
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Talents and abilities that interact with percentages of damage are SOMETIMES additive, instead of multiplicative. This has weird and unintuitive interactions, and is very inconsistent, even on the same hero.

After a few hours in Try Mode, I have come to the conclusion that many, many talents in Heroes of the Storm seem to be inconsistent, bugged, or inconsistently bugged.

Many interactions between XX% bonus damage are added on top of each other: two talents that both add +100% to an ability's damage will effectively be 3x the normal damage of the ability, instead of 4x the normal damage of the ability were they multiplied by each other. There are examples of both cases happening.

Here's a list of the interactions I've tested. For specific details, please see the document I linked at the end of the page.

Cassia: Additive.

Leoric: Multiplicative, but bugged.

Zarya: Multiplicative with 1 Q talent and AA talent, additive with baseline Q damage decrease to structures and energy.

Shrink Ray: Multiplicative.

Spell Power: Additive with itself. Inconsistent as damage modifier.

Li-Ming: Additive with spell power bonuses, multiplicative with W damage bonuses.

Gul'dan: Multiplicative.

Azmodan: Additive.

Gazlowe: Additive.

Zul'jin, Tyrael, Greymane: Additive.

Abathur clone bonuses: Additive with all tested cases.

Alarak's sadism: Additive.

Sandbox mode multipliers: Multiplicative, bugged.

A lot of +XX% damage interactions which used to be, and should be multiplicative, are additive instead. However, this is inconsistent between talents and abilities, even on the same hero such as Zarya. A lot of synergies between talents are a lot worse, and stacking multiple +XX% damage talents together is much weaker than imagined in some cases, yet fine in others.

For full details:

I'm hoping for a Blizzard response on this, because this has been bugged for a long while now and it seems completely random on whether or not a modifier is multiplicative or additive, and I know for a fact some of these worked multiplicatively before semi-recently.

EDIT: As a clarification, I'm not talking about percentage of HP damage, I'm talking about talents and other abilities that read "This thing gets +50% damage"!

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    so are you fixing the inconsistencies, or are you fixing the tooltips?

    Some of both.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    So, any news on this? I mean, we are holding you accountable on this by now.

    Team's hard at work on this. A lot of the time, when something requires back-end system changes, it'll take a few months before it goes live so that we can be sure that it's done correctly, and properly tested.

  • Neyman

    Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for gathering this list! We'll take a look, it seems like we can make a lot of these tooltips more clear (like saying "Deals X damage to non-Heroic units), or there might be actual bugs. We'll compile what you have with our own data and figure this one out.

    Happy TwoPointEve!
