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Catapult death animation has a larger model than living catapult

I've noticed this since beta. I always thought they would fix this over the years but they never have.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    Hijacking, but when you open up the talent select pane with CTRL and pick a talent with 1-4, the talent pane stays stuck open. You have to press CTRL again to shut it.

    The previous behavior for years was that after picking a talent, the pane would close automatically. You had to press and hold CTRL to keep the pane open.

    This new behavior (presuming it's a bug) makes it much harder to snap pick talents in the middle of a fight because the talent pane stays open after picking the talent, obstructing the view of the fight.

    Again sorry to hijack.

    We're aware of this one. Thanks for the report!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    On every map or a specific one?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Source)

    All maps where the original catapult model is used AFAIK. i.e. not BoE, Alterac for example

    We'll look into it. Thanks!

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