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Progression portraits given out in loot boxes?

See edit, this no longer seems to be the case!

The "combined hero" progression portraits, like the current "Reach level 10 with Li Li and Chen" (level 15 in Heroes 2.0) and are sorted in under progression portraits in the collection view.

However, they also seem to be awarded randomly in loot boxes which I find counter productive and somewhat confusing (especially since their description states that you need to reach level 15 on each of the heroes to earn it). I wonder if this is intended behaviour or if it could be an overlooked bug in loot item distribution?

Edit: Just re-checked my collection and now everything seems to be in order now (no unearned achievment portraits), so I assume it all actually works as expected! Sorry for confusion, I was pretty sure last time I checked I actually had some that I shouldn't

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Regarding the "Level 10" achievement-specific portraits:

    In Heroes 2.0, will the requirement for unlocking these portraits be related to the hero's experience or the hero's level? To clarify, will the experience requirement for each hero remain the same (i.e. current Level 10 will effectively be Level 15 in Heroes 2.0) or will there be a lower experience requirement for each hero in order to keep the "Level 10" part consistent?

    The requirements have been updated to 15 in the new system.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    If you see any of these portraits popping up in a Loot Chest, please bug it and be specific about the portrait you got and what type of chest it came from. The portraits in Loot Chest are all new and not tied to achievements.

    I just double checked the data and don't see any portraits that shouldn't be there, but weirder things have happened.

