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Hello /r/Heroesofthestorm, we're here for a Q&A on Samuro and our newest feature, Heroes Brawl.

Brawl Trailer
Brawl Spotlight
Samuro Trailer
Samuro Spotlight

Heroes Brawl is now avaialble to test on the PTR, and so is our newest hero, Samuro! As promised, we’ve brought in a number of the experts who worked on the new content to answer your questions regarding the upcoming patch. For today’s Q&A, we’ll have the following developers in attendance:

Please feel free to start posting your questions below! We’ll be starting at 12:01 PM PDT (Roughly 3 hours from this posting).

As a reminder: There will be questions posted by CMs from non-English speaking regions. If you'd like to see these questions answered, feel free to upvote them for more visibility.

Edit 1: We've been going for a bit now, answers should be trickling in. As a reminder, you can select the username of the developers above to see their answers if you don't want to dig. Enjoy!

Edit 2: It's now 1:15 pm PDT, and we need to let these guys get back to work. They'll be answering a couple of last-minute questions and then our session will conclude. Thank you all for the questions and your time!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    This is news to me! :-(

    I'll hit up some of the devs and we'll check this out! Sorry!

    okay, i have some news from our awesome devs! Yay!


    "The behavior of the Mirror Images completely changes when you take Illusion Master. They stop having laning-minion AI and instead just do periodic searches around them for targets, so if you don’t give them orders or there’s no enemies around, they’ll stand around doing nothing.

    Additionally, regardless of the AI being toggled off or not, when the Mirror Image ability is used, both Samuro and his Images will do a search and get an attack order to enemies nearby. This is done so that the Samuro player can always play a fresh game of Three Card Monte with his opponents by pressing Q and then letting their hands off the keyboard, as Samuro will act identically to his Images at first.

    Sounds like there might be a bug with Kawarimi, though, we'll investigate!!"

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    you said that you had to limit Nova's Decoys when doing her rework because of Samuro. is that something we might see again, removing talents of an old hero because of an upcoming hero with similar abilities (for example, is there a danger of Zeratul losing some Cleave or Blink talents because of a possible future Maiev release?)
    also, as Nova's Decoy build is so limited now, is it possible for her to get buffs in some other part of her kit so as to make her competitively viable (it's sad that she was only briefly competitive only because of the Covert Ops bug)?

    it might happen again in the future, but it's not very likely.

    i'll ping the live/balance team on nova!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Kind of unrelated, but a real hot UI question: Have you guys ever considered having an emote where we can show our Hero's mastery level in game? It'd be cool, after a good or bad play, to show off our hero skill.

    you can Taunt your opponent or Dance in front of them with Numpad 1 or 2!

    Be careful with Taunt though, as you can't break out of the animation!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    We've discussed this idea and many similar style Brawls. We don't have any concrete plans on shipping one as of yet, but they are a fun idea.

    omg blizz plx

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    (I've asked this question before but didn't get an answer.)

    /u/centaurik, would Blizzard ever change existing hero abilities to make room for new heroes? This is specifically in reference to bringing in Overwatch heroes. For example, would Valla's Strafe ever be replaced by another heroic so that Reaper could then be brought in with his Death Blossom?

    it's highly unlikely! it could be very upsetting for a significant section of the playerbase if we took away an ability they loved on a kit it made sense for.

    Then again, never say never. Just highly hesitant!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    No other Warcraft 3 hero has captured their kit from that game as closely as Samuro does in HotS. Did you feel it was particularly important for this character to feel very close to his origin?

    ya i thought it was pretty important! Blademaster is a beloved War3 Hero, and as it turned out, his kit transitioned over really smoothly!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Unrelated, but is there any estimate how soon Murky will see some changes? Some of us have been waiting since before Brawl was announced.


  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Question from 뇌느님 - Korea
    Can you make Samuro’s “jump slam” attack animation to proc every time he deal a Critical Strike, similar to Warcraft III?

    So fun story! That awesome jump attack animation (i think there's 2 variations?? maybe more? unsure!) has a big windup to it. However, we wanted Samuro's attacks to be quick and snappy, and so they only are allowed to have a extremely short duration windup. Further, if you activate Critical Strike, it resets their weapon's cooldown, causing the attack to happen instantly.

    So as a result, we only can safely play that animation when Samuro is about to Critically Strike from Wind Walk, when we can be relatively sure that there's some time to do that windup.

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Following up on this, players have pointed out a number of QoL-type issues with Samuro such as activating W "wasting" the ability if pressed mid-swing before a previous Critical Strike's animation completes. Which, if any, of these is the team working on, and which are getting highest priority for a fix before live?

    We've identified what's going on with this bug (activating W during a backswing) and how to fix it. I believe we've got the fix implemented, but i'm not sure which branch of the codebase it's in, so not sure if the fix will be live when he ships! But it will be soon!!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    ~technical question:

    Samuro's enable/disable AI doesn't appear to work properly at all.

    (e.g. MI created images show hybrid AI behavior whether it is enabled or disabled (act based on AI on creation then stop after completing an order) and both settings prevent Kawarimi created images from completing Sam's last action either by following Sam around or just standing there (en/dis, respectively))

    Will this likely be fixed before release or, like Rexxar, are these technical issues that we'll have to live with for awhile? Not trying to rake you guys over the coals just honestly want to know what we should expect. <3

    This is news to me! :-(

    I'll hit up some of the devs and we'll check this out! Sorry!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    What went in the decision to make Samuro manaless? He seems like he has the potential to be very very strong and it seems like mana would have helped limit how dominating he can be.

    So this one is really simple...but not immediately obvious!

    But it's because of his Images! With all those extra Player Nameplates running around, hurting gameplay clarity by obscuring things in-game, we cut mana so that his nameplate would be thinner, adding less weight in-game.

    We even contemplated giving him and his images a completely different nameplate that was unique to them, but ultimately went with what we've got!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    "M-move"! Will we ever get a command to move and not attack (even after the move completes)? Or have basic attacks only occur when given orders rather than passively?

    Both would be wonderful additions to the game, give more control, and slightly raise ability to skillfully play many heroes. (Especially heroes that store crits or any heroes that are trying to navigate around large models that block nearby terrain e.g. BoE immortals!)

    I'd also love to see AA'ing just not be automatic -period- as a slight skill dependence increase in the game that increases the value of initiative in engagements and combos interestingly with abilities like Last Laugh -- though I'm guessing that's less likely to happen.

    It's on our radar to get a Force Move command keybind in the game, so that players that want that can use it!

    I don't think we'd implement a huge change to the way right-clicking auto-attacks works though, as it'd a fundamental controls change!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Question from Гамулятор - Russia
    Some heroes have talents which can be strengthen by the quest completion. What is your solution to make these heroes as strong as other heroes without quest talents?

    It's really much less about the power of that Hero, but much more about the power of that talent as it relates to the Hero's other talents at that Tier.

    For instance, in hearthstone, you need to compare a card against other cards with the same mana cost, as they use the same slot in your deck.

    Likewise, a talent needs to be on a similar powerlevel of other talents at that tier, as those are the other options for that Hero.

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Had any thoughts about a "Story mode?" Maybe expanding on the lore of the nexus. I actually started a Fanfiction about Johanna having Murky as an apprentice but .. That's just a dream.

    Would love some more lore of the nexus for us fanfic writers to dig our claws into!

    Had any thoughts about a "Story mode?" Maybe expanding on the lore of the nexus. I actually started a Fanfiction about Johanna having Murky as an apprentice but .. That's just a dream.

    you had me at "murky"

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    What hero or ability will be forever left on the cutting room floor? Whose design, after some playtesting, won't ever be used? I'm aware you guys like to repurpose design, but surely there was something you tested that won't ever see the light of day, for sure. What is that thing?

    Thanks for the Q&A, awesome job guys!

    Ooooh i'll take the bait! I'll take the bait!

    Okay. So story time. Once upon time there was a Banshee. Well, before that, she was a High Elf named Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon! Until that dirty traitor, Arthas Menethil, under the influence of Frostmourne, destroyed her army, and wasn't content with simply killing Sylvanas, turned her into a Banshee. After recovering her body, she became the leader of the Forsaken, broken free from the Lich King's control!

    One day, this Banshee-Queen found herself in the Nexus! She encountered an enemy Hero, and immediately tried to take control of an enemy Hero, and use their abilities! But try and try as she might, she found the world, the engine, of the nexus, of this game (for which she has no time!! ... but always finds herself in...), couldn't handle the thought of her having control of an enemy Hero, using their abilities, changing their allegiance, even temporarily!

    And thus the Nexus exerted its control over the Banshee Queen, limiting her powers. Having been reminded of the dread of being under the Lich King, this very same Sylvanas now secretly fights to break out of this "Nexus", and be her true self!

    None shall survive!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Are there any plans to add the option of a second hero to assist the enemy bot hero in try mode? I would like to try a hero against 2 opponents.

    Another question is about Nexus Blades. This is one of my favorite generic talents, but new heroes (Samuro, Alarak) have different albeit interesting options. Are there any plans to give older heroes other options that complement their talents? (Looking at Illidan, Zeratul and Thrall) ( Nexus Blades suits Illidan, though)


    1) we are in a very early, exploratory, pre-production, , potential phase of doing some radical stuff with the things that Try Me mode brings. I can't promise anything, but we'd like to let players be able to do more with those tools.

    2) As we go over old heroes, we'll look at all the talents in their tree, including ones like Nexus Blades, and make sure they all fit, and if they don't, find better options!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    I love 5v5 Nova. Trying to see through all the clones and all the shimmers is a really unique experience. We liked it so much we even made a Brawl around it!


  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Lately, there has been a surge of hard/high skill cap heroes (like Samuro, Medivh, Tracer, Alarak etc). While I do agree that high skill-cap and micromanagement abilities benefit the game, I wonder if there's still space for easier heroes for the schmucks like myself that couldnt micro if my life was depending on it. So: are we gonna see some more easy heroes on the future, or is it all over-9000-APM from now on? Also: can i haz mefistow? :D


    Over in Hero Design we like to make a variety of Heroes! A long while ago, we felt the game was missing these types of Heroes, thus we were welcoming to hero designs like those to open up more playmaker options!

    But, we still want some heroes that are a bit more straightforward, and someone like Zarya can fit that bill. While there's still lots of skill growth for the character (landing Qs, your R's, getting high energy), it's relatively easy to shield yourself or shield an ally. Or even hit someone with a Q since you have 4 charges!

    Thank you for the feedback! It's great to hear this, as oftentimes we only hear the audience side that says "Skillcap!" and it is important to remember that there's another audience that, while loving those heroes, also wants heroes they can feel comfortable playing!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    I'm curious about Samuro's Mirror Image ability. As Samuro was being developed, it must have been noticed that players would want to be able to choose where the real Samuro appears after casting it.

    However, the placement of the real Samuro appears to be completely random. Why is that?

    Was it too powerful to let Samuro choose where to appear? Did it lead to gameplay that didn't fit the character?

    There were a handful of reasons for this, but one of the primary was ease-of-control, and allowing a player to be able to immediately create their images with a single button press, no mouse invovlement.

  • Centaurik

    Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Source)

    Hi Heroes Team, I would like to get a bit of insight on how the Hero Design Team chooses and designs Quest talents.

    • How do you decide how fast/at what rate a quest progresses and consequently at what level it should be finished?

    • How do you choose between a progressional only reward (like Taste for Blood), a completion only reward (like Gul'Dans Echoed Corruption) or a mix of both?

    • How do you decide whether questing progress should be lost on death?

    • How do you choose the quest talents? E.g., why is Auriels Increasing Clarity a quest talent, but Righteous Assault isn't?

    • During Hero iterations, have you tried putting a normal talent on a lower tier as a quest talent to improve talent diversity on that tier?

    • Do you think there might be a quest heroic some day?

    • Do you have a favorite Quest talent?

    Hi! I'll try and get some quick hits for these!

    How do you decide how fast/at what rate a quest progresses and consequently at what level it should be finished?

    -We'll playtest a lot, honestly. We have been very broad in how we've done various questing talents to try to discover what the right range is. We have some that are very easy to complete (Arthas), and others that take longer to complete (Regen Master). We have been looking for player feedback on which types they like, et cetera, to inform future quest designs, and any live-reactions we should make!

    How do you choose between a progressional only reward (like Taste for Blood), a completion only reward (like Gul'Dans Echoed Corruption) or a mix of both?

    -We like to do a mix of both! We're still exploring this! Some quests lend themselves to being fine with having no progression growth, while others feel brutal if there's no power granted while making progression.

    How do you decide whether questing progress should be lost on death?

    -This one is a little more controversial, and is more of a feel thing. If we feel the talent is high-stakes enough, then a punishment mechanic can add a lot of flavor and gameplay to the talent! It can be especially helpful if the counterplay feels lacking.

    How do you choose the quest talents? E.g., why is Auriels Increasing Clarity a quest talent, but Righteous Assault isn't?

    -We're still trying to identify the right amount of quest talents. We don't want to do an entire tier of talents that are all Quest talents, so players can opt into/out of doing a quest. Further, some talent designs seem to lend themselves more conveniently to quest design, and other's don't.

    During Hero iterations, have you tried putting a normal talent on a lower tier as a quest talent to improve talent diversity on that tier?

    -I don't think that specific case has happened, but we do a LOT of iteration on talents, and sometimes will move a talent from tier to tier to give that tier a healthier set of choices.

    Do you think there might be a quest heroic some day?

    -Quest Heroic! Sounds awesome! Love the idea!

    Do you have a favorite Quest talent?

    -I do! But it's super secret, so I can't talk about it yet :-D

    Thank you for these questions! They were great, and definitely encourage me to go back to the team and try to crystallize the knowledge better so we can make better quest talents for the game as time goes on!

    Edit: Formatting
