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Hello /r/HeroesoftheStorm. Our in-house experts are here to answer your questions regarding Machines of War.

Patch Notes
Alarak Spotlight
Braxis Holdout

Machines of War has begun and we want to make sure all of your questions regarding the event is answered, before you dive into the Nexus. We’ve brought in a number of the experts who worked on Machines of War and they’re itching to share this patch with you at home. Feel free to ask questions about the recent changes to the game, your favorite heroes, Battlegrounds, skins, and more!

For today’s Q&A, we’ll have the following developers in attendance:

Please feel free to start posting your questions below! We’ll be starting at 01:00 PM PDT (Roughly 4.5 hours from this posting).

As a reminder: There will be questions posted by CMs from non-English speaking regions. If you'd like to see these questions answered, feel free to upvote them for more visibility.

  • KinaBREW

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    I wasn't aware of the artwork getting removed, I'll look into this. Might be a bug?

    I have checked it for myself now. They were removed from one of the lower graphic quality option settings in the game. I usually run the game on a custom setting (maximum texture quality, low graphic quality) so my notebook won't get over 40° when I powergame for 3-5 hours.

    I guess they were simply removed on the lower settings. I can see them now on Ultra.

    This. Those cool art pieces on Tychus's shoulder are using a Decal texture. Per Low graphic settings this material feature is removed for performance reasons. Decals should be visible on Medium settings or higher. There are other assets that use Decals in the game. Another one you might notice is our new Raider Rexxar skin. There are some cool Decals on Misha's armor.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    How soon will we be blessed by Voice Comms and the ability to really appreciate HotS as the team synergy game it is?! :) :) :)

    A lot of excited and some impatient mumblings in the community about this.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a time frame I can give but voice chat is definitely on our list. I've personally been using the voice chat alpha which has worked great. It'd be great to get that built into the game interface.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Is the uncertainty from the soft mmr reset tied to the first days of the season, or the first matches played that season?

    That is to say, for example, is the uncertainty increased for the first 10 games of the season or first 10 days of the season? (numbers are hypothetical)

    It's the first matches you play after we increase uncertainty for you at the start of the season.

    If you were at minimum uncertainty before the increase, it takes somewhere around 70 games for the increase to go back to the minimum but the effect from the increase diminishes with each game so most of the effect happens during your placement games.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Will you also implement the ability to have a post game lobby chat? At least for the duration of the MVP awards, if not open until all members leave?

    You can currently chat with your team during the MVP presentation. I'd like to extend this to the score screen as well at some point.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Hey Travis sorry I'm late, (from NZ) but I'd love to touch on The Lost Vikings and MVP. You mentioned they have special case work and I'd have assumed that to be the case and it must be hard to get it working right. I love love LOVE the lost vikings and are my most played hero, I was wondering how they do in fact get MVP i'm sure you cannot give specifics but i'm still curious as after playing a lot of vikings since the update and having a lot of success, I have never gotten MVP however I do get into the voting screen and get voted more often than not. here is one example. Just to clairfiy, I don't really care about getting MVP personally, but I do passionately care that TLV do stand a fair chance to get MVP against other heroes. In that game you can see deaths are 0, siege is siginficantly higher, soak is almost near perfect while also doing significant flanks with Play Again, collecting seeds and creating a lot of pressure. Using this game as an example, I'd say those stats are a lot better than the usual Viking games by me or other players and because of that, not getting MVP makes me feel like the bar for TLV to get MVP is too high, or that other players damage tanked for example (muradin got MVP with 1 death and 51k damage tanked) is weighed higher than vikings contribution. Can you explain more about TLV and MVP and if there is anything planned to tweak MVP for weird heroes such as TLV, Abathur and Murky? If you do not reply I understand this is late for the post but I'd really appreciate it.

    The TLV one is a fun problem. The MVP formula takes into account the time you spend dead during a match as a negative modifier. The median time spent dead for TLV, though, is 0% of the match since its very rare that all 3 of the little guys are down at the same time.

    That was causing them to get MVP far more than they should have, so we had to adjust things elsewhere in the formula to compensate.

    Once MVP has been live for a bit more, we'll have enough data to see how its performing and if TLV is under performing, I'll adjust things accordingly.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    you're playing to win


    That is a beautiful Abathur.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Thanks for the answer, but I'm saying the exact opposite. If I see my team has a duo on it, and the other team does not, I know we are more likely to lose due to the average MMR being so much higher on the other team.

    In other words, it feels like you actually give parties too much weight.

    Ahh, sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. We usually get feedback the other direction: that being solo vs. a group means you're at a disadvantage.

    Either way, statistically, there's no significant difference in win rate with all solos vs. group.

    That doesn't mean there's not a problem even if there's just a perception of unfairness. Perception can affect a lot of things and its worth figuring out if there's a way to make things feel fair (even if they're already fair). Matching like party comps vs. each other would do that, but I don't think its worth doing at the cost of actually making matchmaking worse.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    I got the same placement(Gold 4) as I was last season. And I even did well(7-3), was kinda looking forward to being rewarded. :/

    The game seems pretty certain to me.

    Yeah, sound like you're a pretty solid Gold 4, though probably high in the Gold 4 band after those placement games.

    FWIW, with how much we boost uncertainty at the start of a season, your MMR moves about 2x as much as it would if you had minimum uncertainty.

    There's a bunch of variables here too. Your MMR (and rank) adjustment depends on who you were playing against and whether you were expected to win or not. The order of the placement games also matters. Because uncertainly lowers over time, winning 7 and then losing 3 has a larger positive impact than losing 3 and then winning 7.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Why not cap it at Plat 3 ? instead of D3 ? D3 seems like really high on my opinion.

    It's a balance. We want to not place people directly into Master, but we want the cap high enough that a minimal number of players are hitting it so rank is accurate for most players.

    D3 felt like a good balance point where its high, but far enough away from Master that it still takes a little effort to get there.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    I think he's saying it's already in, you just have to get enough votes.

    Exactly. It's already there, but it takes a lot of votes to get. You need votes from both teams for the full fanfare.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    judging by that it's safe to assume that if someone made a great damage tassadar build that got a lot of kills it could not get the MVP based on the supposed role he should be playing, right?

    Not necessarily. The formulas don't literally include role as a condition. They are just balanced to ensure each role is equally represented.

    So, if you take a hero in a particular role and through talent selection and sheer raw skill play them in a way that fulfills another role at a high level (like a warrior going full DPS), you could definitely show up as MVP.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    How about making HL solo queue only?

    2+3 vs 2+3 could be a thing too (but not in HL), but 2+2+1 should not, and 4s should also not exist of course. 5v5 is TL then.

    We're discussing taking one of the future seasons and trying solo HL and 2/3/5 TL as an experiment to see how it does.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Have two suggestions for you:

    1. At the end of game/MVP screen, please allow us to skip.

    2. During the draft, is there a way you can indicate whether or not our team has teammates that are grouped? We can only see it on the loading screen and personally, I think it's helpful when communicating at the draft.

    Thank you!

    The ability to skip MVP is coming. We'll probably also extend the time you have on the second part of the presentation at the same time since you can opt out whenever you want at that point.

    Good suggestion on the party members in draft. I'll pass that along.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    I know this is an old topic, but I'd like to ask a question about matchmaking.

    Have you considered giving another look at how teams are balanced? In the general case, that is, v, I think it does pretty good, as with any other mirrored configuration: v for instance.

    However, as soon as one team has more groupings on one side or the other, I can Usually tell you how the game is going to go in the loading screen. In a v 2.2.1, the is going to win the majority of games. It feels like, at least to me, that mm is weighting groups a little too heavily.

    Hi EightsOfClubs,

    This is one of those really interesting problems. From a statistical perspective, we already account for parties vs. non-parties in matchmaking and there’s no statistically significant difference in win rate whether you’re playing solo vs. a team with a party or not.

    …but it doesn’t feel that way when you’re in the game as a full solo team and lose against a team with a party in it.

    We could add more rules to matchmaking to try to force more mirrored configuration, but there’s a cost there. More rules means it’s harder to make matches and it either increases the queue time or degrades the quality of the matches it can make in the amount of time it has.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    This question is probably directed to /u/BlizzTravis.

    I finished last season with a massive loosing streak, and went from 2000 Master to Diamond 3. After that, it seems like my MMR didn't really change that much because I was still constantly banning over Diamond 1 or even Master players, and got Personal rank adjustment of +37. So the system has been placing me in matches where it assumed I would play a lot better than my team, which might no longer have been the case (had a short break from heroes). Why is MMR adjusting so much slower than rank, I really would have had no problem in just playing usual Diamond 3 games, but it feels weird to be in Diamond 3 when you are still valued as Master - and also makes climbing actually harder, because +37 rank adjustment isn't even that much, if you can't get above 50% winrate because the system is giving you harder matches because of internal MMR. Personally, I feel like the Overwatch system is much better because it actually shows a rating and this rating isn't just always adjusted by +-200 - you get more adjustment in the first games (like MMR) and less once you played a lot of games.

    Also, why can't you be placed above Diamond 3? The placement matches are supposed to feel more valuable, but as a Master player it feels much more like they are the least important games because you get to Diamond 3 no matter what and if your internal MMR is lower you at least get easier games and if the internal MMR is higher you get rank adjustment... There are even people who argue the best way to get to master is to loose the placement matches...

    Great questions, Simsala91. Let me see if I can shine some light on things.

    So, MMR’s only use is for matchmaking. It’s purely intended as a reflection of skill that the system can use to try to ensure you’re always getting competitive matches. Once established, MMR doesn’t change quickly because, in general, skill doesn’t change quickly. Streaks happen, both lucky and unlucky ones, but a short streak doesn’t necessarily mean the player’s actual skill has changed much so we don’t want to suddenly start matching you against weaker or stronger players. If a streak continues, that speaks more to the skill change and MMR catches up, but it’s a relatively slow process.

    That all said, there’s an “uncertainty” factor that goes along with MMR which is a kind of control that limits how fast MMR can adjust. When you’re first starting out or getting into a new game mode, the system doesn’t have a lot of historical data to use so your uncertainty is high and your MMR can move rapidly. As you play more games, a solid pattern emerges, the system gets more certain about your MMR rating, and the rate at which MMR can move slows down. One of the things we’re doing with each new competitive season is artificially increasing uncertainty so MMR is able to move more rapidly during placement games. That artificial boost decays over time, per normal, but it makes the early games in a season mean more to your MMR. There’s a balance we have to be careful with there, though. For every player who goes on a win streak early on, another one is on a loss streak and their MMRs are both moving more rapidly than normal.

    Rank Points, on the other hand, are intended as a reward system. They’re loosely tied to MMR (which is where the personal adjustment you see comes into play) since we don’t want people to be in vastly different tiers than what they should be from a skill perspective, but Rank Points are free to move rapidly during streaks.

    We have a lot of internal discussions about displaying MMR and the pros and cons there. There’s obviously a demand from the higher level players for it.

    For the Diamond 3 cap, it’s because we wanted Master to be earned, not something you can just place directly into. During development, we didn’t have that cap in place and it felt really weird for people to get out of placement games directly into Master.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Is there anything more we as a community can do to help up voice chat's priority on the list? (I can only imagine it's a long list so whee it falls is important to everybody. :)

    I and a lot of others think it would really change the game experience and would love HotS devs to appreciate the level of our anticipation! :)

    Nah, though thanks for offering. :)

    We're well award of how important it is to the community and the game. Team League, in particular, is a much better experience with voice comms, IMO.

    And yeah...its always a giant list of things that we need/want to do. Prioritizing it is one of the most challenging parts of the job.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Thanks for doing this - it's really cool to see some community questions answered by the dev team.

    Now, onto a few questions, cause hey, it's fun to ask.

    With the addition of Braxis Holdout into the game, we see another two lane map - this two lane map features middle-gate defensive towers and globe spawners above & below top and bottom lane, respective, Has there been any debate for similar conventions for other battlegrounds, like bottom lane BHB gaining a globe spawner, or middle gate on BoE gaining defenses?

    Additionally, I know this isn't a question you can likely ask due to how involved that it is, but there was a rather sizeable gap in time between Towers of Doom and Braxis Holdout - Is this something that we can expect in the future for other Battlegrounds, or just something that happened due to the additional development time put aside for Arena battlegrounds?

    Alarak feels really awesome to play, and something I feel really makes the talents more impactful is the heavily featured trade-off component - was Alarak's Sadism trait something intended from the start, or did it come up midway through his development?

    Lately I've felt like the balance team has been hitting it out of park, but something that slightly bothers me is that it sometimes feels as though there are still tiers on newly released heroes that feature one sole choice, one shining example of this being Medivh with his Master's Touch talent. With the Butcher rework, we see his trait reworked to feature a quest that heavily increases his power - Is there a chance this is something the balance team is investigating for must-pick talents?

    I don't really know if this is something I can direct towards you, as it's sort of a weird question that's not directly tied to anything, so systems makes the most sense, but of late I've taken to linking to a discord link when playing in draft modes - would it be at all possible to allow these links to be clicked on, with a pop-up to display "Will open in external browser, don't click links you don't recognise"? I think it would make for a good in-between whilst internal voice-chat is added to the game, and it would also be useful in many other scenarios.

    We want a hero that can summon infernals, you guys want a hero that can summon infernals, but don't want to have too many summon-capable heroes. Why not give Nazeebo a Legendary skin with Infernal replacing Gargantuan, Imps replacing Toads, and whatever else fits.

    And lastly, a few questions that I know have been asked before.
    I've just reached level 20 with Medivh - if this is anything like the other level 20 hero I've reached, I'll sort of feel less inclined to play him as I'll be "wasting" experience. Are there any plans to add in additional levels or goals post-20 hero level?
    More gold skin mounts when? I've got 58k sitting here after purchasing Alarak with gold, and having bought all of the Master skins I want barring the one for Valla.
    Emote Wheel? All-chat in Team League? Fanart Skin contests? These would be cool.

    Hey Spazzo965!

    RE: Discord links in-game. It's unlikely to happen. As you note, links that lead to external sources, especially ones we don't control, open up "fun" security issues.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Post-game commendations are a great addition that helps in enabling and encouraging positive communication between players. Will there be more? Are you discussing it? Are there ideas?

    Have you considered allowing players to highlight other players not only for their play, not only for that one game, but for their leadership/friendliness/Positivity, in a way that left a lasting impact on their profile..?

    Meeting friendly people in random games is what builds community, and it is also these friendships that keeps the game going. However, negativity fueld by egotistical and cynical feelings constantly threaten making the general tone harder, making people stay quiet in chat, or strictly cynically defensive in their replies, or begin muting all chat at first opportunity. Or even making people quit the game!

    ... So, why not do more to empower and reward positivity?!?

    We have other awards in development to help highlight other facets of play. I don’t want to get into details since they could change, but if folks have ideas for awards they’d like to see, we’d love to hear them.

    I’m a big proponent of positive reinforcement. Actively encouraging positive behavior can be really powerful. The challenge is finding a way to do that is meaningful enough that people actually use it without being gameable in a negative way. MVP is a small step in that direction.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Question from 네풋치, 바지락과홍합 in Korea:

    I’m extremely satisfied with the addition of MVP system! However, I’ve also felt that the effects for the system are a bit too subtle and are not enough to fully convey the feeling of being commended, so it would be great if the game provides dance animations or voice lines from the most commended Hero, and a special voice line from Battleground announcers that praises the player who reached certain amount of commendations.

    Get enough upvotes and you'll see something along those lines. :)

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    Hey guys, thanks for doing this AMA! It's always nice when devs let the community pick their brains.

    My first question centers on the MVP system. I like the addition, I think it's a good way to ensure that people from both teams are recognized for their quality play during the game, win or lose. But to me, it feels like it's a little disconnected from the rest of the game. There's no way to see your MVP or other Commendations, Epics, or Legendaries on your profile once the MVP screen is gone, and you don't really get any kind of reward for being recognized, other than showing up on the screen with a special banner for a few seconds. Was there any kind of discussion internally about giving people gold or XP bumps if they got MVP, Commendations, or enough upvotes from the other players? Can we expect improvements in this regard in the future? Are you guys looking at ways of recognizing players who consistently get MVP or Commendations outside of the screen? As an example, letting them view their awards on their profile, or maybe making special profile pictures that you unlock by getting enough awards?

    My second question is about hero roles. As far as I know, the 4 main roles have been basically the same since the game was in Alpha, though there seems to be a lot of variation within those roles (Sonya is a very different kind of Warrior than Chen, for example). What purpose do the hero roles serve in the game currently? Are they geared towards new players, letting them see what a hero is meant to do at a glance? Or do they inform your balance decisions? Do you have goals to achieve a sort of parity between heroes in a given role (each Support can solo-heal, as an example), or would you prefer to see heroes in a given role serve different purposes in different situations? Is there a point when the hero roster gets big enough that the 4 main roles won't cut it anymore? If so, would we see additional roles added to the game (Bruiser, Mage, Buffer, etc.) or will we see roles removed entirely?

    Thanks in advance for your answers! Love the game, you guys are doing a great job!

    For MVP:

    Viewing your commendations: we’d like to get all the commendations you’ve earned visible in your profile. I don’t have a time frame for when you’ll see that, but it’s something we plan to do.

    Tying rewards to commendations: we talked about that internally during development. We decided against it as we don’t want to put too much emphasis on the end of match rewards. There’s the potential that it could skew in-game behavior in a negative way if people play specifically to earn awards. MVP itself I’m not overly concerned about since the way it’s built, if you’re playing to get MVP, you’re playing to win, but the secondary awards are specific enough that I could see issues there.

    It’s possible we revisit that in the future after the system has been live for a while and we’ve seen the impact, but right now we don’t have plans to add additional rewards there.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    When you were designing the MVP system, how much did you allow the concern of "We need to make sure that every role has an equal chance to get MVP" to override the concern of "We need to make sure that the MVP goes to the most impactful player every match"?

    For MVP itself, the core formula was built to ensure each role has as equal representation as possible. Beyond that, though, the system is just looking for the most impactful player across the game. With the exception of a few heroes that are so different we had to do some special case work to account for them (such as TLV), we just let the heroes perform as they do and the results come out accordingly. If one hero is more effective than another against a particular comp or on a particular battlefield, the same would be true of MVP as well just by the nature of it.

    For the other awards, those are more geared toward specific types of play so there’s less concern about ensuring every role has an equal chance at them. It was more about making sure there are enough rewards representing the roles.
