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Search terms for Heroes inside the store or character select.

Have you ever searched for something in the Heroes Store or character select and was surprised that it didn't come up but you found it under a different search term?

If you have a moment let me know what those are. Thanks for playing!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Which format do you want it in? I can do most of the stuff pretty easily, based on what you’d need.

    So far, I’m guessing (in CSV format):

    • Name
    • Universe (Franchise)
    • Realm
    • Event (if any)
    • Seasonal (Spring / Summer / Fall / Winter) - perhaps “Limited”, too?

    A version for Skins, Mounts and Banners, of course. Sounds good? 😁

    Sounds good.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Feel free to reach out, if you want a full list of Skins and Mounts alongside their respectful Universe, Realm (a lot of that is, obviously, unconfirmed) and Events. I'd be happy to make an export! 🥳

    And thanks for the mention, /u/PLCMarchi! ♥

    If you have a list already, this would help out a ton. Otherwise it might not get done.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    First of all, it's awesome how you reached out for the community like this! It's always a pleasure to feel like we can help somehow!

    I've tried to read everything to not repeat stuff so here it goes:

    Warrior is a tag I belive to be important, specially considering the old system. I belive most of the tags should have a practial use, even tough some easter eggs are nice.

    Searching for Siege I'd hope to find heroes with high siege damage. Same for burst and sustain. (Maybe this could turn to be complicated because some heroes could fit is many categories depending on build or even player's style.)

    Fire could have Kaelthas, diablo, alexstraza

    Ice could have Mei, Arthas, Jaina, KTz

    Earth could have thrall

    Amani only shows the Amani tint but I belive it could show every War Bear because they use the wow amani bear model.

    Nor beetle neither bug shows anubarak

    Troll only shows Zul'jin, should show Vol'jin too.

    Flame could show Helldorado

    Pirate could show Hogger's skin

    For now I guess that's it!

    Edit: I'll just add some feedback on it

    - I'll mostly use it for banning heroes. It would be a lot easier if I had a "ban list" just like the favorite list.

    -The other use is to find mounts and skins that match by color.

    -The "Event" tab is often a problem to me; I'd rather have event horses in "horse" tab, for exemple. Maybe have the "event" tag instead of tab could work better for me. Can't say for other people, however.

    - Would be neat to be able to have favorite mounts and portraits somehow, be it tagging, be it a tab, or any other way.

    Troll only shows Zul'jin, should show Vol'jin too.

    Oh you.

    This is a good list. Most things should be searchable by color. Please list skins or mounts that are not.

    Some of these requests like the Ban list, Event tab or the favorite mounts/portraits are beyond the scope of this thread topic and will have to be evaluated later.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    No, not like that.

    I use the voice Chat (the push to talk-button is circumflex). And when I later want to ban a hero, naturally the circumflex I pressed earlier will show up in the search bar, messing up the search.

    Sounds dumb and probably is, but I freaked out several times already.

    I understand now. Not sure what we can do about user inputs. I can bring it up. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    I have missed banning "Diablo" so many times by searching him in Hero Select it's insane.

    Why? Because every Diablo Hero shows up, and often Diablo himself isn't in the top results.. Please put the actual Hero "Diablo" as the top priority for that search!

    However, I recently did learn that searching "red" finds Diablo, and only Diablo (despite there being many other red Heroes, like Valeera).. except, I never remember to do this on the spot. I only learned that by looking through datamined files.

    As a follow-up. I just tried doing this in a draft internally and Diablo sorted correctly with Diablo first. Can someone tell me the exact steps you are doing to make it not work?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    A few things I noticed! 😁

    Maybe not directly related, but: Poor Escobar. Unlike his buddies - Timmy, Bobby, Frankie, Joey and Tommy - he's a racoon, rather than a raccoon.

    The Citrine tint of the Thunder Guard Zarya Skin seemingly has "Thunderguard" as one word, unlike the remaining ones.

    If you want to carry Leoric's Charger as Cho'gall, you currently have to search for "Leroic*" instead, as the name is off.

    ... and, lastly (which I doubt makes any difference search wise) is also related to Cho'gall's newest (and magnificent) Skin Greed Cho'Gall. Unlike their other Skins, Gall's name is capitalized.

    Keep up the good work! 😍

    Thanks for the call outs!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    If a search keyword is a substring of the hero name, these heroes should be shown first in the list.

    For example, I type "de" if I want Deathwing, Deckard or Dehaka at the beginning of my list, then every hero matching by a keyword, instead I get a list that starts from Illidan.


    "Warcraft 2" should include Deathwing.

    "Fire" does not include Kael'thas

    "Ice" and "Frost" keywords return nothing but would be cool if it returned Arthas, Jaina, Mei and Kel'Thuzad, same for "Zealot" for Artanis and Alarak.

    When you say you type "De" are you saying from character select or are you saying from the Collections tab/Skins? In the collection it seems there's alphabetized sorting issue. This shouldn't be a problem from character select.

    Warcraft2, Fire, Ice, and Frost are good Search terms and I'll put it on the list.

    I'd like to hear the argument for Zealot to be added for Alarak. Because a Zealot is a unit in Starcraft it might make sense to put it on Artanis because his kit mimics a Zealot most. Alarak is really into Amon so It could apply but It seems like a term that isn't usually applied to Alarak.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Recently when I start searching for "falstad" for a ban, I'm always surprised to see junkrat pop up. My friend said it was because his name is Dr Fawks or something like that

    This is correct. The search bar will populate based off of a potential list beginning with F or FA. Where it deviates is when you ad FAL for Falstad or FAW for Fawks or FAE for faerie dragon (Brightwing).

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    It's my own fault, but maybe it can be adressed nevertheless:

    After using the ingame voicechat (I know, I belong to an endangered species), I often struggle to ban Heroes because the circumflex (which is the standard assignment) will appear in the search bar. This may be an inherent problem, but would it be possible to overrite this saved information at the beginning of a new search?


    I'm not sure I understand what is happening. Are you saying that search terms don't include the circumflex in the names you are searching for? And for whom?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    The carbot sprays for specific Heroes are hard to find using the search bar. Not sure which tags are used there, but I always end up scrolling through everything.

    It would be helpful if you tell me terms that you are searching for and where. For example, when I search for specific heroes or even the word carbot these show up for me. If you get a chance let me know.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    In some places, yes. But not in Collection -> Portraits or Emojis

    Are you using any version of the client other than the English version? Can you give me examples of specific assets not working the way you expect?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Two things that should probably work:

    Gnome - Chromie

    Alexei - Stukov

    Your wish is my command.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    I would love to be able to search for skins/mounts based on the realm they are from, just like Gnuless organized them on the Nexus Compendium. For example to search Mistharbor for the Bottleship and Shipwrecker Hogger, Luxoria for the Magic Carpet and Desert Queen Zagara, etc.

    It already works for some items, but is inconsistent.

    Calling out specific items really helps track these down. Thanks for the call outs!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    By store I assume you mean the in game shop with skins and mounts and such?

    One thing for me is searching seasonal skins can sometimes be a challenge.

    For Example, the last Fall event was "Craft Wars" and all of the skins found in those chests have a flag that says "Found in Craft Wars Loot Chests" However I cannot use the term "Craft Wars" to locate any of them.

    It can be hit or miss. Searching the term "Winter" will bring up several of the skins found during the Winter events (Or with Winter in their name like Winter Veil Jaina). The Toys versions of Stitches, Dehaka, and Valeera all appear, but Mephesto and Qhira do not, as another example.

    Basically, I am trying to search by seasons (Especially current seasons to make sure I have everything I want before they go away for a year) and am often unable to find them easily.

    Understandable. The Craft Wars problem is easier solved than Winter or RL Seasons. Knowing that CW is missing from search results helps me out. We'll do our best to include a searchable term for the event in the future. Thanks!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Rarely actually! Here's a few search terms that are missing some results though:

    "gnoll" doesnt show Hogger, "mage" only shows Kael'thas, "nexus" only brings up Qhira and finally the Regal Tiger and Tamed Ravasaur mounts aren't showing up when using the search term "ranked".

    Speaking of ranked reward mounts I believe that there are some slight visual errors regarding the Quillbear mount; there seems to be an issue with some of the planes of the "teeth" of its helmet, right next to the mount's mouth, when looking at it at any angle besides straight up. Kinda hard to describe, here is an image where i highlighted the area. Also parts of the helmet are moving very organically, as if they were following a breathing pattern.

    Those are great search terms!

    Also the visual bug on the Quillbear will be fixed in the next major patch. Thanks for the heads up!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Have trouble with the funny u in lucio

    does the regular u work for you?

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    I wish there was a a tag system visible.

    Ganker, soak, clear, camps, burst, sustain, cc etc

    This is actually the kind of suggestion I'm looking for. Thanks!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    I have missed banning "Diablo" so many times by searching him in Hero Select it's insane.

    Why? Because every Diablo Hero shows up, and often Diablo himself isn't in the top results.. Please put the actual Hero "Diablo" as the top priority for that search!

    However, I recently did learn that searching "red" finds Diablo, and only Diablo (despite there being many other red Heroes, like Valeera).. except, I never remember to do this on the spot. I only learned that by looking through datamined files.

    This one has been on our list for awhile and is a heavier lift than it would seem. It's good that there are other options though in those intense moments it can be harder to shift gears. Thanks for the reminder.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    I’m not sure if it’s related but sometimes i have difficulties to ban some heroes because of localization. For example if i wanna search gazlowe to ban him, i can’t search him by his original name (“gazlowe”) but only by some adjectives or by his italian name (“sparachiodi”).
    Some heroes’ names differs by only one added/missing/different character. Can we have the english (original) name be present anyway in every localization?

    I can ask our Localization team if this is possible. Cool idea.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    Only kind of tangentially related, but something that commonly bothers me is when I search for in the store, the default tab is the featured tab, so the search by default searches there. It'd be nice if when searching in the featured tab, it would include the hero tab.

    Also, alphabetical sorting seems a bit weird, here's an example of the first page in skins sorted by alphabetical, I wouldn't expect to see the Nephalem skins there, but would expect stuff like Angelic Valla and the like. I think that's because the sortnames for that stuff is things like 1SonyaVar2

    I do recall someone mentioning to me that some newer skins lack the additional search text, but I don't know which skins in particular.

    Good request and also... that Alphabetical sorting does seem to need some love. Thanks for the report!

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Source)

    /u/Blizz_KinaBREW hey Brew! Just to make sure this is not lost on notifications, I hope at least the mount colors may be of some use! There is also a second part of it with skins and heroes suggestions on a second reply!

    Started to go through them but there's a lot to do here. Some of them are perceptual which makes it a call one way or another. Putting these search terms in takes time because of how it is set up and there are higher priority search terms. I may get to them. I may not. I'll do my best.

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