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Season 3 Ranked Updates and Rewards

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    If you didn’t finish your Team League placements last season, but played a substantial number of Hero League games, and your Hero League MMR is significantly different from your Team League MMR, we will use your Hero League MMR for your initial Team League placements.

    That's pretty awesome. I spoke to Blizzard 11 days ago about my TL MMR not being very accurate. I have ~master MMR in QM/Unranked/HL but I had never finished my TL placement games, I've just I played some TL a long while back.

    I did TL this seasons, went 8-2 in placement games and ended up in ~Platinum 5, despite beating grand master teams. This was obviously inaccurate as the only basis for my low placement was my MMR from some TL games a long while back.

    He said they agreed upon it being an interesting problem and would look into a solution. It just took 10 days for a solution to be cemented. Unfortunately for me the solution won't help much as I have now played my placements this season but it should help people who are in a similar position where they have not played a specific game mode in a long while but have improved their skill significantly in the mean while in other game modes.

    Yeah, Paladia, thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    BTW, since we wrote that blog post, we increased the threshold for re-evaluating your MMR seeding to 15 games rather than just placements so people who only played placements don't get excluded. Not sure if you'd fall into that new criteria, but the whole change is specifically to help people in your situation where they played a long time ago, then increased skill in other modes, and are now coming back.

    I'm going to see about getting the blog post updated with that info.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    I think that, as usual, the community will complain that it's a terrible idea and it will introduce a lot of toxicity, but in reality there will be a very small minority of players abusing it and nobody will really see that.

    FCFS allows teams to draft way better and that's the important thing in Team League. A 2+3 team would be put on a significant disadvantage vs a full 5 party if they didn't have FCFS.

    Personally, I would like FCFS to be at some point tested in Hero League, because I don't think it's cool to lose drafts because your first pick doesn't have/play the current OP hero or really wants to play something niche. I'm fine with occasionally being trolled if I can do proper drafts.

    The truth is that if someone wants to troll, they can pick their Murky both with FCFS and with the current HL system.

    This is exactly why we left it FCFS. As the article mentions, we consider this season a trial and that's one of the bits that is a bit of an open question.

    FCFS gives you better control over the draft until we get swaps in, but it requires coordination. The question is whether it will encourage 2s and 3s to do that or if they'll just devolve into chaos. If we find that its mostly the latter, we'll change it. But, it feels like the benefits of FCFS are worth at least trying it that way first.
