
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Is there any place where i can see results and schedule of MSB?

Without being on an awful displayed webpage like

  • Matt MacNeil

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    yeah, sure! Wall of text incoming. You asked for it :bwsilly:

    Right now, the Mid Season Brawl is the reason why I, and I suspect many people visit the HotS esports page. So my perspective and use case is that I want Mid Season Brawl information. Particularly, I want to know the standings, what stage are we in, who is through, who is down, and what are the upcoming matches.

    I land on

    This doesn't show me the MSB is on. It shows me upcoming matches, with region selectors. The region selectors do nothing, but it doesn't show these are MSB matches either. In other words, the upcoming matches bar on the home screen lacks context: What are these matches I'm seeing. A short line of text (e.g. Mid season brawl group A) would already help.

    In most web interfaces, when I want to know more about something, I click on it. Clicking on the matches in that bar takes me to the team pages, but doesn't give me context about the match either. The region selection does nothing while not in league play.

    Now lets say I want to find out about the standings. I click on Standings at the top of the page. That brings me here:

    I see "brawl" notes, but that's all. It doesn't show me a current event is going on. I can't click brawl to get more information about the brawl.

    But, you know, I'm in to eSports, so I know where I need to go to get the information on the standings of the brawl. I need to click on Schedule, which takes me to the HGC schedule, and then I will be automatically shown the page on the Mid Season Brawl - particularly the standings. So that's odd: when I click Schedule, I'm taken to the standings.

    So the page I'm now is the meat and potatoes of the Mid Season Brawl site. I'm sorry I took so long to get there. This is what I see: -Yes, I have a lot of tabs open. Don't judge me.

    I like to think I have a decent sized monitor, that may not be the largest, but definitely isn't among the smaller ones either. Still, there is barely any relevant information above the fold. I have to scroll down to get there.

    All placements show "undecided". This isn't true. MVP black already placed - that's an oversight/updating error I suppose, but they are already filled out in the bracket below.

    Further, it doesn't show the number of matches played. This is relevant, because some teams still have to play a match and can still gain more points, while others can't.

    The text above the pools explains the way the group and the bracket interact well, but for the lazy observer who don't read no text (let's face it: we're all lazy), it would be nice if the seeds of the bracket would have been filled out with placeholders, for example "top 2 group A", "top 2 group B", "mid 2 group A".

    As two minor nit-picks before I'm done with the standings page, linking to the rules PDF for the tie-breaker rules isn't ideal, and that's AFAIK the only place to get to the full rules. A separate HTML page with official rules would have been nicer for me, and then you could also link directly to the tie-breaker rules, rather than giving the entire rule book and tell the readers to RTFM.

    The last nitpick for the standings page is the grand finals. The text explains the team coming in from the winner bracket has a one game advantage, but for lazy people like me (damn millennials us!) it could have been nice to already have that filled out 1-0 in advance rather than the 0-0 it shows now.

    Then the schedule page. This for me suffers from two major problems. The first one is, again, lack of context. It's clear that these are Mid Season Brawl matches, but it doesn't show for what the matches are. Annotating them with that information would be helpful to me. Group A match, Group B match, Winners bracket stage x, grand finals.

    The second issue I have with the page is the amount of space it needs to display the schedule. I have to scroll for pages and pages, because despite there being plenty of horizontal and vertical space on the page, I can only fit 5 matches on my screen.

    Some functionalities that would help would be having more matches on the screen simultaneously, being able to fold/filter by date, being able to fold/filter by group/bracket, and being able to fold/filter by completed and upcoming matches. All of those might be overkill, but some combination of those would certainly make navigation and getting an overview easier for me.

    I also have to scroll all the way back to the top to get back to the standings because there is no direct link to the MSB in the fixed portion of the screen. When trying to navigate back and forth it has happened multiple times to me that I clicked the wrong "standings" link - the one that takes me to the HGC overall standings.

    Overall (and I say so in the post you're replying to) I find the website usable, and sufficient, but just so. I list all my criticism here (actually only the brawl related stuff, I made another general post about the HGC website at, which can easily make it sound like I am full of hatred towards the website. I'm not, I'd rate it a 6/10 - but I'd rate the HGC overall much higher. I also understand that things(tm) have reasons(tm), budgets (not only in money but also, probably even more so in time) and priorities.

    Thank you for the great work you and your team are putting in to this.

    Thanks for the detail! This is great. Passion drives us all here so we love seeing this kind of a breakdown and no harm done nor does it look like you harbor any hatred as you mention.

    Thanks again, we'll pass it on to the Web team and see what we can do. :D

  • Matt MacNeil

    Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    You can use liquipedia:

    For the results, and more in depth data, you can use though schedules aren't the best there if you don't use the separate calendar.

    The official site definitely isn't the best, it's rather clunky, navigation is cumbersome, and there is a lot of clutter on the page. I would call it the weakest part of the (otherwise fantastic) MSB and HGC in general. But I wouldn't say it's aweful, it's absolutely usable.

    Can you describe what is clunky about the site so we can look at improving it?
