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Can we get penalties for leaving Unranked Draft lobbies?

This happens all the time. Something like half of all lobbies are canceled and you are thrown to the back of the queue.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    While I would never suggest any system to force roles being filled, maybe the team can discuss the Overwatch-esque "suggestions" such as "your team is missing a support" somehow during the draft. Personally (as I had mentioned in other posts in here) the reason I have to dodge so much is people completely ignoring a "draft" and just ignoring any team comp. I know it's a human problem and not a problem with the game, but any sort of gentle nudge in the direction would be nice. Either that or maybe a slight gold/xp boost to people on support/tank.

    I mentioned this at BlizzCon, but one thing I'd like to do is let players choose a role when queuing for draft modes and then display their preferred role to the rest of the team to help coordinate drafts.

    Maybe even go so far as using that information when doing matchmaking to help spread role preference across the team, but that would be another thing matchmaking needs to account for, which could increase queue times. Have to be careful there.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    if you want to fix something fix the pick on heroes can kick you out of the game if you pick fast 6-10 heroes it will auto-kick why that was not fix?????????? has been the bug sense the rank started

    We're working on that too.

    When you switch quickly between heroes/skins, it can put strain on your computer to load up the models and textures. If you do this quickly and frequently enough, you can push things beyond the capability of your computer and cause the crash. We have to find a balance where things still feel responsive, but you can't push your computer past its limits.

    In the meantime, if this is happening to you, you can avoid it by just taking a moment between choices.

  • BlizzTravis

    Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    While people who dodge drafts, or otherwise leave games, do get tossed into the leaver queue, Unranked Draft specifically still sees this behavior more than we'd like. We're looking into additional ways to discourage the behavior.
