
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

The best streamer/content creator you are not watching: CavalierGuest

I've tuned into this guys stream for a long time because his stream has lots of good qualities. He is very educational, easy to listen to, interacts with chat, etc. etc.

He has also recently started creating written content and guides and I wanted to highlight what he does to hopefully get him some additional exposure and let the community be aware of what a great resource he is.

Here is a list of some of the things he has done/does:

  1. Tank Guide:

  2. Drafting Guide:

  3. Arthas Guide:

  4. Muradin Guide:

  5. Tyrael Guide:

  6. Anub'arak Guide:

  7. ETC Guide:

Here are some of the things he does on his Stream, which is located at :

  1. Thrown Game Thursdays - Replay analysis of a game or two submitted by the community to him, also does Throws with the Pros where he analyzes pro game replays.

  2. Educational Scrims Saturdays - He and high-level players act as "coaches" in-game during pickup games to help people develop their skill, understanding, and decision making. Anyone can join.

  3. Chair League: He streams and casts Chair League games. If you don't know, Chair League is a HOTs league that features all skill levels of teams from casual to pros.

  4. Panda Pro League: I believe he has also recently started casting Panda Pro League games.

  5. Patch note reviews: He will spend HOURS painstakingly going over patch notes and discussing with viewers. One of my favorite things.

If you like the even-keel informative and analytical casting style of JHowe, you will LOVE CavalierGuests'' casting as well.

I am sure I am missing some other things, like the Tyrael discussion from today, but he is definitely worth checking out.

  • Loesby

    Posted 8 years ago (Source)

    I've been having a lot of fun watching CavalierGuest and Halorin cast Chair League this week. Two thumbs way up for Socrates :)
