
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Leoric feeds into enemy tower all game HL match. Would like to see his account suspended.

Is there any way to have Blizz get more visibility on this kinds of crap. I've never seen someone so flagrantly screw over his team.

Without saying a single word during draft or otherwise Leoric ghostwalks into the enemy teams fort, dies. Progressively making it to under the enemy core and stays there the WHOLE game.

edit update: Realized that this guy was on my friends list incidentally. I asked him why he threw my match and he told me to get over it, it was just one game. Here is his match history

Unfortunately I deleted the chat where he explained he was throwing to get to bronze5. Blizz please do something.

edit2: remove his btag from match history

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for bringing this up and please make sure to report things like this when you see them in-game. That type of behavior is unacceptable and the reports help us find and deal with it. Feel free to PM me the btag info here and I can send it over to CS to investigate this particular case.

    You've likely see the announcements that we've been taking action in batches against things like intentional feeding, afking, etc. We have a number of tools in place to help detect these things and will continue to take action as we find them occurring.
