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Hello /r/heroesofthestorm. We’re here for trouble, make that double. Cho'gall Q&A

Happy virus spreading, all!

Cho'gall Spotlight
Cho'gall Trailer

Yesterday, our first dual hero hit the Nexus, Cho'gall. We'd like to answer your questions about this incredibly different hero and we've brought in two of our in-house Cho'gall experts to do so. Two heads are always better than one, right? Ok, the jokes are ogre now.

We’ll be answering your questions for approximately 1.5 hours, starting at 2:30 p.m. PST (1.5 hours from this post). Attending today will be:

Please feel free to start posting your questions below!

Edit 1 (2:28 p.m. PST): The devs are digging through questions, should see some answers popping up soon!
Edit 2 (2:41 p.m. PST): Q&A is underway. Here's proof!
Edit 3 (4:00 p.m. PST): Thank you all for your time. Its always a joy spending time with the community and answering your questions. We'll see you next time!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)


    Hi there! So I'm not on the balance team, but I will try to answer this as best as I can!

    So Focused Attack on Zeratul was simply too strong, in terms of how much immediate, un-interact-able burst it gave Zeratul. He'd roll up, blink in, and with a single Basic Attack from Cloak, do too much damage, that you as the opponent had no response too.

    So instead we wanted to create a replacement talent that required a little more work for Zeratul to get that bonus, but allowed the other player to react, and thus the Master Warp Blade talent.

    Might I also suggest Bakery's earlier post here:

    as he did a pretty good job at explaining similar concepts!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Funniest playtest experience? Loved it when you did those hero insight blogs on the heroes website, hope you bring them back, especially for these quirky characters!

    So I shared this at Blizzcon, but it's one of my favorite stories.

    One day I was assigned to play three Cho'gall games in a row, and the fourth on some other "one-headed Hero".

    And that fourth game loaded up, we spawned in, and I ran to my gate. I pressed my Push-to-Talk button on my voice program, getting ready to talk with my other head, when I realized I didn't have another head!!!!

  • Matt MacNeil

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    So this was internally debated for a while! We were asking ourselves if we wanted to "swap the legs" or not between the players.

    We were talking about it, and realized there would be some hiccups in doing that. If we let you swap, we would want it to be something that you do for a great gameplay reason, and that the other players will want to know who they are fighting with as you move. But the way the character looks, this one "humanoid" body that has two heads, doesn't do justice to expressing which head would be moving the body. We'd rather do that for a hero whose look would better express which player is "driving"!

    But, after trying the fixed-Driver/Gunner loadout, we realized there was a lot of fun in that! One of the pleasant surprises in that is that it still has a long-tail mastery growth for both players, particularly in the Communication department. I feel the best Cho'gall players will be those that are "Drift Compatible" ;-)

    I'm actually SUPER interested to see if those really competitive Cho'gall players start to specialize amongst themselves: of the pair, is one always the Cho, the other always the Gall? Probably?! Who knows!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Who came up with the hilarious horse-carrying mount mechanic?

    that would be our Lead Character Artist, Phill Gonzales!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Now that Artanis is released, we have 3 Protoss fighting in the Nexus! Any plans for making a portrait for leveling them all up to 10?

    i love all those multi-achievement portraits!!

    i'll forward this on to our art team and see what they think!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I have noticed that sometimes Cho's Q ability can be triggered twice consecutively, is that intended or a bug?

    hey thanks for the callout! That would be a bug!

    would you mind posting this to here:

    that way our guys can take a look at it!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Cho'Gall high five combo emote when

    sounds cool!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Has any Heroes gone up,or down, in power, more so than other Heroes, due to the scaling changes that you can see internally?

    I would personally be shocked if NO heroes changed as a result of this massive shift to the entire system.

    But, we are very confident with these changes (we've been playtesting them internally now for over 3 months), but, as we always do, we will definitely be monitoring and making future adjustments down the road as we continue!! :-D

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    How come there are only three talents per level for Cho and Gall? My initial feeling is there aren't that many ways to build either of them. Is that intended or are you planning on adding more talents?

    Hi there!

    So this one is nuanced...

    In designing Cho'gall, we wanted to make sure we weren't making "two-heads that can do everything!" So for starters, we wanted to limit what Cho and Gall could do, so they weren't a utility box of mechanics that had everything you could want in two heroes.

    Further, we didn't want to have a lot of repeat mechanics on the two heads, and we didn't want to use any "Generic" talents on them (so that our balance designers could later on easily adjust a specific talent on each of them if they needed to buff/nerf anything in the future).

    And in looking at all of this, we realized that if we tried to jam in a 4th talent on each tier for the heads, it would not be as stellar as having 3 solid talents.

    We believe 3 choices at each tier still offers a lot of choice, and different gameplay feelings based on what kind of build you do.

    We are, of course, very open to talent feedback on our two-headed friend :-)

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    What happens if one head disconnects?

    I cry.

    But really...a part of my soul dies.

    Okay, but seriously, the AI takes over. Taking over Gall is easy-peasy, nice-and-breezy, that bot ain't gonna miss no skillshots.

    Taking over Cho on the other hand, is a bit less pure happy fun time. Thankfully, your other head can reconnect, and we are hoping you know this person (we do require a party for Quick Match, and in Hero League...well, be careful out there!!). But if he is gone forever, and you do have a bot for your Cho, he does listen to your pings more than other players. You can also have another player Ping your Cho's body to 'leash' him to them, so you're at least being brought to the team fights.

    This isn't the best of implementations, however, and we are working on further ways to improve this!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Anything is possible!

    "No, that way!"

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Hey guys!

    So we didn't really say hello at the beginning, but my name's Kent-Erik "Centaurik" Hagman, one of the Hero designers on the team who worked on Cho'gall's design!

    I'm joined here today with John "Johnzee" Hodgson, our lead technical designer! You can also find us elsewhere on the web! John can be found on Twitter @BlizzJohnzee, and I am there as well @Centaurik.

    We'll be trying to answer all that we can in the time frame and want to say thank you for coming out to ask us questions!

    One of the things we'll be doing with Cho'gall in the future is continuing to polish up Quality of Life (QoL) fixes for our favorite two-headed friend!

    We've already had some great suggestions in this thread (such as letting Gall see Cho's Healing Fountain Cooldown), but if you guys have anymore, I'd love to hear them and compile them all for us here internally!

    Again, thank you guys so much!!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Do you have any plans to allow Gall to see the cooldown on Cho'Gall's moonwell?

    i think this is awesome. will fix!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Are there any current plans for a Super Cho'Gall skin in the future?

    That pose he makes with Surging Fist would look so great with a cape flapping behind him.

    Also, Cho'Gall is so much fun and probably one of the best additions to this game so far! I love them!

    LOL that art!!

    Forwarded on to our art team!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    With Cho'Gall you introduced what is sort of a "reverse Lost Vikings," where instead of one player controlling three weaker heroes, you have two players controlling a single, stronger one.

    Is there a possibility that you could do something like a "reverse Murky," so instead of being weaker than other heroes, having a shorter death timer, and granting less experience, the hero is stronger than everyone else, at the expense of a longer death timer and extra experience granted on death?

    I like the way you think!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Hey guys! There are several "combo" icons available in the game that are rewarded for hitting level 10 with a combination of heroes (for example with Chen and Lili), what do you think about such an icon for Cho and Gall? their separate icons only feature one head, and the combo icon could feature both heads, to let us show our dedication to the hero as a whole :D

    that sounds wicked sick! I will forward it on to our UI and Art team :-)

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Yesterday, our first dual hero hit the Nexus

    So when is number two?

    "The queen mustn't know!"

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    From a purely speculative standpoint how do you think this hero will effect competitive (e-sports) and how was the competitive scene kept in mind when designing Chogall?

    I have no idea ;-)

    But really, the high-level players continually surprise us with what they are able to pull off (Murkathur C9 DK G2!), and who knows what will happen with Cho'gall! That being said, we have balanced the character that we believe he is certainly viable.

    He requires a radical shift in thought, however, in how you approach the game, and that is what will take a while for everyone to fully wrap their single-head around.

    I will say this: Like other counter-pickable Heroes (looking at you Nova, ETC, Chen!) if you want to play Cho'gall competitively, I advise you try to pick him near the end of the draft sequence, to limit your opponent's ability to counterpick against you with an Anub'arak, Leoric, etc.

    But not ETC. you know, the other etc...


  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Spyrian said to ask this here. Do you think structures need a health buff?

    it could be a possibility! It could also be they're okay!! It's a completely different direction for the game!

    The scaling changes have only been live for just over 24 hours for us now, and we will definitely be monitoring all the data as it comes in :-)

    and please keep providing the feedback! we're very interested how you all like it as you play with it more!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Between Abathur, Rexxar, Cho'Gall, TLV, and Murky (to name some of the highlights), I think it's safe to say HotS hasn't been afraid to try and implement some fairly crazy / unconventional ideas for heroes and see if they can be made to work well.

    I am curious, though, about the ones that never see the light of day. Any potential heroes that came up in brainstorming earlier in development, but got written off as simply too crazy?

    Oh, there's a ton of ideas there! But it's never a question of "is this TOO crazy?" and all a question of, "but will it actually be fun to play?"

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)


    Was the decision to have both Cho and Gall not rely on mana because two players having to manage two mana bars be too difficult? ie. their mana consumption rates would never be equal and therefore limit the potential of the hero as far as coordination is concerned.

    There were a few reasons for this!

    One, because it's technically a single unit, they'd either be sharing this mana, or only one head would be using it. (At first, it was "well obviously Gall would use the mana, Cho the health!). But then we realized it would lead to some icky situations where Gall would really want Cho to go get him some mana so he could...well play the game! But Cho would be dead set on getting them to the team fight or something, and we wanted to remove any gameplay-friction points between the two people! We love the fantasy of the two-headed ogre fighting itself, but we wanted to hit that aesthetically and not with gameplay ;-)

    Also, it made it a lot easier presentation wise to other players. If both heads had their own mana bar, that's a second extra blue bar under that nameplate, which starts to get hard to parse in the heat of combat, and questionable in its usefulness.

    Instead we found we were able to hit all the things we wanted to with just making him cooldown based!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Thanks for doing this Q&A, and were there any scrapped Cho'Gall abilities?

    There were a TON!

    I went through so many different abilities, as we realized only certain things worked well with the driver/gunner relationship that we have!

    The biggest continual re-working was actually the Rune Bomb! We loved the idea of the combo ability, and for a while blowing up Cho's Rune Bomb was done via Gall's Shadowflame.

    However, because Gall wants to use Shadowflame on-cooldown, it became really hard to coordinate with your second head "hey i'm throwing the bomb out" "wait! Q is on cooldown" and then they miss the window to blow it up! Or, because the Bomb (for a while) was actually a circular orbiting path, requiring Gall to hit it as it passed by, he'd miss hitting it (sometimes because Cho took him away from it!!)

    So eventually we settled on simply making Gall's [E] button be the detonation for the bomb, as that proved to be enough as-is to add to the Gall's player mental-bandwidth (due to the 3/6s cooldowns on Q/W for Gall)!

    Also the Heroics!! Gall himself had two completely functional heroics that weren't these two at first! There was a ball he could "leave his body" to control, that would zap people between it and Cho's body, and...shoot there was something else, but I've forgotten! But we put them in, we playtested them both for about a week or and realized they were falling short! :-(. But thankfully, Shadow Bolt Volley and Twisting Nether were already papered up as backup ideas that I was already excited about, and after slotting them in, they both felt super natural (ha!) for Gall!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Once you decided that you wanted to have a hero controlled by two players, did you immediately decide that you would have the "one driver+one riding shotgun" control scheme you have now or did you consider different control schemes first? If so what were they and why did you choose the current scheme over the alternative schemes?

    So this was internally debated for a while! We were asking ourselves if we wanted to "swap the legs" or not between the players.

    We were talking about it, and realized there would be some hiccups in doing that. If we let you swap, we would want it to be something that you do for a great gameplay reason, and that the other players will want to know who they are fighting with as you move. But the way the character looks, this one "humanoid" body that has two heads, doesn't do justice to expressing which head would be moving the body. We'd rather do that for a hero whose look would better express which player is "driving"!

    But, after trying the fixed-Driver/Gunner loadout, we realized there was a lot of fun in that! One of the pleasant surprises in that is that it still has a long-tail mastery growth for both players, particularly in the Communication department. I feel the best Cho'gall players will be those that are "Drift Compatible" ;-)

    I'm actually SUPER interested to see if those really competitive Cho'gall players start to specialize amongst themselves: of the pair, is one always the Cho, the other always the Gall? Probably?! Who knows!!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Are there any other "odd" Hero concepts being worked on? I understand they may not see the light of day, but I'd like to know more about nontraditional Hero design.

    Like this community idea for Mengsk as an opposite-of-Abathur who doesn't attack either (slapathur doesn't count) but is constantly on the front lines rather than back in base.

    Uh oh!!! Don't let Johnzee see that Mengsk concept!! John has an unusual fascination with this ruthless dictator, and will stop at nothing to continually suggest to us we add him asap!!

    That being said, we definitely are always challenging ourselves, asking what other "whackadoo" Heroes we could add to the game. And while we've done Heroes that don't really die (Murky, Leoric), and Heroes that don't leave the base (Abathur), and now a multi-player controlled Hero (Cho'gall), we don't want to limit ourselves to those methods of doing something crazy!!

    We absolutely love reading these fan concepts from you guys, and are glad to see you guys have the same passion for the game we do!

  • Centaurik

    Posted 8 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    I need to know who came up with giving part of both names, because I need to give him a great big hug, I've had so many good name in the past few days with my friends including but not limited to. The'Boss, Lim'aboo, Wee'wood, Wee'Boss, and Wee'nman. Edit: I forgot Nudge too, I have so much fun nudging Cho.

    well you can thank our UI/Online Engineers and Designers! They wanted to do as much as possible to hit that two-headed fantasy!
