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Garrosh can't throw Anub beetles

I was playing Garrosh in brawl and noticed I cannot throw anub's beetles. As an Anub player, I always assumed garrosh COULD throw the beetles and that anub was a bit of a counter to garrosh for that reason. Turns out he cannot. Does anyone know if garrosh can throw other summons? Is this interaction intended?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago (Source)

    The tooltip for [[Garrosh/E]] explains everything already:

    Hero, Minion, or Mercenary

    Summons (eg. Beetles by Anub'Arak) and Monsters (eg. Guardians on Infernal Shrines) aren't being mentioned at all, so Garrosh doesn't care about them.

    But, This one time when Garrosh was being made internally I was able to toss the crabs that hang out near the boss on BHB. There's video and it still makes me smile.

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