
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Hello. I'm MFPallytime & I'm An Actual Person.

I decided to stop playing Hero League for the rest of the season today on Stream and it seemed to rub some people the wrong way. I've read a lot of your feedback and don't worry, some of you have made it super clear that I'm just a cry baby mediocre player who needs to have thicker skin and git gud but I thought I'd explain my current situation a little bit more. I've been making Heroes content on Youtube since April 2014. I've played a lot of games, seen a lot of changes and enjoyed my time quite a bit over all. I never really played Hero League much in the past because I always liked the chaos of QM. Being able to play any character I wanted, being placed with 4 strangers on a random map and basically making it work is something that I've always really enjoyed. I'm a bit of a collector as well. Currently owning every mount that has ever been added to the game is something I'm actually really proud of. Once I saw that mounts were going to be rewarded for obtaining various ranks in HL I became more interested and started dedicating more time to the process. More on that in a bit.

Nearly all of my time that I spend playing Heroes is done in front of an audience. Whether I'm recording build videos in QM or streaming in HL in one way or another my time in the nexus is always being shared with viewers. If you watch my content you get to see the good and the bad and it's something that I like. Sharing experiences is important. It's hard to full appreciate an achievement if you didn't witness the conflict along the way. When I first started playing HL I lost 16 of my 20 placement games in a row. It was a horrible experience. I was placed in the high 40s and climbed and climbed and climbed as far as I could in order to get what I wanted. I think I ended the season around Rank 5 and was able to unlock all of the mounts. Some of this was done in duo queue but most was actually solo broadcasted for all the world to see. I didn't care about my rank in a way that most seem to, I didn't care about bragging rights. I just wanted to play the game, challenge myself, have fun and unlock things along the way. For the most part I think it was pretty successful.

This season however has been a bit of a different story & it's not only because of in game problems but also my real life has been a complete fucking disaster. There are two main challenges for me as a content creator. Managing my time is the biggest thing but also keeping my up beat, positive personality even when things aren't going so well outside of Heroes. From what I've been reading on reddit tonight I've been coming across as salty lately. At least according to a vocal minority.

Over the past few months my Father has been rushed to the emergency room a couple times because of massive amounts of pain in his stomach. The issue has been resolved but for a while we didn't know if he had cancer. My mother has fallen down stairs and is currently dealing with a concussion. Again, looking to make a full recovery. My grandmother who I am incredibly close with has become very ill. Fractured vertebra at the base of her neck has vastly limited her mobility and an infection in her spinal cord has sapped nearly all of the life out of her & at the same time her mind doesn't seem to quite be there. It's breaking my heart and It's been an extremely taxing time for all of my family.

With me there the entire time though was my Girlfriend Jessica. She was with me in Orlando when we were staying a couple miles from where the massive night club shooting had taken place. Two weeks ago I found out that during that time we actually conceived a child and she was pregnant. We were both immediately overcome with joy, optimism and an incredible motivating fear of the unknown lol. Honestly, it felt really good to know that something this amazing and this good could come from such a dark, trying time of my life. I just flew us both out to California to visit our friends at Blizzard for my birthday and as a small way of celebrating this monuments moment. Monday night however, she had a miscarriage and we lost the baby. Needless to say, we're both pretty devastated and struggling so hard to keep everything together right now.

I'm not perfect and I don't try to be. I do however try to keep my personal life aside and have it not effect how I act in front of my viewers and sometimes it's easier to do than others. I'm trying though.

It's easy to say that I'm a cry baby because I let a few bad matches in Hero League get to me. There's always something going on behind the scenes though. Please try to remember that when your favorite streamer seems to be having a bad day.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Source)
