrong and avoiding accidentally taking action against players who are just playing poorly. Toxic chat can be pretty obvious, but something like intentional feeding can be more difficult to pick out relative to someone having a bad game.

    We’ve been working on a bunch of tools to help with this and our CS department has been putting them to use and taking action against toxic players. As always, you can help out by reporting the behavior since it helps zero in on the issue.

    Taking action against players who are being toxic is only half the answer, though. By the time the action is taken, the damage is already done. So, we’re also working on implementing some form of loss forgiveness to help the players who were affected by the event.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from MagoEspanto in LatAm

    What will be the requirements to play Ranked in 2.0? Because currently, you need to have 14 heroes, but now you’re giving away 20 heroes with megabundles from the start, which means many novice players will be able to play Ranked Play without sufficient knowledge and experience.

    The requirements to play ranked with 2.0 aren’t changing. It’s still 14 heroes of at least level 5. But, getting to level 5 takes slightly more experience than before, so players in ranked will need to be a bit more experienced with their heroes.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Can you please talk about the procedure when creating Genji (or any other hero) designwise.

    Genji looks just like the Model in Overwatch, do you copy paste it or is it a step by step recreating in the Heroes/Starcraft II engine? Almost all heroes look exactly the same in the original, even the animations are perfect.

    How close do you work with the other Blizzard teams? Do they come over and "do the work" or is it just theory talking?

    Thank you very much for your influence in making the best game possible

    To piggyback on what Cuevas said. We get any assets and references that would be helpful in the construction of the Heroes model. Often times for Overwatch this is the full High polygon asset. We then rebuild a lot of that high poly mesh to fit the heroes style. Specifically with Genji, it took a lot of removing smaller details and adding some more bulk to places like his shoulders and forearms. Then creating a low poly mesh from the reconstructed high poly is another challenge as the polygon count for Overwatch's models can be 3 times more than a base hero in Heroes. Simplifying something of that caliber takes a lot of effort even though it may look "copy paste." We want to stay true to the flavor Overwatch established.

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Grayfader in Russia

    In Heroes of the Storm 2.0. the account level will be unlimited. Will it influence somehow current Matchmaking? To be precise: will new players face those who have thousands of games?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from AssassinWolf in Russia

    Do you have any plans to add PvE maps when you have a mission and different tasks to achieve the final goal?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Iliar in Russia

    I think that killing enemies with Genji's ability «Deflect» is one of the key mechanics for this hero. What do you think about making it similar to Greymane's «Go for the throat»?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Marjam in Russia

    Do you plan to increase gem prices on event items?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from 갈색눈, 블랭망토, Zardforever

    Do you have any plans to open up an official website where players can check their detailed statistics of in-game performance (e.g. wins/losses, KDAs, map/hero statistics)? If not, could you let us know when you are planning to release API for the community developers?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from 원자력장판, Whereno, 블리스타

    While Heroes of the Storm 2.0 has brought many impactful changes to outside of the game, but it seems there aren’t many changes to in-game aspects; for instance, matchmaking and Hero Swap feature in Hero League still have rooms to improve. Do you have any plans to further address these areas, and could you share if there’s any in-game changes players can expect with Heroes 2.0?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Zeraniss in Korea

    Regarding the idea of bringing Overwatch’s Victory Poses for MVP screen, I think there was affirmative response from the previous Q&A session; in addition to this, how do you feel about adding more Hearthstone, Taunt, and Dance animations for each Hero and making those obtainable via Loot Chests or Shard-crafting, so that each Hero have more variety of choices on those animations?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from 슈퍼보드, Idiom, 밀렵쿤, 은하검, 엘라닉스, 낵츠

    Considering that there will be an influx of players to the Nexus with Heroes 2.0, do you have any plans to implement a new account suspension system or to strengthen the current suspension system for negative players who commit verbal abuse, regularly go AFK, refuse to participate, or intentionally dying, in order to create more clean environment?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Wai Kit Shiu in Taiwan

    Hi development team, have you considered overhauling the lore of Heroes of the Storm?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Yen-Chung Lin in Taiwan

    Have you considered adding the Play of the Game system from Overwatch into Heroes?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from He-Shin Chang in Taiwan

    Have you considered implementing the consumable power-ups from Hanamura into other current battlegrounds?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Tian-Chen Chen in Taiwan

    Regarding Samuro’s Mirror Image, what’s the mechanism on deciding the position of Samuro himself and the rest of mirror images. Can we add a new talent (active skill) that enable him to choose where to deploy himself and mirror images?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Tian-Chen Chen in Taiwan

    Uther’s rebalance is well-made; however, this severely affected Lt. Morales’s position and value. Have you considered reworking Lt. Morales as well?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from CoSSETT in LatAm

    Why does Genji’s dash "E" go through walls if in Overwatch he can’t? Besides, that’s what he has his “D” for.

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from MagoEspanto in LatAm

    What will be the requirements to play Ranked in 2.0? Because currently, you need to have 14 heroes, but now you’re giving away 20 heroes with megabundles from the start, which means many novice players will be able to play Ranked Play without sufficient knowledge and experience.

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from DobleFilo in LatAm

    I would ask if you could increase by 1 more life point the core in Hanamura, since matches seem to end quick, you don’t get to hit level 20 (the level 20 talent helps turn things around when you’re losing). It would be good because the matches I’ve played and seen my friends play they never reach level 20. The match ends too quickly.

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Nemesian in LatAm

    On the Hanamura map. The ability for the object in the “reconnaissance” camp…

    ¿Do the dragons chase “invisible” heroes? (Nova, Zeratul, etc)

    ¿What happens to the dragons if for example they are chasing a Tassadar and he uses his Dimensional Shift (E)?

  • Ravinix

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Question from Zeldris in LatAm

    ZeldriS: With the arrival of Heroes of the Storm 2.0, ¿will you add a map editor? Like the one demonstrated at BlizzCon which can be seen on this video:
