
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

I respect your efforts to purge HL, and make TL a more regularly played environment

But honestly, stuff like this is why people do not play Teamleague or take it seriously:

No one will say this was a fun and even game. We lost lv 16 to 13

Some things to potentially improve:

  • Make sure the matchmaker is at least remotely balanced. We understand that perfect balance is hard to acchieve with the smaller sample,. but the Bronze + Silver vs 2x GM is bar one, literally the most uneven composition. It is NEVER fair.

  • Find a way to fix/improve the FCFS system for draft: spamming 'select' for Chromie Guldan as the first 2 picks isn't very good. In fact, this reinforces the annoying behavior you see in UD where people lock whatever hero they want to play like it's quickmatch, but this time with 3 others to fill the necessary roles. This time, you are guarenteed fillers as long as you spamclick Select.

  • Give banning rights to the highest HL MMR player if there's placement players. We had a Silver 4 Guldan ban Samuro, and Johanna when they already picked ETC and we had a chromie/guldan.

  • Don't match 3+2 v 5 if there is no voicecom, that's an uneven game from the get-go.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    The biggest problem with the advice to queue as 3 instead of 2 is the fact that we are limited to 1) people who have placed and 2) people who are within the rank limits AND 3) people who want to queue with lower tier players. It's good advice, but really difficult to implement with those restrictions. Makes things really frustrating. It's feeling impossible to climb out of TL bronze when no one wants to play with us and the people who do (not placed) can't. I don't know how feasible it would be, but could you remove the restriction against partying with unplaced players just for low tier people? That might be the best of both worlds.

    Yeah, this is one of the things we're looking at right now. The restrictions made sense from the standpoint of trying to ensure you're matched with a group of similarly ranked players, but if the restrictions make it too difficult to queue at all, it becomes self defeating.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    Queuing as a 3 also gives horrendous results. I just hit masters with my TL 3 man and every match we were up against Silver, Gold, and Platinum league players. Once we ran into a Bronze 5 of all things. The only time we ran into other Diamond players was when we were put up against a full premades.

    I know for a fact that there were Diamond 2 mans in queue at the time, but we were never up against them. It seems the game balanced our 3 man by giving us terrible players and then forming a 3-2 of middling players on the other team. Several months back you guys stopped balancing out top heavy teams with weak players, is that not the case for Team League?

    As a side note, not being able to queue with players still in their placements is hurting TL big time. Maybe giving people a placeholder rank based on their HL MMR?

    It's the same problem. As the 3-man, you're just on the other side of it. There's a 2-man that's been sitting in queue long enough that the matchmaker has loosened the match requirements, your 3-man becomes available, and gets matched with them.

    I mentioned this above, but we're looking at removing the restriction on only being able to queue with other placement players.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    I've certainly been there. Last TL game I played was duo with my g/f, oh which we are bronze 1 and our teammates were placements, while the enemy team was a full group of plat/diamonds. We got wrecked pretty hard and then, of course, everyone flames us bronzies, because its all our fault and no one elses.

    I never experienced this when we would duo HL, the new TL is just horrible, imo.

    It's an issue with the number of 2's that are queuing up relative to the number of 3's. You need both to make a team, but since its easier to just grab one person than two, you tend to see more 2-man parties looking for a match than 3-man parties.

    When there's a big disparity between the number of 2's and 3's, the 2's can end up with a long enough queue time that the system starts to loosen requirements in order to find them a match.

    It wasn't an issue in HL because the matchmaker can fill out the teams with solo players which there are always more of than 2's.

    We're looking into things we can do to help out. As a player, the best thing you can do is queue up as a 3 instead of a 2 whenever possible. The better the ratio of 2s to 3s, the better matches the system can make.
